Am i passable? only hrt, considering getting surgery tho

am i passable? only hrt, considering getting surgery tho

Yes you make an excellent boy

I'd hit it

Hard to tell. Gonna need to see butthole to make a determination.

me and many other men would put our penises inside you because we're desperate and sad just like you

Jep would date

I wouldn't just fuck you, I'd cuddle and hold hands afterwards so yes

I would say yes.

Let's see some tits

Don't get the surgery. Those vaginas are an abomination

9/10 would take to dinner and then not have sex, just to wait for it

tits or gtfo

Tits or gtfo stupid cunt

Tits and boipucci pls

Timestamp faggot I don't believe that's you.

You're insecure and always will be, have fun having a shitty life and getting 0 respect from everyone you meet

You will die alone and miserable

Says the Sup Forumstard

very sexy

Post nudes ya fuckin fun dumpstwr

You are passable

also Sup Forums is full of unpleasant people not sure why are you asking here aside from anonymity

Are women now obsolete if traps look like this?

Very passable.

But don't cut off your dick pls.

still cute would date

I'd hit

OP is just baiting, that is an actual chick.

Same thread posted yesterday go home everyone

All except that bullshit you got stuck in your nose

>Same thread posted yesterday go home everyone

Three or four times yesterday.

yeah, that's what i thought, no trap can look so good

Yeah, I'd give you a go