What do you think about Catalonia's independence from Spain

What do you think about Catalonia's independence from Spain.
TBH you probbly don't give a fuck but some of you do

Are you from Catalonia?

What do you think about tourists...according to this pic I took a couple months ago they don''t care about tourists so why should we care about them?

did it pass ... maybe california will secede now, and then maybe I can get a job out side of california

Im scared of the liberals and the government they hate any christian person white or black

As with all unions, if any people wish to be independent, that should be their choice.
Barcelona is an amazing city, good luck to them.

Hello, I'm catalan. This thread is relevant to my interests.

Visca Catalunya Lliure!

Those are leftists idiots... They say that tourism kills! Every normal and reasonable human being here knows tourism is good for us!

The vote is Sunday. I can't see how it is going to happen as Madrid sent 4000 cops to stop anyone from voting, seizing any ballots and voting boxes. They are keeping the schools open, but I think they will be filled with cops. I dunno hope it happens somehow


They're going to have a Fort Sumpter event fairly soon.

What do the catalans have against the Spanish?

A lot of their tax money goes to Madrid

I have a question for Catalan fags.

I know you guys hate Spain and the kingdom of Spain and want your independence. My question is, how did you guys react when Spain won the world cup? Were you guys excited when Spain won? Or did you guys not care because you guys "hate Spain" and "Catalonia is not Spain" etc

Catalonia wants to be a country.....which is a small place it's stupid! It's like saying Croydon wants to be a city from now on!! Thats just dumb

lmfao you are about to hear lies

Would spain have won it without players from catalonia?

There are. Catalonian players that participated so the argument is invalid

My question wasn't if Catalan players made or broke the Spanish team - my question was if people in Catalonia cared at all that Spain won - since Catalans supposedly hate Spain

My point is they could have still been happy and celebrated it, they needed catalonian players to win it.

This isnt even about football moron these people want freedom go back to your fifa.


Orwell wrote a good book about it around 100 years ago, more or less. Check it out.

Big talk from a guy who will see his shit tier European country get run over by Muhommads even more than it is now. Keep pretending it doesn't bother you

Go for it.
Free yourself and your people from those scumbag spanish oppressors.
Live free... or die trying, freedom-fighter.

thats not how it works.... players are bought all over the world. Should argentinians be happy if spain beat them because Messi is originally from argentina but plays in a spanish FC?

Votem SÍ

This sunday we say goodbye to the remains of Franco's dictatorship, a country that accepts bullfighting as a national and cultural treasure, and a country that has hundreds of corrupt politicians in the party which is ruling at the moment.

Pic related, it's the map right after the past elections, we are clearly a different country.

Well I think Spain should let them be. I mean anyway Catalonia is going to be a part of EU, so what is the problem? I don't get it. Spain shouldn't be so butthurt about this referendum.

In its turn Madrid gives them free healthcare, pensions, subsidies and shit.

So are the Basque going as well? Will you have each other's backs?

That's because they lose the community with the highest tax share and lowest tax return, we also have 20% of the gross domestic product, the reason they're butthurt is all about money.

Yes if they ever decide to. As tradition we've always had each other's backs.

They pay over 10 billion more than they get in return...that is a huge chunk of change