The future of holland

How does it feel that Holland will be like this in 50 years

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Islam would fix whites, and whites would fix Islam

prove me wrong.

you know the upside is that as a white man if you become islam all those liberal sluts will sleep with you in a heart beat.

no man not gonna happen

he is from the UK

islam would fix some of the problems with degeneracy, yes
but islam has some problems that are innate and unsolvable. if you could change islam that much, you might as well call your new religion something different.

>dick mutilation
>autistic belief levels in invisible skynigger, complete with chimpouts when confronted with bantz
>no-fun-allowed mentality
>anti-science and anti-progress

So no. Let's fix christianity/atheism and stick with that.

wayne rooney lads

Amsterdam is a hellhole.

This is my first time here and it's literally the most hellish place I've ever been in my life. I don't know why so many rich people are walking around this shithole.


Nice proxy, 3rd world faggot.

that's a brit tho

and what the fuck kind of ground does a white guy living in Aruba have to stand on to laugh at other countries' diversity

It's not going to happen.

SGP is going to be the largest party next year.

Here are some of the viewpoints of the SGP.

>The SGP is a reactionary party and anti-democratic in its principles

> It has traditionally opposed universal suffrage, seeking to replace this with a form of "organic suffrage" restricted to male heads of households.

>As a radical Protestant conservative party, the SGP draws much from its ideology from the reformed tradition

>The SGP opposes freedom of religion, but advocates freedom of conscience instead.

>The SGP opposes feminism, and concludes, on Biblical grounds, that men and women are of equal value but not equal.

> The SGP favours the re-introduction of the death penalty in the Netherlands. They base this on the Bible, specifically on Genesis 9:6, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man," and Exodus 21:12, "He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death."

>The SGP wants to end the construction of Mosque's.

>The SGP is strictly opposed to homosexual marriages of the LGBT community.

>The SGP wants to reinstate Monarchial Power.


If you are Dutch and not voting for the SGP you are the most absolute cuck, espescially if you vote for PVV. The PVV (geert wilders) says they are the defenders of christian values but they are pro-LGBT, pro gay marriage, want to abolish the Monarchy, want to introduce forced holocaust remembrance. Geert Wilders is a KEK.

i doubt our president live that long desu senpai

We're free here to choose what we want, and most of Dutch people don't affiliate with any religion

How can you fix worshiping an arabic pedophile? You're a fucking idiot.

Those aren't Whites. Wanna use Chechens and Moors and Berbers as examples, too?

>No grammar whatsoever
>"become Islam"
Jesus you are an example of why the west is dying.

and Jesus is kike cuck, is that any better?

I hope that's more than a pipe dream. You're my favorite European country. I still have relatives there, but it's been awhile since I've visited them.

>accusing others of not being white

Why are all white converts to Islam in the UK gingers? I can't be the only one who notices this right?

Whites would just corrupt Islam.

nope, islam is a savage and uncivilized religion. That's why muslim nations are shitholes.

Can confirm
>t. Pole in Netherlands

It's actually a very small party, but it's the oldest political party in the Netherlands and one of the only ones that actually, have virtually not changed in viewpoints for over a hundred years. Every election since their creation they get abotu 2/3 seats in parliament, so it's very stable, but I'm just trying to advocate other Dutch to vote for it. I always hear many talk about ''defending Christian-Judeo'' values and then they vote for parties that support gay-marriage, abortion, ending the Monarchy, etcetera. It's disgusting. These people don't know what Christian values are, and yet they use the words, and that is why the West is dieing.


Not an Arab. I am Anglo American. I am top-tier White.

I just think Islam would fix Whites, and Whites would fix Islam. Prove me wrong.

Maybe it's because Arabs are savage and uncivilized. That's my point.

how so, mohammed? Whites are smarter than Arabs


Muslims actually don't tolerate whites. If muslims become a majority here (or continu to grow in size) civil war will ensue because theyr culture and past is incompatible with the christian foundations of Europe that were created through 1500 years. Muslim men want to rape our women and then behead us and inhabit our lands and breed with our women ad outbreed us, the Quran is telling them that, because that's what makes them feel superior & alpha. They have a medieval mindset. But that won't happen. Accepting Islam as European is the ultimate cuckery and pretty much giving all your history, your past ,culture ,traditions, dignity, honor and future away, because they will kill you eitherway.

i thought this was some sort of soviet republic flag

I don't care if sandniggers tolerate us. I don't think Whites should tolerate Arabs in their homeland either. But we should have a separate White version of Islam.

I hate sandniggers, but their religion is stronger.

Heilige kanker, ze hebben internet op dat eiland?!

>separate White version of Islam.

You know what happens when you are a perfect Christian? You get nailed to a cross. Christianity can be strong, but if you follow it perfectly and "turn the other cheek," you are committing suicide. This is why Christianity is doomed. Islam is militant and stronger on women and stronger against degeneracy, things the White world needs right now.

>Islam would fix whites

Are you really this dumb? I suggest you Google "Muslim forums" and take a peek at some of their discussions over there. Most of what they do is blame the white people (read: men) for the degeneracy of the west, bombing of the Middle East, Israel-Palestine conflict, and whatever else their low IQ minds can make up.

IF there is a point in time where Muslims become large enough in numbers to take over, white men will be the first ones to be killed. They don't like us nor do they want us. What will happen to white women/children? They will be forced to convert, raped, then sold off as brides or killed.

That's the truth and if you think there's any way to work with Islam, you're delusional.

Arabs are fucking retarded, what is your point?

>IF there is a point in time where Muslims become large enough in numbers to take over, white men will be the first ones to be killed

Well it sure looks like that's happening. We need to fight fire with fire.

There's only two outcomes, Islam eventually wins and we never leave this rock. Or we eradicate it and end up exploring the galaxy.

Jij bent een kanker flikker

>082 ▶
> (You)
>Arabs are fucking retarded, what is your point?
>>IF there is a point in time where Muslims become large enough in numbers to take over, white men will be the first ones to be killed
>Well it sure looks like that's happening. We need to fight fire with fire.
How would joining their degenerate cult do anything for us?

We wouldn't be joining them. We would be embracing a tough, militant, undegenerate ideology that can save the West.

We don't need Islam to fix society, we just need good hard slaps allowed again.

Is that why there are far more Arab doctors and engineers than there are white ones? :^)

Is that why 100% of all Arabic countries are shitholes?

what country is that? where are you from op?

Het tij zal keren, mijn koloniale vrind.

It isn't. They have 3/150 seats, and that is after years of having only 2. They only grow because Reformatiorians actually have children. It's the fastest growing faith after, sadly, pisslam. I'd vote for them, but I'm a Catholic.

I don't give a shit about "muh white rice". But It would be hilarious to see liberal lefties being BTFO as soon as islam takes over.