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cutest girl in the galaxy~

I miss them...

when is babysoul dropping her mixtape

do they have any show like twice tv or that wjsn thing?



D.ana and Cathy are literally perfect


i miss the ratshitters

why does irene always look sweaty

You really love those two.

WeMe always uploaded really long vlives pre debut


How come you guys dont like Doyeon?

they'll be posting a lot about bts in september don't worry

anxiety causes sweat

yeah I really do


it's the plastic shining

right after dubu does

RV is almost 4 years old but they're still treated as rookies

It's cold sweat. You know how she also looks anxious and irritated all the time?

lime too, they're all the same girl

Cathy and D.ana remind me of Lime (the best kpop idol ever)

they're always on brb mode

beautiful woman

because they are not that successful by sm standards

it's not that we dislike her, it's more that we love Yoojung so much she takes all our attention

I see you're still stupid

threads are much more enjoyable since there isn't any dubuspam going on anymore.

and yet SM gave them a concert, I hope you can see how flawed your train of thought is

it's hard to believe a groups this perfect ever existed

Memes aside, Young & Free was one of the best Station songs.

I don't like your Girlfriend is ahead of its time

the dubufalseflagger hasn't ban evaded yet?

>his waifu didn't came out as asexual
how does it feel to waifu a whore?

It just proves my point actually

why are you mean to Lime? also bad detective work

awful posts

i'm out

how can I be stupid if I love huihyeon

word, that and would u are some of my favorites

>after school replaced by pristin
>hello venus replaced by weki meki

kpop is dead

they got a concert before f(x) got one in their career

>two hot group replaced by a bunch of gremlins

i'm onto you

Dont ever reply to me again

chungha won in the end

>dal shabet replaced by memecatcher

cause we don't like transexuals here

Word, I don't understand why people treat them like rookies

it's a nice song but i can't listen to it without remembering all the shitposting memes clearly

I wanna fuck little yoojung in her ass

speaking of songs ahead of their time

Nayoung and pinky are doing better

I will always love Cathy but that one Cathyposter is a dickhead

But at what cost? She still wants to be in a group...


we still have two ioi's left


word. diaposters are all very nice and humble except for that asshole

it wasn't even hard

>She's sat alone in her apartment eating dinner all by herself whilst the other IOI members are surrounded by 7+ friends every day laughing and having a good time

I don't think so.

Word but sohye, she got to live the idol live, got popularity and all that even though she was as good as your everyday Sup Forums poster. Now she can comfily continue with her acting

c c o j



you mean cumjo?


IGAB is clearly the best song of the decade

> pristin
Not sure about that
At least she isn't somi

dubuposting was never banned you idiot

I will always love Lime

What was that all about? She took a spot away from someone that could've actually been useful.


nah, it's our favorite 4 word phrase here

I guess I like traps

you must be pretty stupid if think anyone else other than sejeong is the most successful from IOI

will you tell your kids about her tho?

Aren't you missing "face"

we're really about to get a latin song for the exo repackage
in the middle of fucking WINTER

somi is the real ioi winner. she doesn't even have to be an idol and she's still the most popular. everyone wants her on their show because she's a ratings magnet. jyp finally got a suzy that wasn't tied down to a group and he knows it, he won't ever put her in a group.

based yeri

han hyeri
she's unemployed now, sadly

you can add it if you like
c c o j's f

ldn produced it too

Sohye was and still is a cute and IOI already every position they needed so they took her in to fill the popular meme member spot. That's what produce was all about. Finding the idols that people want to have while also making a solid group with a balance of talent and popularity


she is too cute

I'm watching this at 1/2 speed
it's really nice

of course, since they'll be her kids too

>latino vibes

>you must be pretty stupid if think anyone else

nigga who cares about what season it is

kang mina

I doubt that desu

winter is the most latin of the seasons

So they voted in their own Yeri? I thought Koreans hated members like that.

a man can dream about lime