Fuck you dog

Fuck you dog

No fuck you op, careful with that edge there junior.

>"eheh time to be edgy and cool"
>*posts disturbing video anonymously*
Go thrown that up on Normiebook, then you got a pair of balls. Otherwise you are just a faggot OP

what the fuck op?

Wow you russian shit posters are busy today. Did Vladimir promise you an extra liter of vodka?

Fag kys


i would fucking bury you like in GoodFellows

Hey OP, I'd love to do that to you. What's your address. ;)

Ok, i can buy the whole "pushing russian political agenda" shit posting is done by russians running bots. But why would the Ruskies give a shit about posting shovel dog?



I've read the story of OP's gif and it's hard to believe people could be so cruel and devoid of emotion.

From what I've heard, the dude was tired of having a dog and decided to kill it with a shovel to end its life. The guy who did it, I feel, is capable of murdering people and I hope he was caught and given jail time + psychiatric treatment.

someone else report this post please

its just a dog goddammit

you still grow emotionally attached to a dog. if you're capable of killing a pet, you could kill anybody.

hell, people tend to love their pets more than friends sometimes.

What the fuck happened to Sup Forums you guys are soft as baby shit

Pets yes, not dogs. when a dog bites the shit out of you, you hate them. watching videos doesnt mean i would abuse one -.-

>killing flies, but become a pussy if a dog is killed



Stop playing call of duty or counter strike or you will be a killer and terrorist

Inb4 edgelord

IP saved ....bye