What do you think of police?

What do you think of police?

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I have mixed feelings about cops. Come from a family and background where I know and am related to a lot of cops. A lot of them are just regular guys who seem like they try to do the best they can but a frightening number of them are really pretty dumb for whom being a cop was what they did as a fallback because they couldn't get a job anywhere else.

I like them

The police is necessary for a society when civilians do not obey law. with out them there would be chaos and the society would implode into anarchy.

Men and women that serve that role are some of the greatest people of the nation since it is a great sacrifice. they are subject to harsh circumstances and low salary all their life.

God bless the Police and the good people there.

Suck a cops dick recently? Jeez

I think cop eh a pretty cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything

top lads

may god smite thee down straight to hell.

I think they are good for keeping black population numbers in check.

Meh. Some are nice but I've met a few gigantic faggots.

They're my greatest ally I love the police they have the hradest job and I salute thm for being the bravest of us all to keep us safe from the enemy.

fuck the police

Police and military are what rich people pay so they don't need to get their own hands dirty.

Both are shit jobs, and most are shit people like everyone else. They are shields and middlemen for the rich and nothing else.


I'm prejudice towards each individual, not against the badge.

They protect us so they aight.

They protect us and our rights sure a couple of them are corrupt but its simply not true that they all are.

Though there are some exceptionally shitty people with badges

organized gang

I love 'em. They are the chosen people. They're out there every day protecting me and my loved ones from the methheads, the wetbacks and the niggers.

Only thing wrong with the police in this country is that we don't have nearly enough of them. We should boost the cop population by at least 30%.

Someones gotta pull the trigger on a nigger

I've met some really shitty ones over the years. But for the most part my experience with the police has been pretty positive

Youre retarded you know that like anyone can call the police right, like even in the worst hood you can still call the police and 99% of the time they do what they can to help what stops people from getting the justice they deserve are people who witness the events and say and do nothing to help and then theyre surprised when the police cant help them

Hell yeah


They are a lot like teachers. Most of them go into the profession with an intent to do good, but some of them get jaded by all the bullshit they have to put up with on a daily basis and become complete assholes.

I think most cops are decent people, though

I like forensic workers more. Requires more brain power.

just another gang



I don’t think about them because I’m white.

They're trained hard to be bullies, associate with the worst of society, and given guns and carte blanche to use them. What's not to love?

Haha, not true. Forensic work is an easy job, I work with them. Technology does everything for you.


You'll be calling those bullies so fast if a nigger mugs you in the park

>in NYC

I've only had a little over a dozen police encounters and most have been pretty straightforward and easygoing. One glaring exception being a cop I ran into in Brooklyn years ago. There was a huge fight between students from two different schools. Long story short...

>short black cop and chubby latina cop proceeds to beat the shit out of the bro and tries to arrest him because he refused to get on a departing train long after school fight
>everyone yells at cops to chill the fuck out because he wasn't resisting just trying to cover his head from psycho bitch cop who swung before even telling him to put his hands behind his back
>i guess they expected him to stand still while getting hit in the head/legs with a baton though
>black cop threatens to arrest me as well if i don't stfu
>points me and only me out for some reason
>see the same cop everyday for the next 2 weeks and he constantly talks shit to me unprovoked everyday over the incident until the MTA worker (old black women are awesome) files a complaint and he gets reassigned

I don't hate or even dislike cops. Coming from a bad neighborhood, I often feel a little safer when I see cops as I know there's a lesser chance of me being victimized by some broke lazy niggas who stand in front of the store all day looking to rob or scam. At the same time, that one incident, coupled with growing up in a culture that vilified cops, makes me feel uneasy around them. If their cool I'm cool, I don't instantly turn hostile or get defensive like most people I know when even approached by a cop, but I try to avoid eye contact with them at all times in passing. I don't even fucking look at squad cars when they roll by. Basically I behave around cops the same way the vast majority of Sup Forumstards behave around black people in public.

Most are shit, but some are really great. Even the shit ones chose to be in an occupation where they take a lot of risk and will do a lot of good, even if they do shit as well. I've met a couple truly great and inspiring ones. Its true for most things, name one place where most of the people aren't shit with a small percentage of great ones.

Only thing standing between you and feral niggers


You probably believe that, don't you?

Tough, unappreciated and thankless job.

Cops and firefighters get thanked all the time, called heroes no matter what they do, and their budgets are always exempted from cuts. If you want a thankless job, try social work.

Bunch of faggots who think they have some sort of authority and think they're entitled to respect just because they were a badge on their chest. If they didn't have that gun around that waist, they would be the equivalent to a elementary school hall monitor. Majority of them are fat fucks, very uneducated, scared and under-trained. They need to be replaced by robots asap.

Yeah, I forgot how thankful people treat the police between the bacon, pig and kill whitey jokes.

>try social work
You mean the services that account for the highest rate of child rape and drug cases occurring at "safe" locations.

I don't have as much against cops, most of whom are just doing their jobs, as I do against bureaucrats and politicians who mindlessly criminalize, regulate, or tax every single thing without considering the downstream impact that their actions have.

Some dumbass pension guzzling fatass city councilman decided to tax cigarettes, which results in the police being trained to stop cigarette sellers without the proper papers, which results in a cop (who admittedly bears some responsibility) putting Eric Garner in a chokehold and killing him.

We have too many laws in this country, and as a result are overpoliced. I don't think this is the cops' fault.

I really like their second album

>cop is wrong because man who was breaking the law refused to be arrested after he had already been given warnings about his illicit actives.

you don't realize Jesus is going to fuck you in the ass for eternity

>a frightening number of them are really pretty dumb for whom being a cop was what they did as a fallback because they couldn't get a job anywhere else.
I don't know how it is in actual LE work yet, but in Criminal Justice classes this is true as fuck. There are some fucking disturbing ass mother fuckers in those classes. Mostly it's just good guys that want to help people though. I can't speak for anyone else, because I know it's not how all cops feel, but I have 0 respect for a cop who abuses their power outright or negligently. That said, I think the vast amount of hate towards cops is totally unfair and in a lot of cases plainly ridiculous.

You're a moron if you're unaware of the almost universal political and strong public support given to cops.

>just doing their jobs
being bullies and getting fat

almost as much as they shit over themselves for the military


Less. Police support comes from both sides of the spectrum, military support only from one.

they're pretty cool guys who doesn't afraid of anything

>tfw I'm Master Chef
I'm doing it mom, I'm really doing it...

>military support only from one

are you kidding? ever since 9-11 every joe dick and larry puts veterans on fucking pedestals...they are the most special of specials


You must live in a white suburb.


This guy should be straight up suspended or put to desk duty until he gets his weight under control.That's fucking ridiculous.

I don't know why you're trying so hard to insult people who don't give a fuck about you. It's pretty fucking simple, live your life without being an asshole, learn to not panic in pressured situations and you will never be shot by a cop.

And most importantly you must realize that you and no number of friends will ever defeat the ideology that requires a strong authoritarian presence. The more you struggle the more sophisticated and powerful their weapons and use of force will grow. No organization built on guns and homemade explosives will ever outwit or destroy this ideology and the more cops you kill the more they will be forced to waive the psychological metrics that determine who can even be a cop...
More nonsense = more aggressive better equipped cops.
You kids dun fucked up.

The Democrats only care about soldiers who say they are girls but have dicks

tl;dr Escalation

yh, its a sad image, he looks like he's given up caring and is going to have medical issues for sure

You must live in a white suburb to be that blindly racist

Wait till you learn it's a woman.

tl;dr, People want order, not chaos.

His weight is under control. It's in a controlled fall over his belt.

Is going? I guarantee he has medical issues right now. Extreme obesity being one of them.
Kek... you're joking right? God.. it could be though...

Because you were called out on your idealistic bullshit? Stay ass-blasted, faggot.

We need massive police reform. Too many bad ones making the good ones look bad



> who's the cavalry now?



No, you're racist because you're assuming all black people fit the prejudices you've picked up by watching sensationalist news. There's tends to be more suspicion, and a much greater sensitivity to perceived injustice, but to ass-blasting faggots like you they're all alike.

I work telecommunications for a Police Department in a college town. 40kish people in 4.1 sqm. There's two kinds of cops. The kind that want to be cops, and the kind that are a cop for a paycheck. You can tell the difference pretty easily. None of them go around defiling peoples rights or shooting black people though. Ain't that somethin'? Whether they're here to be here or here for money, I can confidently say that every officer in my town would take a bullet for you, without knowing who you are or what your background/skin color is.

But hey, that's just where I'm at, I hear they have special clubs just for the blacks in Chicago!


They keep the riff raff in line.

No one said anything about Black people. Nice try, faggot. Take your projection shit elsewhere.

the police in the US have a major attitude problem, mainly because they can do pretty much whatever they want without consequences. they need to be held to a higher standard. also, this sharking and butting their noses into everyone's business needs to stop. theyre supposed to be there when called upon for help, not treating citizens like prisoners in a giant prison. lastly, they resort to violent tactics way too readily. they dont need all that much of a reason before they pull their gun on someone.

Do you have to be masonic to be a successful cop?

Thugs in one of the top gangs worldwide. So pimping that the populace bends itself to coform to their rules willingly, and when they don't comply they have the authority to kidnap that person and trap them against their will for however long they deem fit. Hell, they can even kill you if they even feel that you aren't spreading those ripe, red, supple, delicious ass cheeks wide enough to penetrate with their cold, hard pistol.

That's what I think, motherfucker.

Called out? care to elaborate? or are you too stupid to cover your own retarded remarks? I'm not the guy that has been responding to you, just an innocent victim to your retarded drivel.

i forgot to add though:

all of that said, i think most cops are fine and i really do appreciate the work they do.

Many are good, many are bad. Either way it takes balls to take up that badge and I respect that. I don't agree with a lot of the laws they enforce but they don't make the rules so no need to bitch at them over it. Unless they're abusing power of course.

No, but masons are always really good officers. Good people in general tbh. Just my experience though. There's 2 masons here. One is a civilian employee like me though.


People railing about police, and you're pretending you were really talking about Chinatown? I don't think so.

whoosh! right over your head

All depends on the cop really most are decent but the stupid or mean ones can really fuck up your day.

fuk white pipo


love em, they aren't/will never be perfect but there's no way we could operate as a society without them. respect to anyone that's a part of the force


I'm glad they're around. Anyone who has trouble with cops is probably an idiot with no common sense and authority issues.

I'm white and not a degenerate so I like police. There's literally nothing they can do to me since I abide the law and am respectful.

That said, I do feel bad for some black guy with weed giving an officer attitude.

>Being black isn't illegal but it might as well be.
>Having weed is illegal but it shouldn't be.
>Having a bad attitude isn't illegal but it's not how to act around cops.

Some people also genuinely don't understand how to behave when a cop asks you a question. That's a problem, and I think that's a good place to start to keep unarmed black people from getting shot. If you follow my advice you're going to have much more positive outcomes from interactions with the police in the future.

>see blue lights in rearview
>turn the overhead light
>reduce speed
>turn on blinker
>pull off the road within a mile if you can
>if you can't pull off somewhere without a guard rail
>turn engine off
>leave hands on steering wheel and wait
>cop comes to window
>roll window down put hands back on steering wheel
P: do you know why I stopped you user?
>A: no officer, I don't think I was speeding
P: your registration has lapsed
>A: I did not know, thank you for telling me
P: license and registration please
>A: ok officer my license is in my back pocket and my registration is in the glove box can I reach for them?
P: yes
>slowly retrieve documents
>wait while officer reviews them with hand on steering wheel and overhead light still on
P: I'm going to give you a warning this time but get that registration up to date
>A: thank you officer, I'll get it done immediately, stay safe
>wait for officer to get back in car
>roll up window
>turn off overhead light
>turn on engine
>safely get back on the road

Just doing 1/2 of that will help you avoid practically any ticket that's not severe. Cops are hyper alert when conducting traffic stops. Putting them at ease makes everyone safer.

Fuck em