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Yeah you have too many fucking editors.

Eat each other, do it now

Shit, I was waiting for it. I hope they call them out on the lack of trannies too

What do I notice? A company that is going to fail.

top lel

We do not discriminate based on sex or race.
Please provide your sex and race in your application so we can make sure we arent discriminating.

The hydra is hungry, but has run out of food. Which head will it consume first?

Racist against black. Unbelievable! Report them.

And they better have someone with disability or they are ableist.

It's racism.

>mfw the left is literally eating itself


Well there's your reason right there.


Your lack of quality seems to be correlating to the amount of women in your business.

>No men.
>No trannies.
>Most ethnicities missing.
>Jews overrepresented.
Oh look it's a feminist circleshlick.

Oh thats why that rag turned to shit. Makes since. Nu Males dig it, no logic, uber butthurt ass shattered headlines lol. Hope these cunts commit suicide for Islam when Trump wins.

Room smells like Tuna.

That aside, why do these people go out of their way to try and act all cunty? They take huge steps in their lives (like not hiring half the population in a business for profit) to try and win arguments against imaginary opponents.


I love living in a society where women can openly celebrate not hiring men, but men who aren't even responsible for hiring lose their jobs if they don't work alongside enough females and niggers.

Racist, Sexist, Transphobic.

A disgusting display of matriarchy.

Explains a lot.

>Hire only women
>Pay them only 10% what you would pay a man
>They have no men to compare their wage to, so they can't complain or sue

And they do it with a smile


I bet on 6 years.
Any takers ?

that bitch has 457,000 tweets... and only 14,500 followers.

>no blacks, no transwomen, no chinks, no shitskins

uh, racist and sexist much?

>women run Huffpo

it all makes sense now

I hate women so much

>when productivity hits minus digits

Somebody has to keep the literate black population informed.

There are chinks, but they're all segregated to the back of the table in a little group. Diversity!

>race and gender doesn't matter, I mean c'mon it's 2016
>let us showcase our all-female editors meeting

Which is it? How is this board of people anymore diverse than the male dominated industries they have such a problem with?

> all female staff
> wonders why they are dying on their ass

>those comments


are there any noods of this Liz Heron woman?

I love when libs devour their own.

what was her actual point? that they all have mac book pros?

Jesus Christ. If you made a thousand "tweets" a day it would take you over a year to equal that. How the fuck can anyone text random shit that much?

Even Their Boardroom is white. Shameful

Wow... This really makes you think. Now I'm a #HillDog!

If she works for a web site her account is probably used to post every new story that gets published.

I bet all of the chairs came with red spots in the middle of the cushions.

They cant get work with legitimate news agencies

>Have 19 hours of spare time a day.
>Have no hobbies.
>Find Twitter.
>Now have 19 hours of Twitter a day.

oh my god she's right give that woman a job.

>and only 14,500 followers.
i have 90 and 1/2 of them are bots

How is this not sexist as well?

Can you imagine an entire chain of command in an office setting (or any setting for that matter) all cycling together at the same time of the month?

All white women? wow #HuffPostSoWhite

except the ones with black dildos



Those fuckers have no shame

I bet I made more shitposts in less time

I love that story. Women are way more judgemental, backstabbing and bitchy then men and still pretend how "civilized" and "compassionate" they are compared to men

Some people tweet everything they do, from taking a shit to eating lunch. I only abuse muslims, blacks, Australians and post pro-Trump material. The important stuff.

God damn women suck.

Buy more apple products you stupid fucking cunts.

Is that cake? Kek


Fucking mactards

Product placement and not a single physical piece of paper?
Which is disgusting

Adam Baldwin is a madman

Replies are pretty amusing.
Have any of these poor victimized women replied yet?

should be all BMWs and Teslas otherwise fully accurate

no men at all
no niggers (good thing)
all im saying is how the fuck is this ok?
if it was the other way around all men no women, there would be riots. how is this allowed? then i see hillary, and pope cuckus and realize this is a leftist world now. we allowed them to take over and now they are firmly entrenched everywhere and it will be impossible to root them all out.

seems like its all over. even with armed revolt i don't see anyway of fixing the communist russian backed leftist infiltration of the human race.

may Joe forgive us. we didn't listen. McCarthy was right all along.

Actually a noticeable lack of black, disabled lesbian employees. Come of Huffpost I thought you were progressive.

No one is wearing Hijabs, these woman should be stoned.


I love how they rub the double standards in our faces.



>"haha, look who came out of their cave!"

That diversity.

>Leftists pushing for everyone else to be enriched from their own safe, Apartheid-tier white bubbles

Stop the press

stop #twittershaming you shitlord

This is one giant temper tantrum when you think about it.

>Finnish "Equality Days" board members

The whole room must smell like a sea food restaurant.

Equality equals no white men.

lol baby Linsainty

Assuming this twitter account tweeted over the course of five years she still would be making a tweet every 3 minutes of her waking day without pause


I just don't get it, at a glance, "diversity" means, fill this place with brown skinned, brown haired, brown eyed people.

Where is the actually diversity? At my church (all white, thankfully) skin color ranges from pale white to bronzed, hair color ranges from flaxen to chestnut brown to black, eye color from blue to green to everything in between. That's fucking diverse.

finally, all these middle - upper class asian, mexican, indian and white women have jobs

this is EQUALITY

fuck off, black people.

Jesus, she looks fucking repulsing. Where the fuck is that from?

MTV SJW programming on Youtube

Well, I can't say I'm surprised.

>100% White women

So deverse



>I understand what you are trying to say.

Yeah, everyones sitting around a table smiling at the camera instead of doing their fucking jobs.

As a social anthropologist, I'm triggered right now. I can't make it past 2:30, since I have better things to do, but pro tip: as soon as someone says "but it's a social construct", every single thing they'll say next is probably retarded. EVERYTHING is a social construct, from race to the notion of the passage of time, and even mathematics. Claiming that "b-but it's a social construct" automatically means you can throw it away, is the laziest goddamn thing you can do in social sciences.

I notice that there's a lot of click bait emotionally driven articles that come out of there.

I also don't see much happening in the way of productive business in that room.


this woman is the worst, she's convinced the whole world is at war with her but she failed to understand one simple thing

life is hard, but life is really hard if you're stupid

She's been on twitter for 7 years. Not so surpised,

Kill yourself yankee scum

You should see all the replies to that tweet calling for the misogynistic professor's crucifixion.
