
best ally edition





很新颖的植物人(= =)大战题材,画风靓丽,剧情在诙谐与严肃中收放自如






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是这样 现在至少放开二胎了 让女儿做透明人的情况应该会少很多

Hmmmmmm copying my posts aren't you

Good. This myth needs to be broken more and more often, especially in China. You autists can't fuck girls cuz you are autists. That's the only reason

China is going back to being friends with the Norks?

This is where i first saw that picture actually...you talked about this issue in the last thread?


Trump threatened China with his autism, so China returned the favor. It's pretty much meaningless though

I am the one who helped write the article for Nikkei Business Review.

No. They are threatening us with nukes right now.



t. Rhen Wia-sung Min're

You guys should test out your new weapons and coup his ass

Chin Chong Dilly Dong Waka Baka

不太清楚 不过中国养育子女的成本对于普通人来说也非常高,据我所知城市居民生育2胎的意愿不强


>the only chinese class my school offers over the summer starts at 8am, lasts for three hours and meets five days a week


The new Chinese SAO is actually better than SAO.
China will save anime

that is a mysterious "t." I've never seen
El pero sorendos makates coratoro peso el pakkasu

It's not worth it. Unless you really want to come to work in China or love Chinese culture for some weird reason


Shur shur shur shur shur

How did you get through the firewall?

I don't know why we aren't doing it. Helping Fatty Kim the First was a mistake. This joke should end now

Do it nigger.

China is amazing if you can get through the grime and northern/southern fuckers.

Also, morning people are the only good people in the world. 8am is a perfect time to learn.

Sup Forums is not blocked. I just need to purchase a Sup Forums pass in order to shit post

China's leaders think long-term though and know that any Chinese coup in Korea could devolve very very quickly.

The best case is a new six-party talk.

西方人反正是百般挑剔的 然后你知道的,你对此从来没有选择权TT

Where u live

>northern subhuman

That talk never worked. N Korea is flood our country with drugs and fake currency as we speak. We should just join forces with Muricans, fuck up Fatty Kim the Third and let S. Korea deal with all those refugees that war is sure to produce. They are their brethren after all

The talks didn't work because Bush and Kimmy 2 were subhumans

A new six-party talk could work

I'm as northerner as you can get. I live in Inner Mongolia

Maybe. I still prefer Trump suddenly snap and just nuke the shit out of it. N. Korea is a huge liability to us now. I'm sick of it

What if I post about the Tienanmen Square massacre?

Fucking American get out from Asia

sigh...everything went horribly wrong since then.

what happened in 1989 effectively led to a purge to reformists within CPC. If we were a normal country ordinary citizens would know from news that there is a power struggle between conservatives and reformists and reformists need you guys to not start shit in order to stay in power. But in real life China...



>Japanese flag
>speaking Chinkanese

really causes pondering

I woke up from a long sleep
I dedicate my life to China and make them terminate whities.



We have to team up and resist white imperialism.
Let's get back great East Asia.

t. Mongol

Trump's a cuck who's not gonna do a thing if he has to pay for it



well it is certainly preferable. make sure we have enough oil this time

السلام عليكم

Japan can't into imperialism anymore

The average Jap doesn't even want Japan to have any military.

This shit messed up "Greater East Asian Sphere"
way of thinking coz it was too Japanese supermachism but itself isn't bad. I guess in future China will lead this.

Ich spreche diese Sprache nicht.

Japanese self-defence force is world 4th power right now actually. and its burden is only in 1% of entire GDP. We are still relevant to the world.

ah well, not before we get rid of commies and set up a democracy with the Han as the indisputable owner of this country. I don't count on living long enough to see it

Japan ruined everything by chimping out and thinking they WUZNT ASIANZ

Now look at them. A colony of the USA, Korea is the cannonbait, and China is the sweatshop.

usa is the hand puppet of the eternal jew.
everyone is.
because their slaves stopped the people doing the right things against the jewish oppression some decades ago.

now deal with it.

>we do not look similar

>4th power right now
Based on what metric, exactly?

For example, globalfirepower ranks Japan as 7th. Also, having a strictly defensive military doesn't allow you to have any imperialistic dreams (as the picture implied).

commies are doing well i think.
subjectively Japanese one is the beautifulest

fucking flips shall be gassed immediately

then vote afd so your children would keep speaking German

A Japanese website saying so.
fucking leaf. you have to shut up.

>not before we get rid of commies and set up a democracy
can't you get v& for saying that sort of stuff?

>Japan ruined everything by chimping out and thinking they WUZNT ASIANZ
I don't think they ever thought they "wuznt asianz", they clearly just saw themselves as superior to all other Asians (and, let's face it, in the 1930's they most certainly were the superior people in Asia). A bit like Germans in Europe, actually; they didn't view themselves as "not European", rather they just saw themselves as ubermensch compared to other yuros.

>Now look at them
A wealthy country with a high standard of living and some of the best industry and infrastructure in the world? What's so bad about that?

They fuck up our environment for the sake of short term gdp growth, and once they got enough money for themselves they fled to USA or Canada to enjoy a peaceful retirement while we are stuck in this place

Also they tied too much of our economy to real estate that commies even won't let the ever increasing housing price to correct itself from time to time. Imagine what would happen if the bubble finally burst


Wu Chinese are far better than their Chinese rapebabies.

>They fuck up our environment for the sake of short term gdp growth
we also had the same problem here

Now that the price of oil has dropped, our entire economy is a joke right now, all because our previous administration was too stupid to think long-term rather than short-term.

>Chinese peasants being peasants is the fault of the CCP

Le Chinese authoritarian police state brave new world meme is tiring

The CCP gives zero fucks about some people being mad at them. The difference between being mad and calling for protests against the party/overthrowing the party is significant.

There's millions of "Fuck the CCP" on Baidu/Weibo each day.

I just remembered that this is a Chinese language thread...well not that I care

Isn't google blocked in china? How can you solve captchas?

It's not a bubble but just got back a sane development if there was no cultural revolution or Japanese invation.

Enviroment is actually a shit. But it's not late to think again when you got a money.

Wu Chinese is what? Wu Han's female or the cunt's name in old era? Wu Han have exactly beautiful women, or I should say Southern women are beautiful.

they have to buy a Good Goy Pass

Well, I was just curious since I've specifically seen Vietnamese posters say that they have to be cautious about how much they criticize the government online, so I thought the same might apply to China.

>The CCP gives zero fucks about some people being mad at them. The difference between being mad and calling for protests against the party/overthrowing the party is significant.

This is true, but the commies would never cease to depriving ppl's rights bit by bit. With Xi the High Schooler it is actually possible that they would roll back the country to pre-reform and opening era

I go to sleep
see you next time.

good night


>Simplified Chinese


Also, Japan doesn't have marines so JSDF, at the present time, is only for self-defense.

here we go boys 120 cards to fluency