Would you rather get a handjob or $5?

Would you rather get a handjob or $5?

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Get a handjob

$5. I know the handjob would end up coming from someone nasty with my luck.


Wtf? Easily a handjob. How poor do you have to be to take the $5?

$5, I can do my own damn handjob

$5. Takes me about an hour and a half to get off from a handjob.

Wtf? Easily $5. How much of a lonely pathetic virgin do you have to be to take the handjob?

hand job, fuck subway



I have a girlfriend and am in an open relationship. I wipe my ass with $5.


> "open relationship"

How's it feel to get cucked all day?

The market rate for a decent handjob is probably about $40. A proper question is whether you'd rather get $40 or an average handjob from an average girl.

I guess it would depend on the day, I could take $40 then go spend $20 at some local bar and bang some college girl with daddy issues.

I think I'd take the handy anytime other than if it's offered within 5 mins of my last handy.

The handjob is a lost art

Sorry to be so critical here...but...
Give me 5 dollars for a hamburger and I will fuck a hamburger instead.


She's only been with 1 woman so far and I've only been with 1 (married) woman as well. So I got cucked by a girl I guess but I also did literal cucking.

I would take the $5.
I've personally never had a hand job better than my own and that $5 could get you a near-skullfuck blowjob from a toothless ghetto whore down town.

Really depends on the handjob and who from. Like if she's just gonna mash at it then I'll take 5$ but if she knows what she's doing and isn't fucking beat then I'll take a handy.

I've only had sex twice but getting my dick stroked by someone else did nothing for me. Blowjobs? Duh. Ball sucking? Hell yes. A handjob? Only my own hand knows how to stroke it right.

hell id take a hj over $20

Must be desperate then I'm taking $20 over a handy every time

I'll take the $5, unless the guy giving me a handjob is my dad. He's dead now, but we used to have such good times together...

Not him, but no. $20 is virtually nothing so why not take the HJ? It's not because I like HJs, it's because $20 is useless.

maybe deep down I am gay or something but I really don't find handjobs exciting at all

I actually really like handjobs. Its hot. so Id even take $40 over one

depends. is it a 5 dollar handjob?

$20 ain't useless, $20 is $20. That's 20 more than I had before. 9/10 handjobs I've gotten have been unsatisfactory anyway, I can just jerk off and it'll be better nearly every time.

I’ll pay 5 dollars for a handjob


You gonna eat it after?

I could do it to my self for free

Who's giving the handjob

Handjob easy. There's mystery to it. Five bucks is five bucks anywhere, but what kinda handy am I getting? A masher? A master? How's the girl giving it? What if it's a dude? I mean, I already got the ticket, might as well see the show. Mystery handy all day.

Mirrorworld you

Hj all the way.

5 Bucks I have my own hands

I'll take the fiver then.

$5, exchange for crypto, buy Lambo later

You don't have to spend the $5 at subway user.

i dunno, some lady

$5 without hesitation.

$5 so I can exchange it for Ether (Ethereum). Not interested in sex anymore.

More than $5 of crypto coins for free:


Free tokens here

A hj, 5 dollars is about 5 mins work, a hj is at least 15.

Here's $5 of crypto

Thank you for your insight