Please help me Sup Forums I tried to impress a girl by telling her I make memes...

Please help me Sup Forums I tried to impress a girl by telling her I make memes. Give me only your very best original memes.

Thanks Sup Forumsros

Are you 13 or just plain autistic?

When your memes aren't supreme and you don't scream

both tbh

The rhyming thing is good. Makes you seem cool.

My meme are so spicy they'll make you treat me nicely!

These memes are so great we should go on a date


When you try and get out of the friendzone by using memes

send her a video of you in a fedora tipping it saying m'lady

ok user, i like this. this is great material. more please

Also autistic

Tits or gtfo


You are literally never even going to get into the same room as that vagina.

Jesus fucking Christ...

the only meme I made to ever become used enough I still see it posted believe it or not. Here you can claim you made it. Yeah theres a water mark the original file is on my desktop which is like 10 feet away, so its just easier to find on google

I'm not autistic, I'm just artistic

Tell her you can suck your own noodle but only if you wedge yourself in a doorframe whilst on a computer chair and wrapped in a leopard print blanlet


here ya go OP, I was I got drunk off my ass last week and started roleplaying as a girl on some chatsite, I made this picture after some autistic faggot told me to "keep them tittys under wraps" I used this picture as my profile the rest of the night, goodluck memeing your way to happiness you incredible retard

>YFW she'll never look at you like you're Chad thunder cock


No, chicks dig rhyming about memes. This kid is golden.



She likes the universe? tell her about how you can describe the molecular content of a planets atmosphere using spectrometry
trust me any talk of space will get ur dick wet

Just send her a picture of your dick faggot.

Tell her you can suck your own noodle but only if you wedge yourself in a doorframe on a computer chair wrapped up in a leopard print blanket


I'm sure she'll get a good laugh


Is this how fucking kids talk to eachother nowadays?

This has to be a troll thread

keked and cheked

Ok, it's a troll thread.





Underage faggot, ban him




here u go op

>my memes so supreme you'll let out a scream

My fucking sides holy shit


here try this

I stole this one. Good luck OP. I hope she wets your willy. Otherwise move on.


Help I cucked myself into a corner by bringing up memes on tinder. Pls help

>thinks meming is a legitimate seduction strategy
>asks /2chan for help
>my memes so supreme you'll let out a scream
you made me laugh out loud OP. thank you. you're one step from the attached image. gives off same kind of socially inept vibe. good luck to you though.



it's facebook not tinder, buddy. we don't all rely on tinder to talk to females ;)

side note: fuck all of you



fucking autist


You're 30 and trying to get laid with memes?

