Vitamin D deficiency - a sign of islamophobia

A muslim girl in Sweden was told by a Swedish doctor that the reason for her sickness and vitamin D deficiency was caused by her hijab and covering clothes.

>What can be done about the islamophobic sun condition in northern countries?
>How can countries in the northern hemisphere make sure that the sunlight here is as strong as in the middle east as to accommodate different cultures and their clothing of choice?
>Is the sun and the doctor racist?


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not getting proper sunlight helps keep the women in check.

Even Nature realises these subhumans dont belong here.


Come on man, we all know that sunlight is a social construct. The question is how can we fix this islamophobic sun?

you should encourage them wearing hijabs then Gustav

By sending the Sun muslim refugees it worked for Sweden

Speaking of the sky, it wouldn't surprise me that if the sweden democrats say that the sky is blue then the left/leftparty will bring forward a proposal to have it say in the constitution that the sky is red.

Say no to racist radiation!

I am so happy to be alive right now. All the pain of SJW is washing away.

Hello. My name is Schlomostein Cohenberg. I represent the good people at Stein & Stein pharmaceuticals. I am willing to offer 6 gorrilian units of Vitamin D tablets per year at the cost of the Swedish taxpayer. I take it we have a deal?

No, Australia, don't! Don't ruin it for me so soon!

some people are just stupid.
that girl is one of them.
and you swede cucks babied them too much.

I can't wait until you fucking barbarians finally go too far and set off a nuke in some city, so we have an excuse to fucking exterminate you down to the last fucking mud hut.


That's New Zealand, retard. All you had to do was hover over the flag... Or even look at the picture you posted and see it's different.




>not wanting Muslims to use their traditional dress

I like my Muslims in uniforms. That way you can spot em.

> super 'murican animu girl with german machinegun....
sounds legit....

>red stars

Burger please

>falling for the bait this hard

>American bikini

>implying they aren't largely the same
The only difference is the ratio of sheep to people.

"spoils of war" perhaps?

Couldn't she just stop complain and take vitamins instead?

I was at a carboot sale, it was boiling hot and there was one of those silly moslem twats all dressed up with just an eyeslit to see through.

Shouldn't be allowed, this is England not bloody Arabia.

But it doesn't have that wholesome American propaganda feel to it. She should be dual wielding Thompsons and have a cigar hanging from her lips with a set of dogtags between her tits.

>implying germans have those weapons today

guarantee most of the remaining examples sit in US armories/collections

>all the robed refugee women get rickets
>forces even more non-robed refugee men onto swedish women
kek europe. best of luck, I'll be sipping my margarita next to my wall.

Here you go neighbour

Near the end of the interview she says something about "blablablah CAPITALISTIC ideology" and the undertitles read "I refuse to waste my life on the DEMOCRATIC ideology".

With blatant mistranslations like that I wonder what parts of the subtitles are even correct.

Swedish retardation is a threat to our national security.

Please end them before they end us.

>the islamaphobic sun condition
are we calling the sun a racist now?
this is why the universe hates us

>worship moon god
>get rekt by sun god

Swedes being like

In the up coming race war rickets will be our greatest ally.

The solution is simple: We puncture the top of the jihad... I mean hijab with a lead pellet travelling at high speeds. This will ensure that enough sunlight will reach the brain to permanently solve the vitamin D deficiency.

Just go to sunbeds like me.

I'm now at least an 8/10 (up from 6.5) since starting them. Just 10 minutes per week is enough for a healthy glow.

But yes... yes, they do. The Germans still manufacture and use an MG-42 variant chambered for NATO cartridges. It's called the MG-3, and was featured in a video of a German recruit shooting at make-belief niggers in the Bronx, which prompted the US to chimp out and get him fired in defense of their precious negroes.

Are you some sort of stealth libtard or something?

I remember reading that Muslims in Iceland have to use Arabic dawn and dusk for Ramadan otherwise they'd starve to death in the arctic circle. Further proving that Islam has no place outside of that desert.

Australia bringing the bantz as usual. God speed, you wanker, save the Queen

My thoughts exactly.

She can pack up her shit skin ass and move back to the dump that she ran out of and start her life over with her fellow mosque monkeys.

>actually using a tanning bed
I pretty much stay inside most of the day like a neet, yet I have an olive flavored farmer's tan

the sun be racist n shiet

also this proves race exists because this is the exact reason white people shed their nigger skin when they came to europe

I would mock the shit out of them for that

I'm organic white man with green eyes though. You're probably mixed race, sorry pal.

do you remember the end of The War of the Worlds ?
every xenos died because of something in the oxygen
there is hope for us

I remember when the first islamic astronaut went up (in a Western spacecraft, of course) and seriously asked the mullah's if he had to pray five times for every rotation around the Earth.

Islam starts looking retarded the moment it steps one sandaled, unwashed foot out of the desert. A big part of some of its rules revolve around rules for washing yourself before prayer, and the exemptions for when there's no water nearby.

Islam is the most retarded religion on the planet, and it's high time we enlightened Westerners stopped respecting it. It's insane how much respect we afford this overtly crazy ideology. It's the number one reason I wish for the destruction of the left in all its forms. If the commies just saw fit to continue with their "opiate of the masses" shit and stuck to socialised healthcare and equal rights, I wouldn't have nearly the problem with them that I have to day. But because of their devotion to this desert cult, I would go to extreme lengths to eradicate their ideology.

>tfw brown hair and brown eyes but milk white skin

Glorious. Truly, there are some of you northerners that are deserving of God Emperor Trump's love.

I am enjoying this.

Thank You Based Sun God.

Honestly, Islam isn't that much of a problem. The west managed for centuries to survive and push off Islam. What brought us here is really communism and other forms of Marxism that thread all people and ideologies as equal.

Also you don't have to go out of the desert to see how retarded they are. You can step in and see. All rich Arab nations were built by Chinese labour by western engineers and even recently the Saudi king or prince set up a fund to eventually buy up big companies like Google or Facebook and make them move to Arabia and not rely on oil so much (or for when it'll run out), so yet again they rest on western ingenuity and wealth creation to live their extravagant lifestyle.

But still, it'd be nice to see its people destroyed. Not the art or artefacts though, those do have some archeological value.


Well, some of the things she said at the end about modern western culture are actually true. Even if Islam is bad, the modern western values are not the values are ancestors died for. It's product of Cultural Marxism in the Post-war West.

By god. Everything she says is right.

our ancestors*

you say that but I cant even grasp how you cannot drink for nearly an entire day in that desert heat without dying

I'm sure the human can, I'd bet it has some adverse effect on IQ though, especially if you do it regularly. But it probably takes low IQ people to do it to begin with.

In their middle eastern deserts they get much more sun so hijab isnt as damaging
Here in the northern lattitudes we are forced to use special UV light lamps to substitute sun

I got a pair of green eyes too bong user, with blonde, red/brown hair on my face. I just live somewhere where I'm in the sun enough to have tanned. Even if that amount of time is less than an hour a day.

>stress leads to the youth joining gangs

All the problems of the west come from propping up idiocy - if we massively restricted welfare and universal healthcare we would force people into objectivity and not subjectivity and denial of the real world.

You couldn't choose to keep dressing in a hijab if the state didnt artifically make sure you got vitamin D and osteomalacia treatment.

You couldn't keep sleeping around if you had to pay for std treatment. Couldn't drink/smoke/eat too much for the same reasons.

Nor could you have children irresponsibly and breed like crazy if it was on you to raise each one without child support.

You consume water at night, minimise water loss and stay out of the sun at its peak. Aside from the Shai-Hulud and the stillsuits Dune isn't a bad guide to it.

>Islam starts looking retarded the moment it steps one sandaled, unwashed foot out of the desert.
This. Mo was supposed to be the last prophet of Allah and had access to the divine ruler of all creation, but was unaware that the sun ruses and sets at different times across the planet. He also gets a lot of basic shit wrong about the way things work, which if Allah was handing him crib notes you wouldn't expect.

'merica @ his finest

Plus, while I remember, the truth about Ramadan is that loads of muslims cheat on the down low. I'm not condemning them for it, loads of people give up stupid shit they don't miss for Lent, it just helps to explain it.

Yeah, why would anyone go to Sweden with all the hardcore gangs and stuff.

He's right though. Could also be because she is naturally more tanned than Europeans, while eating a European diet. Europeans got lighter skin because our diets lacked vitamin D so we made up for it by developing light skin allowing us to absorb it easier. I am swedish myself, if that's any relevant, and I knew a guy who was from Ethiopia who developed literally manboobs. Why? Vitamin D defiency apparently. Sweden is a very dark country 50% of the time. No surprise his testosterone plummeted when his dark skin couldn't absorb any of the vitamin D.

>Sweden is a very dark country 50% of the time.
And the percentage keeps rising constantly.

Who gives a fuck about her vitamin D deficiency? Did you actually watch the whole video? The stupid bitch is demanding gender segregation in classrooms and shitting on democratic values and secularism. Sharia law is coming to Sweden very soon.


This here's the video for you


>The sun is racist

So we've gone from worshiping it for providing all to condemning it for everything evil.

Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant mothers has been linked to autism. Looking forward to all the black auts' kids.

>guarantee most of the remaining examples sit in US armories/collections

No they don't, I handled MG 74 (austrian version of MG 3/42) a few years back when I was in the army.

Vitamin D and Calcium are linked. You need the other for the other to work. Its mutual. The thing is Europeans got their source of Calcium from milk and cheese which is hard for non whites barring some african tribes to digest. Unless the EU makes multivitamins free then you will see a huge deal of non whites with health problems. In the US blacks have the highest rate of heart disease because of diet and their dark skin cant absorb the the lack of sun in the northern latitudes. I've heard vitamin D deficiency causes autism so i guess that may explain why they do incredibly stupid shit in the northern states and act like assholes compared to the blacks from the deep south who have better sun access.

really rustles my jimmys

let them cover up as much as they want to
the more they get sick the sooner they realize nothern countries aren't meant for sandniggers

Doesn't your country hand out free vitamin D tablets

or are those haram or something because expecting people to go out of their way to visit a pharmacy, then remembering to swallow a pill once a day, is racist?


My friend is a doctor here, and this is very common according to him.

Well what do they say?

I're in Palestine. They call them racist too?

Would Charleston, South Carolina be a good target for a nuclear false flag attack?

a ficki ficki doctor?

better start sending suicide bombers to the sun then eh

its not as bad in Europe and North America though because we get limited sun for majority of the year. I can't even explain how muslims can survive in Britain where its always cloudy even in the summer. Islam promotes alot of health problems from this to marrying your first cousin. I used to think the idea Muslims are a different race was stupid but Arab muslims compared to arab christians and jews are beginning to diverge to the inbreeding.

How thick are these fucking things ? I live in a basement and I don't have a Vitamin D deficiency.

Nope, they realize that their living conditions is the cause of this and some try to dress less while at home or in private areas. And some even wish to abandon hijab but can't due to traditional pressure. In matter fact this problem has been recorded for over a hundred years in women, I read a book about living conditions during Ottoman times and the author seem to have noticed that women health is worse due to their life in enclosed spaces all the time.

you are a NEET? well you are lighter skinned so even some light that enters through the windows helps and you must consume fortified foods or stuff like liver or cheese. Also whites have the ability to become completely pale when starved of sun so when they do see it again they absorb it very easily. Blacks and brown can't do this. Whites in the sense are like chameleons, we can change color to suit our environment.

vitamin d deficiency is easily treatable just take additional dietary supplements and continue on with your hijib

Glad the islamic reformation is coming along.

before all these islamist revolutions the Middle East was moving toward secularism but then we kind of fucked it all up because we wanted puppet states to fight the Soviets.

Vitamin D is best absorbed more efficiently through the skin then the stomach.

I work in biomedicine at a hospital, and ofcourse the mudslimes have the same problem here.
The difference being, that no one gives a shit about it.
The doctor prescripes weapons grade vitamin D ofcourse, but they can't get it covered by health insurance or get any aid to pay for it, since it's objectively their own fault.

Am I really late in noticing that the YouTube Channel Visit Brussels made their #CALLBRUSSELS video public again? Jesus Christ, just read the video description.

>This is further evidenced by numerous scientific studies. A study was undertaken in Dearborn, Michigan, the most-concentrated Arab-American settlement in the United States to assess the relationship between Vitamin D levels and Islamic dress choice in migrant Arab-American Muslim women. The average vitamin D level was found to be 4 ng/ml in veiled women who undertook no vitamin D supplementation and 7 ng/ml in women who wore the same style veil but chose to take supplements.[17] The threshold for rickets and osteomalacia risk is 8 ng/ml and below; clinical deficiency is considered as anything below 16 ng/ml.[18] This illustrates a very serious health risk for migrant Muslim women who immigrate to such countries and wear the burqa.

Even vitamin D tablets dont work as good as the sun.

It's complexion more than anything though.
Dark toned people need more vitamin D.
I have a very good italian friend, that has to take extra vitamin D during the winter
