Why are fights in ice hockey allowed?

Why are fights in ice hockey allowed?

how else are players going to punch each other

Because they aren't pansies

Because it's a very high speed game played in a confined area and players act dirty and thuggish towards better skilled players and the only thing that keeps them in check is knowing the other team has a guy who will beat the shit out of you if you touch his boys

Anyone has the "balls" to fight wearing a helmet and a body armour

Because the actual game is so boring they have to entertain the fans somehow

Considering everyone aims for the face that's a shit argument.

Have you ever even seen a hockey fight holy fuck

fucking brazilians swear to god

it's allowed in Murrika, because they expect it as a part of the event

Don't you have a shitty island to cry about?

why so agressive

why can't you just watch a few fights on youtube before talking absolute shit like a subhuman subcontinental


because otherwise you can have a team full of goons go out there and take cheap shots at all the skillful star players

fights counterbalance this by allowing teams to protect their star players by kicking some ass if the opposition is being too thuggish

also, it's entertaining and sells tickets

they fight in rugby too. its a physical game and sometimes emotions boil over. you can see that happen in divegrass too sometimes, but the players are too pussy to not take a dive.

settles any quarrels immediately rather than allowing it to escalate with retaliations on the ice and despite seeming like chaos theres some established rules that are followed,
>have to indicate verbally or physically both parties are willing
>bigger guys dont start fights against smaller guys
>as soon as someone falls fight is over
>both guys take penalties for it

The better question is why don't other sports do it, OP.

Fucking this. I was at a local derby yesterday and a fight between two players ended up turning into a massive chimpout, with pitch invasions, one group of hooligans stealing the banner from the other and the police looking like total jackasses (I might have been a part of the chimpout, but that's not the point). This would've never happened if fights were sanctioned from the beggining.

Mostly tradition.

Enforcers haven't been relevant for sometime now.

Thankfully it's being weeded out of today's game. Fighting is pretty much non-existent in junior/minor leagues now, and the only enforcers left in the NHL are old as fuck. It only appeals to apes with sub-100 IQ's and takes away from real hockey.


>implying fighting isnt real hockey

Culture man, culture. But I believe hockey fights have been at an all time low for the past two seasons.

Meanwhile star players are getting injured left right and center.

Because it's a white sports, and they don't fight unless a good reason, also they fight like gentlemen and first to fall lose.

You can't have that in other sports because niggers would chimp out at every occasion

furpuck fans need something else


In most other contact sports, the biggest, strongest, thugs are usually too slow to catch the stars/smaller players, but Hockey is a confined to a very small area and because of skates all the players can hit each other at over 20 mph.

Thus you need to protect your stars/smaller guys with the threat of fighting.

Because sucking each other's dicks on the ice wouldn't be acceptable.

I'm a bit of a newfan to hockey but I'll give it a go:

The game moves fast and it's too easy to cause harm unintentionally or otherwise. Given that, the refs on the ice can't catch everything all the time. Add in that ref's often try to balance the the game per se. Ex: players run their mouth constantly as a valid strategy to throw the other team off. The refs might allow certain infractions simply because the victim may have it coming somehow.

not enough throat cutting with razor sharp ice hockey boots. more of that please. would watch.

the game is self-policing and not entirely full of pussy-ass bitches

you know what I would watch? more sports of aussies fighting emus or stingrays 1v1

Kill yourself.

No u.

And dingos.
And Tanzanian devils.
And abos.
And.. youre on to something bro. you could fight a different thing every week for a year.
Nigga's could fight like, an ostrich in a sandstorm and shit.

Fuck hockey. Bring on Australian Deathmatch

And whoever wins against one of each animal becomes chef of police.

> chef

Uh, by now it's mostly because they can't remove it, too ingrained.

The point is to protect the more skilled players from getting shoved around. Try cheap shotting Gretzky and McSorely gets his fists out to stop you.

Though that resulted into McSorely becoming a sociopath who got so angry someone refused to fight him that he slashed their head with his stick and was hit with an assault charge.

They take the helmets and gloves off.