My gf is 1/8th black

My gf is 1/8th black.
Grandmom is half black.
WxB WxW > WbxW WxW > White
If you give your mullato childern a perfect upbringing they will not become black and 9/10 merry another white person.
Result: White genome won for 90%
If your still ignorant and anti white genocide you must stop being a basement stormer.

She has the London look.


Most Americans by this point are mixed to some degree. My grandmother was part Sioux Native American, but everyone since has been white. So my family all looks white as far as skin tone.


That means there is a new: pretty much white race since you cannot call them black or asian anymore.

A chick with a gap between her teeth


Fuck off, no one cares.

It is or at least was a fashion related thing a while back that became a meme. It was fetishizing on Brits who have naturally gappy teeth.

But I think it looks good on your gf.

Very funny if after a few generations the mother receives a surprise nigger.

If you trace back far enough all of us have black ancestors ya dumb faggot. Or are you some candycane creationist too?

It's "marry" not "merry"

Maybe there was still enough nigger blood in your mut girlfriend to actually transfer some of that famous nigger intelligence to your stupid ass.

It will. These things manifest eventually, i think the number is every 13 generations.

It's called the black woman look

>maybe you can contract genetics from mouth kissing
Yeah isn't he such a retard?

Nigger blood finds a way

every human on the planet is mixed, racial purity is a myth. Your ancestors fucked neanderthals and didn't get much pickier in successive generations


True, but for the most part historically most people stayed within their own races. So the USA and the modern world in general are treading new waters in racial mixing on a large scale.

I don't really mind it, I know most of Sup Forums is racial purity Pol yards though.

I meant pol-tard. I am mobile typing now because I'm pooping.

Except that's not actually true, other than what was necessary due to geographic barriers. The ancient world was much more hung up on culture than race.

Any noods? She is qt

ITT : basement stormer