Need some advice about gf

need some advice about gf
>be me
>college freshman
>doing nothing when roommate calls me
>”hey user, wanna go to a party?”
>offer to drive bc I’m the only one who has a car
>around 9pm when we make plans
>gf is at work, gets off at 10
>text gf asking if she wants to go
>gf says yes and she will call when she leaves work
>ff and it’s 10:15
>text gf saying I’m gonna take guys to the party then come pick her up since she was taking so long
>gf gets mad when I say that
>”oh of course you’ll drive them and do what they want but not me”
>she has to drive 10 minutes home then get changed so it would be plenty of time
>I say “I can still take you, just not when u want”
>10 mins pass and we haven’t left
>ask if she’s back yet
>”just forget it”
>already sick of her shit by now so say “ok”
>she calls me a selfish asshole
>I ask again if she wants to come, she says no
>tells me to have fun cheating on her and that I’m a shit bf
>normally pretty beta and would take the abuse
>summon alpha strength
>”it’s not my fault you got upset because I didn’t do something exactly how you wanted it for once”
>accuses me of being an awful person
>says I’m the reason she wants to cut
>says the people who invited me to party don’t like me
>says that “trying to be cool for your friends is more important than me”
>threatens to kill herself
>says she can’t wait for someone better bc she’s too insecure to leave me
>literally tells me to fuck myself
>reply with “goodnight” bc I was trying to have fun
>too late, damage was done for me
>30 mins later
>we all leave party and go home
>I’m driving but she’s still texting me
>”how can you live with yourself?”
>”what’s wrong with you?”
>finally parked and I read texts
>reply with “goodnight”
>she texts me “a good bf would have been here”
>go home to dorm
>lay in bed
she does this shit so much but I’m too beta to leave. What do I do?

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Just ignore her when she's being that irrational. I'm guessing she's still a teenager.

That's unhealthy as fuck. Leave that bitch and summon your inner Alpha for a new gal user.

Leave her, you’re what 18? 19? Way to young to stick your dick in crazy and stay.

Wait. She might be stupid hot as well. I'll never be as attractive as I was in my early 20's.

>says I’m the reason she wants to cut

Found the fucking problem. Get your dick wet while you can and then can the bitch.

eh fuck this alpha beta shit, fuck the insecurity and shitty emotional blackmail, chances it comes from a sad or angry hurt inside her that you cant really change. relationships are shit sometimes. If you love her talk it out and stick with her, if you don't then don't waste your time with both of you feeling like crap. its not rocket science.

20 bucks says she's pregnant already.

And then when she pulls the pregnant card you’re fucked. Don’t stick your dick in crazy

So close

Nah, she’s not pregnant, but she’s bipolar which she has meds for but idk if she takes them when she’s supposed to

Sit with her and watch Young Sheldon.
It should fix not only your relationship but all your life problems

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Young Sheldon. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Sheldon’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike young Sheldon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sheldon’s existential catchphrase “Bazinga,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Chuck Lorre’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>And yes, by the way, i DO have a Young Sheldon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Tell her it's not your fault that she has no logistical skills. You weren't even going to the party the first round you were just dropping people off. She's nuts, and you should probably gtfo before she throws a mason jar of nitroglycerin at you.

You are being manipulated. This will never get better unless you leave. Don't ruin your life over some dumb cunt. You already know this, act on it.

kill yourself

Yeah dude, bipolar should be a deal breaker. I know that "people with mental health problems deserve love too", but it's a completely one way street with that shit. You will always be the one that has to tiptoe around bullshit, and make concessions you should never be asked to make in the first place for the sake of "muh mental health". It's toxic and you need to get out.

He's already dead inside.

implying anyone actually read this shit

nigga learn to summarise i don't need the minutes of your life.

>shes bipolar

Not going to lie, you're not going to win any arguments here. Cut your losses and get out while you're still not fucked in the head like her.

>people with mental health problems deserve love too
Kek, no they don't.

There's a reason I put that shit in quotes nigger.

I know you’re right and I need to split hella fast but she spent literally 4 months trashing her ex boyfriend and I really don’t know how to end it without her trying to fuck up my life of killing herself

Here you go faggot:
Welcome to reality.

lmfao. i have bi-polar and i'm 29. literally the only thing i have to deal with is a month-long manic period where i get shit done and have a great time. then i deal with 3 months of depression. it's not that difficult to deal with depression once you're used to it. once you recognize that you're being a salty cunt because your brain chemistry is fucked up you can take steps to make sure you aren't being an annoying cunt. be it meds or cognitive behavioral techniques, you just fucking manage it without hurting other people.

anybody with bi-polar that blames their disorder for being a cunt is lying, they know how to behave but just decide to act like a cunt because its easy to go with the feelings rather than grow up and moderate your bullshit.

>high school problems
Jesus, OP. Grow the fuck up.
Real people have issues. My gf won't fuck me because I drink too much. Literally boils down to this
>be drinking 12 pack every day for 5 years
>gf pretty much pic related every day
>has eventually come down to "either stop drinking or you get no fuck"
>pressure of having to wait for her to cum first is bad
>takes her 1-2 hours to fucking cum
>i can hold off a good 45 mins
>she spends the rest of the time riding my sensitive penis till she orgasms
>drink instead
>everything's numb, sex isn't even an issue anymore
>gf can no longe ruse it to get anything out of me
>have gone almost 2-3 weeks at a time withotu some fuk
>doesn't phase me, just wank one out when I'm finally sober and go about my day
>gf is like a fucking super volcano about to explode, both out of anger and lust
>gg 2 numb, sry
>feels like she will leave me soon

Get camera's and good renter's insurance, provoke her, call cops. Put her in jail and create several sockpuppet accounts on social media to throw her off your trail.
Track her when she gets out, and lay down red herrings leading to sockpuppets for further lols.

Kek, if this is real, I am fuckin done with this world.

Ya seen user theres too much blood in her poos and not enough in her brain. And theres too much blood in your brain and not enough in your balls.