Jon Venables
Anyone got the supposed current photos of him living his new identity?
Jon Venables
Anyone got the supposed current photos of him living his new identity?
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those two kids killed a 2 year old kid by torturing him in 1993, jon is a free person and living under a new identity today
No but the did nufin wrong. Jesus is the UK full of white niggers?
I'd love to beat that cunts head in with a claw hammer.
Not even joking if that was my child they did it to one if not both would die the same way. I may get caught before I could get the other one. Prison is a small price to get justice and to save a future child.
where was the story about supposed current photos?
try googling
ok i just looked up his story, the dudes been caught with drugs and childporn and gave away his real name twice and got ANOTHER new name, why the fuck isnt this dude back in prison?
try being less of a cunt
we could make it our mission b/ro's to find these pair of fucks and make their new details public
obviously the judges and anyone involved in his release are just as sick as him. thats the world we live in.
who these niggas?
I always wondered what would possess two kids to do this aye
he was going to move near me (northwest England) but a family member of mine released his post-surgery identity so he was relocated
How do you know that? / JonVenablesPics
forgot pic, idk if this is what my relative posted but this is what a google search comes up with
Wot surgery, is he a lass now?
how do I know what? that he'd move here? my relative has been active in anti-childabuse campaigning for a long time and had friends in local police etc.
>why the fuck isnt this dude back in prison?
He served his term I guess. I don't see how it's wrong.
I doubt it, just to rearrange his facial features etc I assume, nose job, that sort of stuff I guess
so they both have been released with new identities and faces?
how old would they be now?
surely we can find them with /pol's help?
>He served his term I guess. I don't see how it's wrong.
because he got caught high and with drugs and with child porn AFTER he got out, thats why, and repeat offenders usually get thrown back in a lot easier.
I worked with him for a couple of years (without knowing). He got caught because he mentioned to a friend that he couldn't get a drivers license. That friend then did some digging to try and figure out why someone wouldn't be able to get a drivers license and started to piece things together.
To be honest, they didn't do a very good job of hiding his identify. His last name was changed, but first and middle name were just reversed. Also, they didn't change his DOB.
When that friend asked him about it, he just disappeared the next day.
what location was this?
maybe he's still in that area?
That was in Warrington
not far from me, I was talking earlier about him moving in nearby, I'm in Sandbach
Wow. What was he like? Decent? Shifty? Odd?
Could you banter with him?
Never understood why these two are singled out by wannabe vigilantes. They were too young to know right from wrong when they killed their victim. Adult child-killers don't seem to get nearly so much attention. I blame the tabloids.
To be honest, he was pretty normal. He had a good sense of humour, had my back a couple of times on difficult shifts. Looking back, I did know very little about his growing up / family - but it's not like he knew much about mine either.
It makes me laugh looking at all the pictures on Google that are supposed to be him. They are all 'stereotypical' people you are meant to be scared of. Truth is if you passed him on the street you wouldn't think he was anything out of the ordinary.
If either were my child I'd put them down myself. Those fuckers never deserved a second chance, I don't give a fuck how young they were. No need to torture them, just take them out of this world.
and if one of them truly did get caught with child porn later, that only proves my point. He was let out and continued his ways as a sick fuck.
>internet tough guys
Learn to read. IF my child. That 2 year olds parents need to handle it. They didn't. I would. They knew what they was doing
Just telling it as it is.
Or he never got to go through a normal adolescence, so he never got past that state in his life. It was the other kid that initiated everything, etc. The CP guy just kinda went along with it.
Two literal kids torture a toddler and leave his broken body on a railway line
> zomg they are evil incarnate, kill them kill them with fire may they never see the sun again unless its used to burn their eyes out
English schoolgirl gets mixed up with a group of Pakis. Is murdered and her body is cut up and sold as kebab meat
> meh, shit happens
You Brits are weird
Fascinating. I assumed he was probably a normal enough bloke IRL. Strange to think that was over 20 years ago, he was so young too, I bet his memories of the event are now real fuzzy.
If they can do it then they can understand what they are doing, its not like a child playing with a grasshopper and killing it.
Sounds like bullshit to me. That wouldn't justify using some innocent kid for it anyway (I'm sure that's not what you're arguing).
>They knew what they was doing
They obviously didn't know what they were doing. In fact, they were too young to know.
>Abducted child
>smashed his skull in with a hunk of metal
>poured paint into his eye
>didn't know what they were doing
Bullshit. I've been 10 before and I just can't believe that they wouldn't understand simple concepts like 'you smash someone multiple times with a piece of metal, you're doing something bad'
I love snow and snowflakes. Next up he did nuffin and muslims are the religion of peace.
I remember a similar case a couple years later in Norway. Two boys killed a girl in much the same way. It was treated as 'sad, but no big deal'. The kids were given counselling and had to do a report on why what they did was wrong. Went back to school a couple weeks later and everything went back to normal.
I think I prefer the British response.
Yep, he was a normal enough bloke.
It does show you don't have a clue who anyone really is though. It shook up a lot of people who found out - made them think they couldn't trust anyone.
In reality though it is incredibly unlikely that you by chance work with one of a handful of people who have served a sentence for murder and been given a new identity.
link to that school girl article?
>If they can do it then they can understand what they are doing
The legal system disagrees. We have a different law for juveniles specifically because they're not as responsible as adults.
Would you have realised the full implications of that when you were 10? Hardly.
Your capacity for empathy isn't fully developed until adulthood (and sometimes not even then.) This is why kids pull the legs off spiders for fun - not because they're evil monsters, but because they can't put themselves in the spider's position.
But since they were all muslim, the police didn't want to persecute so they wouldn't seem racist.
An english boy criminal? What'd he do, not serve the kid tea? Think bad thoughts at him? I'm sure they gave him a stern talking to.
Buncha fucking slack pussies in England. More harmless than Canadians.
So he lives in Surrey.
Sorry dude, can't link it on my phone. Her name was Charlene Downes, was from Blackpool
I do totally understand what you're saying. When I was 10 I used to throw water balloons at my cat, for example, because it was fun - I didn't care that the cat hated it.
I can't extend that to people though. When I was 10 I knew full well that hurting people as a whole was wrong. Perhaps they just had something wrong with them, but I don't see that as a reason that they should be let off - they'd be equally as dangerous as someone doing it knowing full well what was wrong.
congratulatuons your country is considerably more fucked up and dangerous than the uk. you win.
Yay! we're like a dystopian cyberpunk book!
fckng immigrants
dunno why you'd be pleased about that m8e. by all means continue revelling in your shit if you wish though.
Aww. you're like america jr. Except instead of spicks and niggers you have polocks and ragheads.
No-one's saying they should be let off. Just saying they're less to blame than an adult who did something similar. For some reason the lager-swilling plebs in this country think they're a million times worse ...
can you say that but through mouthfuls of food and belching and you talking like you're from essex?
>saving a child by killing a child
Nice justice, faggot. That's plain revenge.
essex county, massachusetts? are they renowned for their excessive eating there?
after the "child" murders another child it stops being a child and becomes a murderer. this is known.
Naw. Essex england. They all talk like this:
I thought it stopped snowing but nope. They stopped being kids when they did what they did.
>why the fuck isnt this dude back in prison?
White privilege. Also checked.
Perhaps execution is justified, but torture doesn't just become justified because they're a murderer. Wanting to torture them is just lust for revenge, its not justice.
They called him nhoj?
Stop being islamaphobic. They are refugees they don't know the laws of this land so its ok, what are you racist?
it was an extremely violent crime,
they didnt accidently push a kid in front a train user comeon now
your trying to say that they didnt understand that they were brutality torturing and killing this small child?
they fucking planned it out ahead of times for gods sake, they were 10 not 4
Also, where were the parents?
>america jr
Canada looks sternly at you then apologizes and gives you maple syrup
That's vengeance not justice, and many people say that shit but when it comes down to it they wouldn't ever.
>incredibly unlikely that you by chance work with one of a handful of people who have served a sentence for murder and been given a new identity.
Next to impossible.
Kurwa, polocks are not so evil.
he says sweating profusely
Try reading what I said, not what you think I said.
>they're less to blame than an adult who did something similar
Regarding the Derby sex gang
>After legal proceedings were launched against them, Saddique and Liaqat grew long beards and adopted Islamic dress.[1]
Only by proximity. Between the fatties, UKIP, the EDL, brexit, the loads of illegals, and wave after wave of retarded decisions they've made lately, they're closet the the U.S. than Canada.
The UK is basically the U.S. but without guns. And even then, I'd say give it time before cops are wearing them because of the illegals.
>Also, where were the parents?
Probably at William Hill
I'm sorry. I apologise for being a white male. I don't understand the troubles these guys go through. Hopefully my government throws more money at them.
No, they're just piss stupid, take all the construction jobs and can't do the jobs well worth a damn.
Shhhh you're gonna blow my cover dude
I think all cops should have guns... You Britt's are seriously retarded.
Age doesn't matter for premeditated murder. I would slit their throats without a second guess. It would be atonement for their sins.
I'm american dunsky.
my 6 and 8 year old nephews were extremely disturbed when the 10ish fucked up kid in the neighborhood stepped on a baby bird that fell out of its nest. they told their parents and tried to avoid him after. now times that by HUMAN CHILD. kids that aren't fucked in the head might not know as much as an adult, but they know what fucked up behavior is
FFS just let me live peacefully, I served my time. Everyone does dumb stuff as a kid,m i just happened to do something dumber than most.
>excusing baby killers
Charge both the kids and the parents as adults, I'm sure we will start seeing a drop in senseless murder at the fault of both shitty people (the kids) and the parents for being shitty parents.
disagree. a murder is a murder plain and simple
a child of 10 is fully capable of understanding torture and murder is wrong to say otherwise is laughable at best.
its why in alot of cases they are able to be tried as adults in the states if the crime is horrendous enough.
i mean if we were talking about robbery, or just maybe torturing him its adifferent story, but your defending these murderers who did something alot of adult convicted felons wouldnt have the stomach to do.
their horrible and are every bit as much to blame as someone over 21 who did the same thing
would you give charels manson a pass if he was underage when he ordered that slaughter?
how about dylan and kleborn from columbine? do they get a pass because they were underage?
there is a limit of how much "being a child" can excuse you of. and these two went way over it
Most countries legit don't have a reason for their cops to carry guns ...
whats wrong with being from essex, compared to anywhere else in the UK you pompous cunt.
That's stupid. When I was a kid growing up in chicago, we used to eviscerate squirrels while they were still alive.Which I guess technically makes it vivisecting.
We used to do shit like spray homeless dudes with lighter fluid and flick matches at them until they ran, or beat the shit out the spastic kid from school.
Kids just do fucked up shit sometimes. Sometimes they go too far and someone gets hurt. Very rarely, they go too far and someone dies.
Gentelmens, we have an agreement in our civilised society. We dont kill kids as we dont fuck kids.
Nothin' mate , yanno you're well fit and the clever sort.
The best part is i'm from the states. A person from the US is looking down on some munterfucker from Essex.
no wonder chicago is such a crime ridden shithole
You see, this is why you never made the bench.
I have an iq of 133 so i am actually the clever sort.
Dont judge essex by how its portryaed on tv. There are normal people here just like im sure there are a lot of normal people in new jersey or atlanta.
Yew fackin' tell 'im m8. If 'e ever fackin' comes ter Romford we'll fackin' 'ave 'im, awwight?