"Österreich grenzt nicht an Syrien." >Austria doesn't border Syria "Wir sind nicht das Sozialamt der Welt." >We aren't the social welfare office of the world. "Als Präsident schaue ich zuerst auf die Interessen der Österreicher, dann auf die der anderen Länder." >As president I act in the interests of Austrian citizens first, then I look at the interests of other countries. "Wenn die Verfassung mir erlaubt, eine schlechte Regierung nicht anzugeloben, dann muss man das auch tun." >Considering the constitution allows me to refuse to appoint a bad government, then I have to not appoint it. "Heute haben Sie zu viel Kaffee getrunken." (Nobert Hofer kommentiert Alexander Van der Bellens Erregungszustand) >Today, you seem to have overdosed on coffee (Hofer on VdB's excited nature) "Herr Van der Bellen ist ein Kandidat der Schickeria, ich bin ein Kandidat der Menschen." >Mr. Van der Bellen is the candidate of the jet set SJWs, I am the candidate of the people. "Herr Van der Bellen ist ein Lebensverlängerer des Systems." >Mr. Van der Bellen would be life support of the current system. "Ich bin nicht Heinz Fischer, und ich will auch nicht Heinz Fischer sein." >I am not Heinz Fischer (the current president) and I will not ever be Heinz Fischer. "Ich möchte ein föderales Europa und Herr Van der Bellen die Vereinigten Staaten von Europa, wo er nur noch Landeshauptmann werden könnte." >I want a federal Europe while Mr. Van der Bellen wants a United States of Europe in which he could only be a state governor. "Mein Kater 'Robi' freut sich schon auf die Mäuse im Keller der Hofburg." >My kitty cat "Robi" is highly excited about the mice in the Hofburg's (the presidential residence) cellar. "Wir brauchen keinen faschistischen grünen Diktator." >We do not need a fascist green dictator.
Just out of curiosity. Whoes your employer and how much you get for such a project?
Kevin Smith
>Whoes your employer and how much you get for such a project? Law firm. 0, I am doing it for the world.
Joseph Williams
Thanks for making those threads.
But when will Germany take their cucks back? They are all in Vienna and vote for Van der Bellen. Even Serbs are better immigrants than Germans.
Brayden Powell
>They are all in Vienna and vote for Van der Bellen.
Germans do not apply for Austrian passports. Stop shilling nonsense. Look at pic related, the number of people who got an Austrian passport and come from EU countries that have been part of the EU prior to 2004 are an insignificantly small portion of the overall citizenship grants.
William Harris
>tfw black dad, coalburner mom >tfw they're either voting Hofer or at least EXTREMELY anti-ORF now Humanity is waking up.
Yes, yes, I'm a genetic mistake etc, no need to tell me. >Swiss Memetic Warfware Shitposter Division 5 Noice. >Schikeria >Jet Set SJWs Huh. That kind of works.
Blake Jones
>Doing it for free I don't buy it. You stick out to much for being the usual famefag Sup Forumsack. But thanks for the law firm hint, I was under the intention it's coming from a guerillia marketing buisness.
Thomas Miller
>Did the last debate help Hofer? >Yes: 82.4 % >No: 17.6 %
Josiah Ross
Good luck Austria
Jacob Baker
>Good luck Austria Try to not get burned alive Francebro.
Levi Smith
Heil Hofer, Heil Höcke!
Jacob Murphy
I never leave my room
Ethan Davis
"Ever since the so-called liberation of 1945 our land has been run by faceless puppets". -Odin
"Dear Odin, please don't fret. We're polling great and that's got the powers that be worried. Be assured of my friendship; We'll weather this together. I look forward to seeing you again soon".
-Norbert Don't get your house firebombed.
Hudson Ross
Does Austria need redpilled American software engineers? I'm good at counter-protesting commies.
Cooper Price
>Je reste dans ma chambre C'est mieux de mourir au combat que de vivre comme un chien battu. Mais bon, peut-être la france est vraiment perdue.
Cameron Sullivan
Alexander Rodriguez
Sog amoi wos auf Deitsch.
Julian Robinson
Dayum, that's dank as fuck.
Andrew Morris
>new record of letter votes >almost 1.000.000 letter votes Oy vey what a coincidence! Its over guys, were stuck with Van der Cuck
Andrew Nguyen
Kek wills it
Michael Hill
all the young liberals using their grandparents to gain votes, pathetic
never give up hope
Tyler Young
>le manipulation conspiracy meme
Noah Nelson
I swear, you all better go voting tomorow
Jose Sanchez
Just learn the language mate and you're good to go.
Cooper James
Colton Morgan
Please don't be a bunch of cucks, Austria.
Asher Ramirez
You gotta feel sorry for Germany getting all the hate for WW2, while we just pulled of the """first-victim"""" meme and regrouped.
Wyatt Price
>"Wir sind nicht das Sozialamt der Welt."
Fucking stolen from Republikaner, give back the quote
Noah Green
do it, austria make them all mad
Juan Rodriguez
I swear, you all better go voting for vdb tomorow fixed
Easton Bailey
>Schikeria Where did this word come from? What's the excact meaning?
Brandon Jones
>Türkei lässt hochqualifizierte Flüchtlinge nicht in die EU
>Der Vertreter Luxemburgs habe in einer internen Sitzung gesagt, dass die Vorschläge auffallend viele "schwere medizinische Fälle enthalten oder Flüchtlinge mit sehr niedriger Bildung". Ähnliches habe der deutsche Innenstaatssekretär Ole Schröder (CDU) dem Innenausschuss des Bundestags berichtet.
Robert Ross
the republikaner have niggers in their party, who cares about them
if hofer has 53% tomorrow he won. no matter what the lettervotes say
Cooper Roberts
>Austria will be Frei once more >Germcucks still ahve the communistic submarine called Merkel as "Conservative" chancelor
Jordan Brown
I like those. Where are they from?
I also like pic related.
Christian Wood
Whatever it is it's fucking hilarious and I'm going to start using it.
Jaxon Garcia
I am so afraid that Austria will cuck itself tomorrow.
>Where did this word come from? >What's the excact meaning?
SCHICK french chic = awesome, nice, cute
SCHICKERIA those who think they are awesome, nice and cute (the word is typically used in a derogatory way).
Jackson Turner
i dont believe there will be that many spö voters going for hofer on the other hand i think there will be more övp voters voting for hofer as they would be the next coalition partner with the fpö
Oliver Morgan
Amazing picture
Chase Hill
> tfw gf is a leftist, but also doesn't try to push agenda, is hot af, and rich
I just ride this out or?
Ethan Scott
same here, family and friends voting Hofer though
I have been betting a lot and this is the biggest ass clench I have ever endured
Kayden Cox
The Posteris from a Spiegel Article trying to make look Hofer bad and scary. They failed spectaculary and made the best Propaganda piece for him
John Young
say you support her views, just put your X on the ballot for Hofer and don't tell her, simple as that
Charles Kelly
Women are pretty malleable. You can redpill her as long as either of you don't go full retard.
Samuel Hughes
>get her to put you in her will >have her get enriched by diversity >use money to fight against diversity
AND there'd be one less leftist in this world. It's a win-win-win.
Blake Parker
It's like the FAZ trying to make the AfD look bad, lol
Christopher Rivera
Dominic Brooks
>Spiegel >unintended right wing propaganda It's a shame the left isn't able to shill for their own people
Liam Hill
I've read the president doesn't really have too much power in the Austrian government. How true is that? Obviously you should vote for Hofer but what are the chances he can do anything?
Nah she knows I'm voting for Hofer and doesn't stress me about it. I'm just talking in general.
After the casual redpills (up to date non-aligned news) I dropped on her, she stopped watching all news, because it gave her nightmares. I'm not even joking.
Ayden Allen
Like how "looks who's back" completly failed as anti Hitler propaganda and came out as amazingly redpilled.
This picture is Soviet/Nazi classic tier and makes him look amazing
Oliver Davis
Fuck, nevermind, remembered it wrong.
Noah Walker
He is completly in control of the army, can dissolve the goverment and if i remember correctly impose martial and mergency laws
Leo Diaz
>and if i remember correctly impose martial and mergency laws
He could go full Dollfuß on us.
Jaxon Roberts
HAHAHA I actually thought it was some dank Sup Forums OC Fucking leftard idiots can't even do propaganda right.
Aiden Jenkins
he can dissolve the parliament if they keep their refugee policy
Jose Cook
>He is completly in control of the army Yes, he is.
Eli Evans
Good luck Austrians
Charles Perry
same thing with Bioshock Infinite and Trump
Alexander Baker
I would hope so.
Daily reminder that Dollfuß was also elected by a Christian-Social and nationalist coalition, just like Strache.
Caleb Foster
Juan Anderson
>and if i remember correctly impose martial and mergency laws nicht eigenmächtig >(3) Wenn die sofortige Erlassung von Maßnahmen, die verfassungsgemäß einer Beschlussfassung des Nationalrates bedürfen, zur Abwehr eines offenkundigen, nicht wieder gutzumachenden Schadens für die Allgemeinheit zu einer Zeit notwendig wird, in der der Nationalrat nicht versammelt ist, nicht rechtzeitig zusammentreten kann oder in seiner Tätigkeit durch höhere Gewalt behindert ist, kann der Bundespräsident auf Vorschlag der Bundesregierung unter seiner und deren Verantwortlichkeit diese Maßnahmen durch vorläufige gesetzändernde Verordnungen treffen. Die Bundesregierung hat ihren Vorschlag im Einvernehmen mit dem vom Hauptausschuss des Nationalrates einzusetzenden ständigen Unterausschuss (Art. 55 Abs. 3) zu erstatten. Eine solche Verordnung bedarf der Gegenzeichnung der Bundesregierung.
Dollfuß war aber Kanzler.
Jacob Harris
Thats the best case scenario
Dominic Rodriguez
>just like Strache
will be*
Caleb Rodriguez
Could he direct the army to secure the borders?
Benjamin Sullivan
>Playing the Dollfuß Would be to soon for it. Blue needs more backing in the Länder and some more people in the NR. But it won't be long till we become deep blue.
A big shout out to all from progressiv left to make it possible.
Jaxson Perry
der Oberbefehl ist eher symbolisch und liegt de facto beim Verteidungsminister
Adrian Reyes
Grayson Long
>van der Bellen that's a dutch name
I feel ashamed for my people
Jason James
Don't be a Loafer! Stand up! Vote Hofer!
Elijah Collins
he could direct the army into poland of he wants to serious answer : yes but our army is already at the border. the problem is that the government put them under police orders and the soldiers are not armed. so they do pretty much nothing but giving out food to the migrants
Carson Nelson
van Beethoven was based
Samuel Gray
if the result is close, we will know the final results on MONDAY
Cooper Cook
hands down Strache would be a shit tier Chancellor
Christian Perez
>Tfw you're not even Austrian but you're still incredibly worried about the outcome. Come on Austria start the domino effect.
Julian Thomas
Hofer will win this election if kek wills it. Be patient Sup Forums
Aaron Cooper
>A big shout out to all from progressiv left to make it possible. You gotta hand it to those idiots, only they could make it so that people start to yearn for a fucking Hitler-like police state, a few years back I would have never thought I would vote far right, but here I am voting Hofer tomorrow and FPÖ in every vote ever until this gay world either changes or collapses, well done Greencucks. >inb4 I was a Nazi all along
Chase Walker
>der Oberbefehl ist eher symbolisch und liegt de facto beim Verteidungsminister
Not according to the Constitution. There it is in the hands of the president. The defense minister *may* assume the authority over the Bundesheer if the president so delegates his authority. He can take the authority back any time.
Thomas Barnes
Hands down shut the fuck up. Strache was a major player in rebuilding the current FPÖ and deserves a lot of respect. He was and still is the leader the FPÖ needs and can count on.
Jeremiah Nguyen
>Greencucks Was können die Grünen dafür? Waren noch nie in einer Bundesregierung.
Wird er aber nicht, weil es keinen Grund dazu gibt.
Andrew Rodriguez
He's a pretty good rapper as well.
Colton Taylor
Are there that many Dutch people moving to Austria? Haven't heard of that
Are we like Poles to you or is it rich people using it as a taxhaven
Brody Perry
Will Austria join Visegrad?
Ayden Reed
Shits gonna be on fire, especially the mudslime ghettos
Xavier Martinez
>classical happy nuclear family, mother and father with two kids, all of them white >oh the horror...look what these monsters want
Let's stop this ride once and for all. Austria tomorrow, Germany next year.
Zachary Bennett
strache is a huge faggot i hate him for his retarded personality
Lucas Wilson
>Tfw Militia >Tfw whoever will be voted will have his portrait hang into loads of offices and guardpost and shit.
Fucks sake, let Hofer win, i dont want to look at VanderCucks ugly mug for 6-12 years everytime I go to a Trainingsunit or stuff.
Caleb Phillips
>Die Vorfahren Alexander Van der Bellens väterlicherseits (später in den Adelsstand erhoben) wanderten um 1700 aus der Republik der Sieben Vereinigten Provinzen (Vereinigte Niederlande) in das Russische Kaiserreich aus.[4] Nach der Oktoberrevolution (1917) floh ein Teil der Familie – nachweislich vor dem Sommer 1919 – vor den kommunistischen Bolschewiki ins unabhängig gewordene Estland. Zuvor amtierte der Großvater noch als Leiter einer bürgerlichen Lokalregierung in Pskow. Als 1940/41 Estland durch die Sowjetunion annektiert und die Estnische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik errichtet wurde, gelang es seinem Vater Alexander, einem gebürtigen Russen und ab 1934 Esten, mit dessen späterer Frau Alma Siebold, Estin, mit der Bahn über Tallinn nach Laugazargen (Ostpreußen) ins nationalsozialistische Deutsche Reich auszusiedeln. Die Familie hatte damals schon den Namen von „von“ in „van“ ändern lassen.
>Von einem deutschen Flüchtlingslager in Werneck bei Schweinfurt kamen die Eltern nach Wien, in das dem Deutschen Reich „angeschlossene Österreich“, wo Sohn Alexander im Jahr 1944 (siehe dazu auch Österreich in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus) geboren wurde. Als sich die Rote Armee im Rahmen der Wiener Operation dem Wiener Stadtgebiet näherte, floh die Familie nach Tirol ins Kaunertal, wo Van der Bellen schließlich als Sohn evangelischer Immigranten aufwuchs; sein Vater wurde erneut kaufmännisch tätig.
VdBs are cowards, always running away.
Luis Lewis
>Wird er aber nicht, weil es keinen Grund dazu gibt. Ever heard of the illegal migrant crisis, the biggest political, societal and economic crisis in the history of the 2nd Republic... which is still ongoing and is actually now intensifying?
Watch what will happen this summer and fall. Hofer will need to take back the authority over the military and order to protect the borders.
Joseph Cook
*three kids
Cameron Collins
Does anyone else find some sort of comfort that the shitskins willingly moved into their own ghettos on their own accord, making the potential kebab removal that much easier?
Kayden Perez
>VdBs are cowards, always running away.
No, they were fascists who ran back to Hitler Germany when the Soviets took Estonia.
Camden Phillips
any EU government will be rendered completely powerless once the TTIP kicks in. This thread is pointless, and EU should just shut down their governments.