Have you ever got anyone pregnant, Sup Forums?

Have you ever got anyone pregnant, Sup Forums?

A few times...

Too beta to talk to girls, not that i dzny thzm, i just accept it as a fking looser

Once, It was probably 9 years ago when I was 20. It was my gf, we freaked out and got it aborted. We are happily married now and never looked back. We are about to start having kids now. Honestly abortion isn't a decision to take lightly but we are both glad we did it. Now we have school out of the way and we have a few years of work experience under our belts. If we didn't abort it we would probably be struggling, or at the very least we wouldn't have gotten our education knocked out. We probably wouldn't make decent money without our degrees.

I thought I had. My ex was a week and 2 days late on her period after never having it later in her life but it turned out to be alright.

Yes. When I was 17 and gf was 16. She aborted it though. I am 43 now.



Extremely small chance I ever will either. I'm not sterile, but not far away from it.

Yeah, yo momma

didn't know it would spawn the biggest faggot in the world

Once. Aborted it a few months later.

Once when my ex and I were 15 I got her pregnant and she baborted it.
The other time I was 18 and she had a miscarriage.

4 times. 3 different chicks. Three abortions and a miscarriage. I lucked out on the miscarriage, she was gonna keep it to trap me. She was a fucking nut case. So yeah i'm definitely not shooting blanks.

So you killed your child for your own self reasons.You can say that it wasn't even a baby yet but if something could have been and you took it away you killed you kid no matter what you say.

Cry about it nigger

I got my current GF pregnant, I think we are keeping it and I don't know how I really feel about it.
It was always my fetish to impregnate girls, and I did it a couple of time on hookups (just cumming inside, not knowing if they actually gave birth or not)


I am the fifth of five brothers. My mother is very religious.
One day we were talking and I casually mentioned being the last of seven brothers. In reference to the 'seventh son of the seventh son'.
My brothers all looked at me funny.
"Two of us didn't survive", I said quietly.
They all looked at our mom. She was horrified.
Turns out, she had an abortion and a miscarriage she never spoke about.
It was not the first time I knew shit I couldn't know about. Nor the last.

yeah she aborted it her feminist sjw friends talked her into it. They told her I was trying to trap her by getting her pregnant. Im not even mad she got an abortion but still dumb founded by women logic

only once, and it was necessary otherwise i would'nt bee here today

Hank Hill detected

We should be able to abort children post-birth

That's where our opinions differ. To me if it's early on, has no brain, and it's not it's own organism yet, it's no different than any other piece of living tissue in your body. We remove pieces of our own tissue pretty regularly. A 5 month or later pregnancy is bad to terminate.

we can. it's called murder but its possible

Well at least that bag of cells didn't keep you from earning a degree!

Look, user, I'm for abortion when needed but you literally used it as birth control. You could have had the damn kid adopted. There's a lot of people that can't have kids and would have appreciated it.

My wife.

Why of course; you can thank me for you existing.

We were living in Germany with expiring student visas. We were in no position to take care of a kid. It was selfish but we were scared kids. We actually did use contraception but who knows why it didn't work. Either way, it was a decision we aren't proud of, but we benefited from it. We understand crying over spilled milk won't un-spill it, so we moved forwards and here we are today.

yeah the same girl twice, i have 2 daughters got her pregnant when we were 16 and again 19, i dont like condoms

Many countries use abortion as a form of contraception. Fuck, durring the Soviet Union they didn't even have real condoms. It doesn't make it right but many countries to this day still struggle with knowledge of contraception.

got one with my wife, all good.

cheated and had another but i noped out of that, i disappeared, they have no idea how to contact me, i was careful. got a fake facebook account, friends with the mother, to keep tabs. dont have a real facebook

Wrong you choose to take your child out of the world so it no longer exists. you destroyed it and most likely destroyed the insides of your wife and you will never have kids now

I see that as worse than an abortion. It could catch up to you some day. When the baby mommy comes after you for her back child support its gonna be bad.

Nope thank God and fuck that.

Yes, Once.

And it was the mistake of a life time because she was a batshit crazy Asian. It was aborted - Thank god and now I have a restraining order.

Your a real life nigger congratz

Just because you can type the work "Wrong" doesn't mean you swayed me to believe the cap you're saying. Lol We destroy living tissue in our bodies pretty regularly.

Not all its cracked up to be

This you will be found and your gonna be in deep shit one day trust me. That kids also you DNA and is gonna feel so abandoned and hate you for it.

I agree there are circumstances that warrant abortion. I believe if you do something do it right the first time.


fuck it she dont even know my name, address, nothing. they'll never get me

Yeah no, people are free to do what they want with their bodies - but we have people like you who want to force people into caring for children even if they aren't adequate to do so.

Take your religious scripture back to the 1960's; 2017 is a distant future for you.

Yep have two girls by same womb

I haven't gotten my gf pregnant yet but I told her we are having a boy or an abortion. She didn't like it but she knows I'm serious

I've gotten my wife pregnant five times, four miscarriages, one son.
>pic related

Dang man, I'm glad it worked out for ya on the 5th try. 4 miscarriages is rough.

Ya, but then she killed it.
happy ending!


Lol at this faggot.

he's perfect, user. congrats

Fact: abortion is only ethical in cases of rape and incest.

That's not a fact; that's a subjective opinion.

Idiotic rationalisation.

Yeah man, having crap parents that don't have a pot to pisses in, and have no means of taking care of a child are starting to burden our country. We are too broke as a nation to be handing out so many freebie's. I know so many people who are leaching off their parents (some family members too) and not leaving the house and getting their own jobs. They are getting food stamps, welfare and living at home with their parents, the baby daddy works but never seams to have enough cash to pay rent for a shit hole apartment somewhere. It's really dragging us all down. We need people that can support them selves, not people who settle with being poor but just barely making it by living with their parents. All because they don't want to work. It's fucking sad

Literally not a fact lol fuck your bait faggot.

Fact: You should have been aborted

How many people do you actually "see" doing all that?

I'd draw the conclusion that they have a child in order to survive; in fact you even see conservatives argue that you should "have a child" in order to gain money - which is disgusting.

People don't willingly want to be poor - it's just that they don't have a choice through no fault of their own. Things like old semi-professional professions put people out of a job - welfare acts as a lifeline for everyone.

Just take note that eventually no one will have any jobs to do - the threat of automation is already at our doorstep - roughly 40% unemployment by 2040 at the latest.

If you care about subjective opinions, then you should care about the opinion of the aborted person

I'm gay, it's not possible.

Unless i was fed sleeping pills and viagra, and she took my load while i was passed out, which is kinda hot

Probably not.
I did have this one girlfriend who seemed to get pregnant every time we got in a big fight and got close to breaking up. But she would reliably have a "miscarriage" a month or so later. This happened like six times, without her ever going to a doctor, so i'm pretty sure she was just full of shit and i stopped believing her after the second time.


Knocking up my wife was awesome.

My kid is also awesome.

Going to do it again here in about a year.

What are you talking about? What, you think the "person" (an embryo) has the ability to think, talk, learn or understand? No of course not - it is simply a biological cell.

By definition the "aborted person" does not have an opinion as it cannot formulate one in the first place.

You are simply embarrassing yourself; go back to Saudi Arabia, they could use people like you.

no, but I wish I could eavesdrop on my mom getting fucked by some guy and being impregnated

Well as long as you don't go, like, poking holes in her condoms or anything.

>Trapping a woman with a baby.

They were projecting.

she's too old now unfortunately and doesn't want to date. I was always protective of her after my dad passed and didn't want her dating. now that I'm older I want something like that to happen but younger me fucked it up.

Two times - and I have two great children. Being a dad is pretty damn great.


>not "baby bump"

c'mon, step it up