Why is Antifa such a superior ideology?

Why is Antifa such a superior ideology?
And why does it trigger you so much?

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It's the Greek commie again

They want to destroy Germany and they promote race-mixing.

>anyone who doesn't agree with me is a fascist and I can beat them to death because I am tolerant

this is less an ideology and more an idiotology

They're bullies and thugs, nothing more nothing less.

let's get this party started:

-"laws don't stop criminals"
-"we have to have these bathroom laws!"

-"this is invasion of privacy!"
-"we have to know EVERYONE'S genitalia and force them to go in bathrooms accordingly"

-"they're such a small percentage of the population, it's forcing other people to change something that doesn't matter enough"
-"it's wrong to increase taxes on the ruling class/1% that control our government! corporate subsidies are just fine!"

-"what if a girl see's some man penis in a shower!"
-no one seems give a sh-- if a boy sees pre-op boobs and vagina

-"it makes people uncomfortable!"
-stalls have doors for privacy and locks for security

-"what about the safety of the women and children!"
-doesn't care about the safety of transgenders who are beaten for going in the bathroom they don't identify with

-"we hate the government and smaller government is good!"
-"hey suddenly we give a damn if obama is threatening to take federal money away!"

-"god made you a certain way!"
-all humans are born atheists. no one believes in god as a child until an adult tells them

Bruce Jenner identifies as a conservative. :)


Right because the right is so tolerant and non-violent amirite?

how do you figure that?
>if you hurt your enemies, they win!
we didnt start this, but we sure as hell gonna finish it

>superior ideology

Oy vey! You gullible Goys

They think they are anti-establishment outsiders when the truth is they are supported by the media

>all humans are born atheists

They're just a scruffy bunch of effeminate, middle-class white kids trying to be edgy rebels. Its comical more than anything.

Who are you arguing with?

show me one example
nice generalization there


ask a newborn what their religion is then come back to us with more shitposting



Nationalism is the enemy of the establishment. In this rotten system heading towards a one world government and total obliteration of sovereign nations, cultures, identities, differences and traditions; pride in one's own country and heritage is demonised and slandered. Nationalism's core ideals and values are against the interests of the greedy hypercapitalist financial élite that is enslaving us and wants America and Europe as a mixed, multiracial, multicultural, rootless and homogeneous HUMAN FARM of easily controllable consumers. Politicians are irrelevant, they are puppets of the banks and corporations, and thus act their part accordingly. Merkel is a prime example of sellout politician taking orders from the banks and corporations and actively and subtly destroying Europe and the Europeans.

A homeland is a fundamental human right. Non white immigration and race mixing deny whites our fundamental human right, and deny us the right to exist at all. Would you advocate your precious African nations becoming non-black? Should Mexico become non-Mexican? Should China become non-Chinese? No? Good! I'd appreciate the same consideration for white nations.


>An ideology

I guess books are too expensive in Debtland,.

>if you hurt a criminal, he wins!
>if you hurt a criminal, youre the criminal!

i think you missed something

Antifa = pussies. Video related.


>Nationalism is the enemy of the establishment
how far gone do you have to be to actually believe that? the establishment IS nationalism, what bizzaro world have you been living in?

They certainly won't say "there is no God". Atheism is a learned behaviour. These days generally learned via the media and education system (atheism is a cornerstone of Marxian thought after all).



But they don't break any laws and the police is on their side.

They're openly communist, and that's the main reason why I can never support them. I don't support fascists either, but if it came to communists vs fascists, and I was forced to take a position, I would side with the fascists.

>Being a fascist
>Being a pawn of the ruling class.

lmao, bluepills.

>people with different opinions than yours are criminals
>peaceful protesters are criminals

one of the worst posters on Sup Forums

no, we just value our life and we're not lunatic murderers like that guy

Strewth mate please don't hurt me! I promise i'll stop being a nazi!

If antifa means anti fascist.

Why don't they fight Islamic Clerical Fascism?

antifa is nothing but a bunch of faggot


”Nations whose nationalism is destroyed are subject to ruin.” ~ Muammar Al Gaddafi

Tolerance and Apathy are the Last Virtues of a Dying Society

u irl

more than the left is currenly

Wtf toothpaste-kun.

what the fuck? fascists dont break any laws? 95% are fucking cocked up bouncers or dickheads just looking for excuses to fight and disguise it as "le nationalism"

next youre gonna tell me fascism is the same thing as Buddhism

Nope what? It's true. People aren't born believing anything. That makes them atheist, which literally means non-believer.


I wouldn't say it triggers me, but I do have a problem with the fact that they're no better than fascists themselves.
"Don't agree with me 100%? I beat you with my friends." They're basically left wing bizarro jackboots. I hate fascism in all its shapes and forms, which includes pseudo-fascism that tries to dress itself up as something else.

>atheism is a learned behavior

you mean brainwashing children in to religion is a learned behavior.

If they break laws the police would arrest them you potato.

>he disagrees with someone
>therefore he is the polar opposite
>nuance doesn't exist
Stop thinking in false dichotomies, fag

but we do
there are no arabic people on our side who are muslim, theyre all atheist and wanna live just like the rest of us..we dont tolerate islamists despite what Sup Forums tells you

ITT: people willingly getting trolled by an unemployed greek

>fascists dont break any laws? 95% are fucking cocked up bouncers or dickheads just looking for excuses to fight and disguise it as "le nationalism"

>bouncers at bars are fascists we must stop this injustice

my sides

>In the second week of February 1972 at the compound, URA's chairman Tsuneo Mori and Nagata initiated a violent purge of the group's members. In the purge, Nagata and Mori directed the beating deaths of eight members and one non-member who happened to be present. Six other members were tied to trees outside, subsequently freezing to death in the extremely cold weather. Nagata especially targeted group members who, in her opinion, "took too much interest in relations with women and did not devote enough ardour to the revolution." A few were killed for "attempting to escape"; one member was killed for asking for some tissue paper while inside his sleeping bag, an act that Nagata apparently construed as having a sexual significance.[4]

leftists are so non-violent that they will beat their own members to death if they are suspected of masturbating

you're the one being apathetic

Then why does antifa always fight for muh rapefugees?

No, but fascists aren't exactly peaceful tolerant people that just happen to respectfully disagree with you.

When fascists have their demonstrations and you attack them, you are the criminal.

No, I mean brainwashing children into rejecting and hating their heritage and culture so it is easier to bring about a world without borders.

delete this thread you fucking braindead idiot
and for all of you retards that make fun of him for being greek, then you're equally retarded because he probably hates his own country anyways

are you serious? look up any clash in public between antifa and fascists..the fascists actually stand behind the police line and they attack from there alongside with the police


From a logical standpoint, the end result of anti-fascism is the end of western civilization and it's descent into a third world country by being swamped by migrants with well below average IQs. The end result of fascism is the preservation of culture, race, and way of life, therefore the advantage is clearly in the court of fascists, that said, almost any ideology other than yours will at least not destroy civilization as we know it, and is therefore superior.

Heritage and culture are what you have to be indoctrinated into following.

Kids aren't born nationalists.

Antifa is not an ideology.

It's a group of young idiots acting like fascists. Their strings are pulled by globalists.

because theyre people? and theyre fleeing a war the western nations brought on them? we havent had a single incident with them here, that should tell you something

why do people hate refugees who have been bombed who have no place to go? why don't countries stop bombing people and there won't be as many refugees. this wasn't a big problem before the recent wars.

there is nothing wrong with this
and how is GD fascist

You are nothing more than useful idiots for the elite.

I really want to beat this faggot

Atheist and not believing ANYTHING are polar opposites

Is antifa a European thing?

Pay debts please

>heritage and culture

bro. all religion dates back to paganism.

>How is GD fascist


>Kids aren't born nationalists.
They also aren't born as globalist atheist Fabians. Nationalism aligns far more with innate human behaviour than Marxian thought.

yeah naw, now you're just lying.



I think you'll find it's fascists who are useful idiots for the bourgeoisie.


What's wrong with being anti tranny/fag?

>man defends himself when hoard of people want to kill him

antifa dindu nuffin right. as shown clearly by the op pic.

>the end of western civilization

always with the fall of the roman empire over an over, huh? always blame the independent thinkers, never the corrupt leadership and their violent stooges

nice deflection
>now he's gonna claim GD is fascist
I guess their affection towards hitler and the junta are just for entertainment purposes amirite?

Greek commie what do you think of National Action?

>No, but fascists aren't exactly peaceful tolerant people that just happen to respectfully disagree with you.
[citation needed]

So are Anti-fascists.

We've come full circle. we've officially figured both these sides are brain dead fucking autists.

Racism wouldn't be an issue if ethnically homogeneous nations were not undermined by mass immigration. Racism is a symptom of the problem, the problem is multiculturalism and diversity. You can't get rid of the symptom or cover it up and expect the illness to be cured. Humans are tribal in nature.

Diversity inspires distrust between citizens of different cultures/races, as the newcomers do not assimilate, and tend to group together rather tribalistically. For as long as the culture does not assimilate, both the natives and the immigrants will continue to antagonize one another. This is where the term 'racism' comes from; it is effectively just in-group preference over out-groups.

Black people even now in the US still prefer one another over white people, even though they'd been there for at most 180 years or so.

If even after all that time they'd been having a hard time getting to work with the natives, then how the hell will it work anywhere else?

>Greece is a shithole thanks to 30 years of socialist overspending
>Refugees pouring in all of your islands and country
>Germany buys up everything for hilarious cheap prices
>Nationalism is le evil stop le loving your country, let's go beat up some skinhead losers while our country turns to rubble
ANTIFA are fucking hilarious.

thats between them
there hasnt been an incident where they attack any greeks..probably because we havent fucked up any of their countries

patently false. children share toys and play together. they don't fight about imaginary friends.

do you want to be the kid with the imaginary friend?

So you are against clerical fascism, by importing millions of muslims that promote clerical fascism under Islam.

Nice logic there you potato.

you think American "fascists" are for the current ruling class?


No, it literally means "not a theist" of you're going with prefixes. But, what it actually means is "anti-theist"

It isn't, nationalism is a relatively new thing.

Kids however have to be trained to respect private property, for it is a spook.

nobody did shit to him, they just looked at him funny and the asshole started STABBING

when was his life threatened?

but they dont

seems like a self defeating argument. the current german government are fascist. they just support kebabs not native germans

but they refuse to allow people to have free speech and throw dissidents into jail for simple asking "where the refugees would be put there is no more room"

the antifa shit is to try to hide how fascist liberals are

Countries not at war between germany and syria:


According to EU law a refugee is only a refugee if he stops at the first peace time country.

Not to mention most aren't from Syria, those that are from Syria are draft dodgers or Islamic rebels displaced by the gains made by the Syrian Army.

>children share toys and play together.
lol, haven't spent too much time around children have you?

>they don't fight about imaginary friends.
How do you know they're imaginary? Do you have objective peer-reviewed scientific evidence for this? Or are you just imagining they're imaginary?

>do you want to be the kid with the imaginary friend?
Nah, I wanna be like Hitler who believed he was doing God's work.

>the antifa shit is to try to hide how fascist liberals are
is there a cure for cognitive dissonance this great?

the wahabist strain of islam from the monarchy of saudi arabia was installed by the u.s.

if you welcome people, they will definitely not secularize

if you alienate muslims, they will not have secularized children.

if you bomb civilians, they will not like what the people who are doing the bombing represent. a majority of the people who die in war are civilians, who didn't even care until their family was killed.

if you want to make enemies, kill people's families. that's the #1 way to pick a fight.

The majority of people from the Middle East support Sharia Law, which is the installment of Clerical Fascism.