Why is Assassin's Creed: Origins full of niggers Sup Forums?

Why is Assassin's Creed: Origins full of niggers Sup Forums?

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slightly off topic but did you happen to watch the new Red Dead Redemption trailer? I'm pretty sure one of the main characters is a black (nigger) dressed up like an indian

Gee, it's like Egypt is on top of Africa or something.

we wuz assassins n shiet

To trigger faggots like you

Cuz we wuz kangz n sheit nigga

because it takes place in fucking Africa

Because it's set in Egypt? Are Americunts really this dumb?

Ancient Egyptians weren't black though. Like not at all

>implying ancient Egyptians were niggers
They couldn't even invent the fucking wheel, let alone higher mathematics, architecture, etc.

I don't think thats a nigger. Its an Arab. Oh well, this game is still gonna be awesome

The Temple of Solomon was built in Ethiopia, so yes, blacks are capable of architecture. Both Nubia and Ethiopia had civilizations that traded with and worked with the Greeks and Romans.

Furthermore, why would waste valuable wood on building wheels for peasants?

> Implying
No one is implying anything we're telling you Egyptians were African, it's a fucking fact.

you must also think Jesus was white and with blue eyes, fucking idiot

Egyptians were more mediterranean-people colored
Niggers are from the sub saharan/Congo
Egyptians even painted themselves a lighter shade than the nigger numibians.

Yeah, must be American. Couldn't be that he picked up a different book than you and has a different outlook.
You must be a butthurt eurofag

from the trailers i've watch i only noticed the main character being black


Nice bait, m8.

But they had nubian slaves.
Well documented

Lrn 2 history


Jesus fucking Christ...

Good one, next you will tell me our Lord was a fucking Jew.

Dude the MC is called Arthur Morgan and has a southern accent. Chill out


>being this fucking retarded

That really doesn't look like a nigger.

>Temple of Solomon

this jew is tripping hard

>not Mediterranean

compared to Sup Forums, Sup Forums is defending this game more. Sup Forums has more niggers

>Sup Forums has fewer retards that don't understand the difference between African genetics and Mediterranean genetics
Also, how exactly is that a bad thing?

Ancient Egyptians where white as was most of North Africa until the Arabs conquered the entire area.

thanks goy.

Take your pick. Racebait elsewhere, faggot.

you tell em!

>implying mediterraneans arent closer to niggers than whites

He doesn't agree, that means I trolled him!

Egyptologist itt. I approve. Like, really.

Gee, it's almost like distance from The Equator has something to do with skin tone. Herp de fucking derp.

Fucking barbossa man.


gee I wonder why

Its fake news. Thats why.

Historian from Reddit here, folks. I wrote this post that may interest you. Thanks and updoots to the left! np.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/6y5k27/is_assassins_creed_origins_blackwashing_history/

I think you're just mad because it reminds you of your mom

ITT:american inbred peasant is mad because video game is not all white characters


yeah they build it in Ethiopia and moved it to Jerusalem
and people claim niggers arent subhuman retards

Would you mind writing a teeny-tiny recap, so I could decide whether to read it or not. I am student of egyptology, so I would be very grateful for your main sources besides ones you have mentioned.

Thanks for reminding me that I still have to pre order the game

>triggered shitalian