What's some great comfcore?

What's some great comfcore?

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Any good music in?

listening to this for the first time. super comf

holy shit this is the peak of album covers

one of my favourite kglw albums, super underrated
these are good too
sunbather is pretty comfy weirdly
just got back from the discomfort-we're alright
electric ladyland played on a speaker while youre in bed and its on a low volume

Also any Fishmans album

>tfw Sup Forums is being sucked into a black hole of reddit but it just ain't fightin it anymore

this, sung tongs, and person pitch

>le forced reddit meme
can't you just enjoy music like a normal person?

whats wrong with reddit?

>a thread full of people sharing music they enjoy
let people enjoy things you dip

SILY is trash I honestly can't believe it's jerked off so much on Sup Forums

This is roadtrip comfy tier. God I love this album.

Actually comfy as fuck

Golf Girl is the stupidest shit I have ever heard


I'd love it so much more without that stupid horse sound repeated over and over. It grates like a motherfucker.
Wildflower is great though.

This is the gayest album in the worst fucking way.

so much nostalgia listening to hello seattle in middle school

This is not a comfy post :(


D-Do... do you guys even know what comfy core is...?




Yeah but it's good