Tfw hated globally

>tfw hated globally

Other urls found in this thread:

doesn't china like pakistan?

>inb4 I don't know, do you?

murrisharts love pakis

Stay there and I will love you

I don't hate you paki

no they don't

>killed bin laden without their permission
>pakistan sent stealth helicopter wreck to china


I don't hate m8

Shitskin are fine as long as they stay in their shithole

Yes you do. Stop being so tsundere

Bin lid was pretty much one hiccup in exchange for making them NATO in all but name


What about visiting other cunts?

Its cool, make it whenever you're free

Stop being Pakistani

I will come to America and start being an American

43% of pakistani women here are on benefits, explain!

>In denmark
How are they?

i'll start tomorow, as i've finished my exams today. but i forgot who to include in the artwork

I hated Pakistan until I met based paki

Well, on benefits. Usually run a kiosk or drive taxis. At least they're more politically active than the other muslim immigrants. I think most are punjabs

UAE nignogs

>tfw being f*nn

>tfw not a finn :(

I get along well with the pakis in my city, good guys.

As long as it is tourism it's fine


What if they date?

welcome to the club

Pakis are bro
>t. T*rk

Finns are bro too
>t. T*rk

Alamancıs aren't bro
T. ürk

No one cares about you steppe gypsy

I know the feel

our presidents best drinking buddy is paki ambassador so he loves you

Stop spamming our fucking thread you dumb paki fuck.


>tfw hated locally

Are you Protestant or something?

Are you black?

Yeah your country is in a pretty mixed stance. But you're still you! Epic optimism right..?

>you're still you
Stop reminding me

You're crossing the line

Reconciliation idea: Give Kashmir to Perú

Well its ok if they both love each other, heck they should get married

Shoving all memes aside, if you're not a rebellious thug, you're good in my book.

Cheer up.

What do you think of Malala Yousafzai, user?

Would bang

i love u pakistan

Does your government (and random lynch mobs) still execute people for blasphemy?

No matter how hard you got it just remember you will never >ktf of being a pajeet

>lynch mobs
They jail you
There was a guy who got lynched but he was wrongly accused and the thugs are now in jail.
And there are no atheists here. Either you're religious or you're not. Atheism is a meme.

I think of you as only slightly worse than India, if that makes you feel any better.

Don't like this poster girl.
Pic related is a true hero.

I feel your pain

kys Iranian larper

Lub u 2 turky :3

Never implied that. Im paki pashtun

travel unravel

How's life in Pakistan my friend?

Depends on the area. Atm I could not be living in a worst place. How people imagine pakistan is how pakistanis imagine this place

I love you pakischan (。>﹏

But he is literally just pajeet the muslim version which is worse

Which is the best area to live? (in your opinion obviously)

We hate them but we're still allies for some stupid reason.

I don't hate you.

I don't have any problems with pakis but i fucking hate namefags and attention whores

Atleast he can post here without getting barraged with PIL and DSS replies.

Pakis are bros, first friends of the republic in fact


And rightfully so, although your country did recently criminalize honor killings.

That's only because he is relatively rare otherwise he would likely get worse abuse than that

>Literally just pajeet
Thats just a meme

You guys are always okay over here yet the news coming out always makes you look retarded.

Pakis deserve every grain of that hate. They are terrorists and child rapists in addition to the usual Poo stuff. So stay there and blow yourself up. Don't try to come here and do terrorism and child raping. Plus stop killing Christians and other minorities.

Osama Bin Laden had the right to live. Human rights apply to everyone.

All 3 look like Pajeetas tho

I know punjabi and pahari chicks who look like your pic.
Put an Indian jersey on these guys and most anons wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Indians and Pakis are the most similar of all desi people whether they like it or not.

all 3 would be considered punjabis here

t. afghan

Yes Pakis are just Muslim Pajeets i.e. 10 times worse version. Rest is the same. Shitskins

North Indian pajeetas you mean.

most anons here*




hey it's you

It's because you're a namefag.

Well maybe if you guys stopped hiding terrorists and stopped smelling like curry-farts you guys would be more popular.