I just finished listening to this. What can I even say about it...

I just finished listening to this. What can I even say about it? Their music is obviously reverse engineered to tug at certain emotions. "Let's make a 14 minute song that will make you feel sad and then exultant".
Give me a fucking break. When Slint or prog rock bands before them composed long songs it was with songwriting and honesty behind them. There were slips and falls and imperfections, but that's what made them great.
Godspeed is focus group, carefully marketed meme material for people who need to be told how to think and feel. Each song practically screams a specific reaction, each one coincidentally beginning with "Dude this song is totally ____".
People who like this band have never heard a good song before. They only know what it's like to have their professors tell them what to think or have their Facebook feed shovel garbage into their head. They are herd animals, children, robots. Count me out. I prefer to have music that explores what someone is feeling without running it by a marketer to determine how profitable it will be first.

I know this is a meme post but I kind of agree

Im not memeing, these are my legit views on it


OP posted this thread on Sup Forums at the same time.
>>Sup Forums387662456

don't tell me to back

Posting in the birth of a soon-to-be-pasta

Sounds kinda sentimentally inauthentic OP...

What's inauthentic? OP or the album?

OP, I think you're being kind of emotionally dishonest with me.....

Hey OP, I think this is the picture you meant to post, Godspeed is just fine

Not a very honest post you're making here.

why can't they just be real with us

You're talking as if musicians don't care how their music makes you feel and 14 minutes long songs with drones and spoken word are mainstream

KYS if you've heard this shit band even once.

The point of art is to illicit emotion; this album succeeds in doing so. I don't see the point in your criticism. Like, maybe Storm sounds like generic motivational music perhaps, but how can yousay Static and Sleep are "carefully marketed"

>t. didn't read the OP
I know you'll eat shit if the right online music review tells you to, but think for yourself for once and boost that reading comp a bit, brainlet.


god these threads are fucking cancer I hope none of you idiots actually believe this shit meme

I did you dumb fuck. OP is saying that the music on LYSF is cliche, or commercial because the music is so easily interpreted as a certain emotion. I'm simply disagreeing, because I don't think the music on songs such as Static and Sleep are as corny as OP is describing. Am I missing something?

>I know you'll eat shit if the right online music review tells you to
Oh and also I literally don't watch reviews. I listen to this album because it was posted here and I liked it.

This is a band of emotional sex offenders who rape with their schlongs of melancholy and bust with their elated spunk

It already was a pasta, dude. It has been for at least a week.
