Planning to end it, what can i over dose on that i can easily obtain?
Planning to end it, what can i over dose on that i can easily obtain?
Go skydiving, and never pull the chute, it will be beautiful.
My dick
would prolly panic alot
blames windows
windows updates are the root of all my problems
Stories. You can always find buildings with enough stories to kill you
yea i've had all my family overdose on weed
Nothing. They intentionally make pills so that you'll throw up b4 overdosing.
i've thought about that, just pref pills or something
so if i lay on my back and pass out ill choke
iuno how peaceful that sounds
if you try to od on almost any non-painkiller/non-benzo combo/otc medication you will almost definitely fail, it will be extremely painful, and you'll live but you'll permanently fuck up your liver.
the medications that would be super easy to peacefully od on you either have to buy illegally or be prescribed.
tl;dr this is a stupid idea.
ty for the input
dont do it bro
Honestly? Soy sauce. Down two or three bottles, die of sodium overdose.
no car
gr8 i love soy sauce if that actually works
Hypernatremia is dangerous because it causes the brain to lose water. When there is too much salt in the bloodstream, water moves out of the body tissues and into the blood by the process of osmosis, to try to equalize the salt concentration between the two. As water the leaves the brain, the organ can shrink and bleed.
this, get benzos prescribed
everybody and their mother is on benzos for "anxiety" these days
be sure to mix it with alcohol
woo thanks for the input
Actually your over the counter Tylenol can kill you. It'll be very painful, but doable. You just need to take more than 5 grams or more than 15 pills.
how would i go about getting them prescribed
Don't you have a car? Run a tube off the exhaust into the cab. Painless and easy
Get 2 cups of apple seeds and make a protein shake. Go under and you'll die painfully and slowly
just buy a fake gun, paint it black/take off the orange tip/etc. and go find cop somewhere. Ez way out plus you'll prolly get on the news so that's cool
no car, i would have done it that way if i did
But u only can do it once, dont be pussy and do it right
ive actually really wanted to do this, it sounds great and a fun way to go lol
If you can afford some kind of gas burner and a tent that would work too