Ape habbening

>brazil world cup in 21 days
>Dilma crisis intensifies
>favela gangs havent been neutralized, ISIS has presence in brazil
how will this turn out¿

>traveling to Brazil for any reason at all

no matter who wins you will still not be white

Don't forget about zika!

Still, Japan'll be bretty good.

goys love soccer
=DDD plus brazilian economic collapse

>Rio de Janeiro today
>Rocinha slum
>a shootout started
>5 hours of bullets and bombs, going to the sixth hour

>his Id is brown
>from Argentina

Brazil is now middle-East tier

>world cup
You mean the Olympics. Also, it will be shit, I don't understand why would someone ever set foot in Rio de Janegro.

>pink ld
Tejak gonna visit you,faggot
its what you get from a culture of promiscuity and Rumba
>also will dilma conflict get street violent¿

It will be fine, ISIS never ppans anything cool like a spy movie.

Oh, come on man. I spent a summer studying at IMPA in that crazy ass city. Would never ever live there, but that summer was kick ass. Rio is a unique city, would love to go back

Hueanon, how bad is hueland really?
I have a friend who's a professional athlete, and is busting his ass to get that Olympic norm, but the more I hear the news, the more I don't want him to go there at all.
Is it really that bad, or is it just the usual crime hyped up because of the games?

Be honest user, it's my childhood best buddy.

ISIS has presence in Brazil

Are the facilities for the games even completed?

I hope lots and lots of Brazilians and stupid globalist cucks die.

Lots of free tickets too. One thing though please bring lots of cash and gold chains. We are peaceful we won't take your shit, we won't rape your wife, and we won't murder you. We won't won't won't. Come see the games.

It's good if you're not poor

I'm not sure, but the completed ones are already falling apart.

>ISIS has presence in brazil

>ISIS has presence in brazil
confirmed, there has been some of them there for quite some time. I found three uhm 1,5-2 years ago.

Hope they got gassed, if they were not just infiltrators

>world cup in 21 days
so argies like to forget about that the world cup in brazil happened 2 years ago which they lost in the final to germany huh?

Why does everyone in Brazil wear swim trunks

of course there is, but local residents' may kill u before u get a chance to see any isis bomberman

You probably would, too, if you lived in Brazil.

cause its hot as balls and theres loads of water?