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Hi gent(s)?


hmmmm not nice


neither is my dick in ur butt.

aggressive are we? Am I detecting a manlet in disguise?



lol fine


brb playing tf2

I think you need some discipline.

Someone fix finder.

I think I need to smack your teeth out with my prince albert


You sound upset.

Sure lol

Of course he is. Someone stuck a piece of steel through his dick.

it's fun f off lol

I suppose that's true. Maybe it got infected?


Nah it's good to go


ya'll are boring

Hey Luc.



I didn't see your response last night, due to company coming over, is the SNES mini as easy to hack as the NES one?

Christ that thing is out already?

Same exact hardware so it should be just as easy.


They can run up to N64 games on the NES Classic hardware with no mods right or did I get that wrong?

Gonna need proof.

Eh, N64 emulation is still kinda crap.

If you want you can do up to SNES on the NES Classic but no further due to no good N64 emulator.

Makes me wonder how they're going to do the Mini N64



finder bork?

Good. I want to play Star Fox 2, but fuck Nintendo.


TFF is
Alastor's website still works.

imgured it for those who would be offended

The ROM has been dumped and is working on emulators and real SNES consoles.

and I'm dumb


It's kinda smol. cute tho

There ya go

Penile piercings are pretty gross. Kill yourself.

People like you are why I imgured it....

imma defend it as it tries really hard to be a chode : }


Maybe you shouldn't have permanently ruined your penis then.

You know if you take it out the hole closes up right since it's not in cartilage...

It will never be the same

What else is new?


I think it should get locked up. :)

How's badj doing? I wish I saw the decent people more often but everyone has left such threads.


how is life going

IDK that doesn't look fun to me but I'd try it

Mostly people I rarely talked to outside the threads.

Life is life, just one blurry day to the next.

I know this feeling

Cheer up?

I hardly talk to anyone outside of threads.
I wish I had a reason why, I just kind of don't.
I'll stop bothering you, I'm not sure why I try to be so friendly when I see a bearable familiar face even though we hardly talked even when we were around more.

ya'll are being sadz now

Getting teased isn't fun? Pssh.

IDK orgasmic denial sounds not fun

Hello, is Kuma

You can orgasm in chastity.

My whole body aches. It sucks.


I imagine a lot of people do. I'm a little sick.

I'm quite happy, but in a bit of a blur.

An expectable reaction.


Hey I'm sick too.

Eh still it just don't look appealing lol

Mine to

Ah good!

That sucks. Sorry to hear that.

what about a dick in your butt?

How's things?


uh sure why not



what the shit is this boner killer

Good is good

Eh, I'm high so I don't really care.

Pretty good, and with you? Been a while since you last visited to my knowledge.

what is wolf-shark if not rape/murder?


Shut up cocksucker

gluten-free raw vegan?


Sounds like a nice way to get though it.




Oh man, so much has happened. I'm a fucking mess. Quick catch up-

>Forced to resign from my job because spine is fucked
>Right before moving house, savings depleted quickly
>While moving, my appartment was broken into and burgled, twice in a 3 day period
>I'm having counselling, outed myself as species dysphoric
>I've become so angry that I frightened my boyfriend yesterday by slamming and kicking doors and almost punching walls, i feel so bad about it



whoa, ok, that's kinda fucked up.


