Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

I won't be alive for much longer due to circumstances

What are some fun things I can do before I pass into the deep sleep known as death??

Write a will

Can I ask what exactly is happenings?

And I dunno, I suppose you can check that thread where this guy posts stuff to girls on tinder depending what we Sup ForumsAsgard tell him to say to them

Anal sex w Olivia Munn.

just stop dying lmaoo

Run for public office.
Die in public office.


I have no money or anything really to give anyone but that's not a bad idea

Grope every girl with rocking knockers.
Tell them you're dying.
Don't die because your alpha body will now take over.

Count your lucky stars

stream snipe ice poseidon


praise whatever god u worship you are getting outta here. I hope it's painless user. Maybe get some hookers for whatever fantasy u got left. I personally would be doing tons of drugs.

Fuck a raccoon

might as well smoke some cigarettes. You'll be dead before they kill you

Hire a horse to clean your house

This guys not wrong. This plus if you have close family or friends that you care about let them know.

Changed my mind. Fuck a porcupine. And let us see the results

Hows ur credit?
Buy a motorcycle! Best feeling in the world!
well maybe not the best...i hear heroin is alright

I heard your mom is pretty fun. Do her, almost everyone else has.

This guy isn't really wrong either. Tell your mom you love her, score heroin and attempt to pilot a motorcycle smacked on H. Bingo bango dead even faster in a super cool way

Tell why you're gonna die retard