Be me

>be me
>I am a cat
>see unoccupied lap
>decide to occupy lap
>soft, warm, cuddly
>let loose with a mighty yawn
>use sharp claws to dig three inches deep into lap
>decide lap isn't comfy enough
>go outside
>come inside
>go outside
>come inside

I like cats

Holy shit checked


>cat blesses you with quads

Meow meow meow

>shit-tier meow

The Goddess Bastet has blessed you with quads this day. For one night, she will protect you and your children from all manner of evil, both physical and spiritual.
Feed a stray cat tomorrow in thanks for her blessing.

my sister and her cat

>polish on her cat's claws

its not polish those are plastic claws protectors


Fucking nips.

Cat rekt thread

You better fucking not.
I will find you

Im a cat, come on, DO IT

But I am a cat too.
I am not sure if I can find you just by scent alone...

shut up you fucking human, stop pretending, i know cats can't write, what do you think i am, a fucking dog?

You are a moose

I'm moose the moosey.. I'm autistic!

it's cat nail sheath