What albums best represent adult angst instead of teen angst?

What albums best represent adult angst instead of teen angst?

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you're not an adult if you dislike it



daethbed angst



very good choice

Almost every SS album sounds like an adult's crushed dreams

Just an album I listen to when things really feel shit and pointless.

Emergency and I
We Cool?

>What albums best represent adult angst?
>this shithole posts the same albums
>What albums represent teen angst?
>this shithole posts the same albums
>What albums represent melancholy?
>this shithole posts the same albums
>What albums represent happiness?
>this shithole posts the same albums

>says while posting nothing to contribute

>adult angst
he was a wealthy edgy kid who was burning churches and being edgy for the sake of it
but yes, i also listen to black metal when im pissed off

>>says while posting nothing to contribute

I don't care who he is/was at the time, the notes being played just arbitrarily speak to me when I'm down.

something between teenage and adult angst

I've heard Rosenstock's stuff classified as "neurotic punk" and imo it does a good job capturing the anxiety of being responsible for your own life after transitioning into adulthood. The explosive climax of "We Begged 2 Explode" is undercut by the pain of your high school and college buddies drifting away and your shared experiences being forgotten as you all grow up, for example. "I Did Something Weird Last Night," balances the giddy, naive tone of the love songs normally geared toward teens with the theme of more adult hesitations that accompany putting yourself out there. He goes from slurring a happy falsetto about making out with a girl in a van at the beginning of the song to slowly convincing himself that there's probably no way that she enjoyed it, that it would be naive to think she would like him, that he was probably being creepy, etc.

bumpy bump


...or at least young adult heartbreak

isn't this what Divers was all about? Facing mortality? I couldn't get into it

I'm pretty sure swains album is about teenage angst, the only tracks that comes to mind that could be considered adult angst would be "seen a good man in a bad mood, and Never Clean My room." the rest of the themes are more about just being a teenager being depressed; Hold My Head,kiss me hard, Punk rock messed you kid,strange way down, and half asleep half awake.