Send gf/female friends snapchat. Watch their reaction as they receive micro penis

Send gf/female friends snapchat. Watch their reaction as they receive micro penis.



Keep updated on reply.

Will do

Still pending!

Who painted this? Colors are astonishing.

They are. I knew there would be someone that would appreciate this. It's not about the sc. it's the painting.


Sending now...


What no.

4/20 blaze it



Send my dude. What was the reaction lol

Some German guy it seems.


Sent! Pending acceptance..

Sent! What was the reaction lol

anything yet?

Blocked me. Did you get a reaction?

I'm the one studying reactions. You tell me.

ooh. interesting... Thank you OP.

Testing the bitch are ye.

Pretty much instant block. Nothing yet.

Aye. Moreso as an experiment.

Got it. Post some more my dudes

Sasha is mad lol

Won't send anything back don't bother