Name a better album ever

Name a better album ever.
>No gay ass rap, country, or anything newer. >Automatically invalid.

Oh god please go back to r*ddit. It's for your own good.

I bet that's your stupid faggot dads favorite album

kys nu-male

Never used reddit once in my life. No thankyou.

Makes me think you don't even have one lol. But, no it isn't. I've acquired a taste for actual music with real talent on my own. Next.

I never said I didn't like rush (i don't), I was telling you to go back to r*ddit because you fell for the r*ddit meme of dismissing entire genres and even "newer stuff". In fact, if anyone's a nu-male here, it's you. Older country is one of the manliest genres there is.

Rush's music doesn't feel genuine next to their technicality, which is overemphasized. Take Freewill for example. Can't even listen to that song. It just feels like math over a sort of Lydian mode. No interesting musical ideas or feelings

Would be much better with different vocals

>I only listen to music that takes real talent

I bet you're literally 12 years old. Actual music fans don't care about how much "talent" went into the music they like. Don't worry, one day you'll grow out if this phase.

The music's good, but ugh the lyrics, get that whiny libertarian Ayn Rand-esque shit outta here