Should Sup Forums have its own con, dashcon was been killed...

Should Sup Forums have its own con, dashcon was been killed, should we gather all of the channers and Kekistani to gather and kek,meme, REEE, and real life shit posting.
would this be great idea or should just stay behind our computers.

we could even plan a Pepe will unite us, outside the con.

This is depressing to read

You people don't care about anonymoos you just want ree buddies. Sad what this board has become

it would more or less a gather like he will not divide us capture the flag. Hell if want to not known we could just just use masks.
And my REEEE buddies and i have been through High School together, life together. It would be a gathering at the very least to at least know we have some from of a bond, and a way to meet up get away from libtrads and normies, and just be around people like you.
You don't have to give names, you could even wear masks.

No stfu faggy ass op

Enjoy eating brownies baked with cum.

>get away from libtards
Then I would suggest a Sup Forums or /k/ meetup, bud. Enjoy your tribalism.

Hello friend! Looks like you've stumbled onto 4 Chan DOT com!
I do believe you are looking for RED DIT DOT COM which is more suitable for people like you!
Thanks for stopping by! Please close the door on the way out.

anonymous lost its way years ago when they became hacktivist and every kid started edging to V for vendetta
>this board is kill, may as well ree it

>And my REEEE buddies and i have been through High School together, life together.
No. You haven't. Thats the fucking point of Sup Forums. You don't know who anyone is from one thread to another without avatarfagging. You don't have "REEEE buddies" you have had strangers agree and or empathize.
>It would be a gathering at the very least to at least know we have some from of a bond
If your life is so fucking sad that you feel compelled to form an imaginary bond with a non-existent entity, then I pity you. My life's fucking depressing, but still mostly grounded in reality.

we had one.

Keked and checked, user.
Koala tee post.

you are not alone
this thread right here, it's the cancer in its purest form

it was stupid idea from an OP faggot.

>get away from normies
>wants to have a meet up
who's the normie here?

Yeah! Lets have a meet-up! rawr XD!!

Neck yourself you fucking neanderthal.

>No. You haven't. Thats the fucking point of Sup Forums. You don't know who anyone is from one thread to another without avatarfagging. You don't have "REEEE buddies" you have had strangers agree and or empathize.
i met them in high school in my class, we all talked found out we where filthy degenerates, we got along because everyone else took turns ripping on us. We hung out and stuck together through out High School

>I met a group of normies who discussed Sup Forums IRL in High School and that's the only friend group I've ever had
I somehow pity you even more.
And you're aggressively normie tier.

No. It would just be a bunch of neets and basement dwellers sitting around awkwardly, every now and again spouting an irrelevant meme to a paltry chuckle from those in earshot

I've been to a few cons and the smell from it was bad. I'm sure the stench from something like this would kill someone

we where outsiders, we talked about Sup Forums and Sup Forums a few times, but mostly about games, T.V shows no one liked. Talked about real things, not who was popular, or other pointless shit. But yeah pitty if you want, idc, we had fun we made more and more friends. It was my life , i loved it and had fun.

We'd all rape each other dude. I wouldn't ever meet anybody on this shit site in person.

Autismzo the thread

Dude I would rape your corpse


The last time Sup Forums had an Otakon panel, someone tried to walk through a crowd of Sup Forums-tards in a fursuit and got beaned in the head with a boombox. Now we're banned from Baltimore.


>Who the fuck would want to hang out with any of you sperglords.

Great idea user!

>we talked about Sup Forums
hmm, no wonder this site continues to get shittier and shittier

people can't take the heat, so they get the rage leave. And the fucking "girl" on the internet.

people aren't that stupid right?

>welcome to Sup Forums Sup Forums on the internet
idk you tell me


but there's already been a few gatherings, they've all failed...miserably.

Because it was a bunch of Sup Forumstards awkwardly shuffling around or because of all the rape?

Lol what b is but user
