Why don't any politicians like Trump talk about futurism shit like artificial intelligence and transhumanism?

Why don't any politicians like Trump talk about futurism shit like artificial intelligence and transhumanism?

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Because trumps main platforms would be debunked

Why would they?

It's not gonna happen during our life-time anyway.

>tfw you will never replace your brain with a super advanced harddrive.
>tfw you will never experience not going to school because of data/brain knowledge transfer.

>man walk
>woman run

I'm paranoid or it implies something?

>It's not gonna happen during our life-time anyway.

I wish I shared your enthusiasm.



oh really?

We have more pressing issues.

Deal with the house being on fire before you worry about repainting the walls.

Pick one

>never once mentions initial investment
>predictions made in the video outright wrong
>even if they weren't the claims behind them don't hold solid ground in reality
I genuinely hate this video because it's so cleanly made that everyone just treats it as fact without actually thinking about anything it says

lol muh singularity memes. do you really believe science has consciousness figured out or will have it figured out any time soon? not even close. this is the atheist version of heaven and it's pretty much just as attainable. retards.

>running for president for the 2nd time
>not a politician

It implies strong independent womxyn were lazy and just pulled up the first image they found.

So far amwe don't have much to show for it, but if there is one thing you should keep your eyes for it would be this. We must ensure that technology of the future is not used by the elites for their schemes.

How the fuck is it a meme you uneducated fuckwit? Why don't you learn about physics and robotics

Because it's a big question that no one has an answer to.

Well shouldn't people be trying to come together to think of solutions?

Too be honest that looks extremely depressing. Whenever or if this happens everyone will be forced to neetdom and do nothing. How will you earn money in such a world if you cannot get a job?
This only seems to benefit rich people so explain to me how this would be a good thing for the average joe.

What do you think virtual reality will be used for when that happens?

Trans humanism is the literal mark of the beast.

>Genesis 3:4

>4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die

Satan tells Eve the great lie, that you will not die and you will be like god

>Isiah 14:14

>3"But you said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. 14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' 15"Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol, To the recesses of the pit.

Isiah writing on Satan's classic lie of man being as God.

>Luke 17:33
>Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

Christ himself warning against the trans-humanist deception

>Daniel 2:43
>And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

(David explaining Nebuchudnezzar's dream, if you recall God made man from CLAY.)

>What do you think virtual reality will be used for when that happens?
Escapism, fapping and maybe some kind of way to control the robots?

Those jobs will be limited as robots/machines will probably self sustained and don't need human fixing.
If robots were to take over every single physical labor then humans would become obsolete. How are you supposed to afford food and other stuff if you have no income?

To me this sounds like robots slowly replacing humans and that mankind will phase out/get wiped out.


transhumanism is degenerate, literally full blown autism.