>kill themselves at alarming rates
>Not mentally ill



fuck I wish my shoulders were as broad as this dudes

also, she was not pic releated you faggot OP

also , her quoting the psychological assoc. as if that's not a jew institution

If I put this dude as the pic related no one would click the thread sorry bro

>their brain thinks they are of a different sex then every other aspect of their body suggests.
>not MENTAL illness

B-but that is just because of how our society oppresses them!

I would say maybe 1% of them have actual transgenderism or body dysmorphia as a mental disease.

the other 99% are just fucked up people doing it because they are fucked up.

I agree, trannies should get the mental help they need

Obviously this does not invlove chopping off their penis and giving them hormones

fair enough...I was salty because I was I'm just wishing this trannie will an hero on livestream

this thing is a liar, too

the WHO actually has gender dysphoria listed as a mental illness, despite protests from people to remove it.


kek really? I'm surprised.

The trannie in the video said it. The mental illnesses are updated as society "learns" new things aka how jews dictate

shut up faggot, go chop your dick off

The tranny in the video was on suicide watch before I think

I fucked a tranny a few days ago, sucked her dick so hard.


oh I"m sure she's been on suicide watch many times. it's full of drama.

greentext pls

OP is right, because transgender doesn't exist.


I beg to differ.

And so does the dude who was the head of Johns Hopkins psychiatric department when they were the first to experiment with gender disphoria and SRS half a century ago.

Looks like someone from mtfg.
Psychologists and psychiatrists are correct, gender dysphoria is a mental illness.
Transexualism is likely itself a neurological disorder.

They are prescribed hrt because it lowers suicide rates more than other treatments, and the purpose is to keep them alive and functioning in society

>lives in an imaginary fairy tale world
>wears a costume every single day
>tries to force everyone else to accept their delusions

Sure sounds mentally ill to me user