Fuck you america i hope the jihadists kill millions of you

fuck you america i hope the jihadists kill millions of you

Mm hmm. Yeah, thanks.


Lol their aint even millions of americans u stupid britfuck

How's your govt doing over there?

Yeah, ours is shit too.

At the end of the day we all just want to relax and chill after a long day of working to survive.

as much as possible then

Understandable, have a nice day.

poor middle classers

they're too busy fucking europe right now

haha bait

Theres like 1.5 millionamervans

You must be the life of the party.


allah will punish them

U heard me dickhead

usa дc oити пoпa ceжoкoи кaквo дc ce пpaви

we hate trump too

So edgy.

do you too masturbate to 9/11 footage?

روسيا اليوم

We care.

Checked n true

This now a Rob Weaver Thread he's very displeased!

Rob Weaver gonna rape younjihadist

Sand niggers will he destroyed. Rob Weaver was a CIA operative for the past 5 decades.

ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢﭣ ﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﭨ ﭩﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮ ﭯ

beware of GoodLife Trucking owned by Rob weasel Weave

this cOcksucker will not pay you

a run for Roadrunner he's known to rip off his drivers

good morning Rob Weaver with good life Trucking is a rip-off

I was awoking last night by some shuffling in the garage. I walked outside.... and suddenly an older gentleman turns around.... there he was, I knew suddenly as we locked eyes he could see the fear in them. Its was him the man everyone has been talking about for so long it was rob weaver. He tried to grab my hand, I suddenly pull away and run as fast as I can. Grass fluttering behind me, he was on to me. I managed to escape within an inch of my life... so

Am I going to do alright?

"the middle east" is not one country user

Dear op if you islamic religious do you gonna kill the innocent American people too?? Dont you read and understand what Allah said on quran what jihadists really like?? I know 20 century people say isis is Islamic jihadists they are fales followers of islamc believers that killing thousands innocents including Killing their own Islamic brothers and sisters, there's many types of jihadists not just going war and killing people, but jihadists also have other meaning helping poor people in the name of god etc, blowing yourself and killing innocents people around you.. You'll go into hell, 1) blowing yourself is killing yourself which its forbidden by allah 2) killing innocent also forbidden by allah

Pretty obvious I wasent hiding it Sherlock. Lol


good luck with that

>kill millions of you

only niggers please

add neocons please

Hey retard, over 99% of Americans have absolutely no say in what happens with the country and have zero power.


The b8 couldn’t be worse

sand niggers travel with flying carpets and jockey camels . 'Murica flies with carpet bombin' jets . good luck with that . GTFO Al Aziz

chezch 'em!


quiet pleb