You will never have a foregasm (frenulum orgasm)

>you will never have a foregasm (frenulum orgasm)
Remind me again why we cut off sexual erogenous tissue?

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It's not like your parents asked your permission, and it's not like the government will let you sue them.


That's not a thing.
>Proud frenulum owner

It is, though.

>Repeated stimulation of this structure will cause orgasm and ejaculation in some men.

You can also look up foregasm videos.

That's the problem. Men don't have a right to all their body parts. It's insanity and it makes me so angry.

there are pros and there are cons about being cut and not being cut why is there a war over something so stupid

Because it's a violation of basic human rights! I should be able to decide myself if I want to cut off a sexual erogenous body part! Circumcision without medical indication is genital mutilation, full stop.

I'm cut and I don't give a shit I was cut I can still masterbat I still feel pleasure I still cum

You don't know what mytiltion means

Not everyone feels that way. This is a poll of Sup Forums I took. The choice was taken away.

>Mutilate (verb): to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts

You just posted a baby's dick

They don't do it like that anymore is a clean and risk free

So what how they do it? It's genital mutilation. It disfigures and makes imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts.

Best I can do is spread education so this doesn't keep happening. Circumcision rates are plummeting and it's due to people like me spreading education and awareness. Makes me feel better if I can prevent circumcisions.

I'm cut. Not really unhappy about it. I look at uncut guys notice sometimes during penetration or masturbation.... just skin moving back and forth over the penis. No really friction going on... just loose skin moving back and forth. I like that my skin is taught over my penis when erect.

So long as you don't cut your kids I'm happy you're not unhappy.

I do have a boy. He's uncut.

Thanks, user. Little things like this really brighten my day.

I'm thinking about getting cut or at least a small surgery because I have phimosis..

I'm cut and I really don't care. It means I get blow jobs much more easily and I can still be a porn star someday as my cock shows ejaculations readily and doesn't frighten some people. I don't think I'd really like to get a any more pleasure out of sex as I have a hard time not passing out when I shoot off as it is.

Surgery is almost never necessary. Ask for steroidal cream and gently stretch it.

Already tried that, but there is a small surgical operation where they make two small cuts so that the opening of the foreskin is bigger or some shit

I assume your boy is young. One thing you should know, since you're cut, is the following:

>Physiologic phimosis, common in males 10 years of age and younger, is normal, and does not require intervention.

Unfortunately, some doctors try to take advantage of ignorant cut parents and recommend circumcision for childhood phimosis even though it's literally normal and healthy. All it takes is gentle stretching and the child grows out of it in 99% of cases.

Glad you tried that option. Sounds like you're a rare case of adult phimosis where surgery is actually warranted.

I had that as a kid and sometimes it takes stretching which aint so gentle

Haha, same, but I got it done in just a month. Once I got it over the ridge, the erection did the rest of the stretching. It hurt, but in a good way, since I knew the stretching was healthy on an instinctual level.

I have 2 boys. Both cut.