Will serbs vote for new hitler?

will serbs vote for new hitler?

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Yes, serbs hate muzloms



I hope they do tomorrow

Yes, they will vote for Hofer.

And if you go back into the history of it all, you can see that Serbs have never really hated Austrians, it was always a fight against SJWs who support Muslims and anti-fas.

First in WW1
Then in WW2, Serbs fought against Hitler, but really just a pretend war, they really hated Russia more
Then later on, during kebab removal missions, America started bombing. Russia helped Serbia, but America was stronger.


The global fight for kebab removal will continue with Serbia, Russia and soon Austria doing the removals, while America says "we need to be nice to the kebabs."

Hofer is last chance for Europe. Make Austria great again!

Yes, my whole family, even those currently not living in austria are all going full Hofer.

if a new hitler wants to pop up somewhere in europe, please wait til trump is in office so we the good old US of A can finally help the correct side



then start operation remove kebap together

>implying your kike masters won't fuck our shit up again

Pls dont attack russia this time

I'd vote for him :^)

Austrian Serbs are the 2nd largest diaspora in Europe, I think they will vote for him desu

Serbian Diaspora here.
I talked to some fellow Serbs like me and they all vote Hofer, even the female ones.

Bosnians and other yugoslavian folk still holds the Position of "le evil Hofer Nazi" and will vote Van der Cuck or not at all.

Dont forget to vote Hofer, he needs every vote he can get.

even bosnians and yogos should vote for hofer, unless they want to get cukced by syrians and africans

He looks like a really friendly guy desu

Most of them still think that Hofer is against Yugos who already received the Austrian citizenship and believe that they will have to fear expulsion out of Austria themselves, even if they already have Jobs.

>Bosnians and other sub serbs
They just vote vdb because real serbs are voting Hofer. When does that childish shit stops and they will finaly accept that we are all serbs.

Isn't the other candidate a far-left nutjob

>Far left nutjob
>Please translate to dutch
And yes, if you consider marxist economists as nutjobs.

> tfw no serb qt to celebrate hofer's victory with

the other candidate is a "refugees welcome", "open the borders" faggot

sadly enough its about 50/50 who will win

I can't understand jack but he seems calm and composed, I'm guessing some white collar or entrepreneurish background.
Also really good with suits.
