My nephew is getting hazzled in school for not being cool, should i let him in on Sup Forums?

My nephew is getting hazzled in school for not being cool, should i let him in on Sup Forums?

Any1 have experience with this?



also YLYL



.........everyone in here is someones underage b& nephew arent they?

Maybe i should ask /pol....













Many such cases

Your nephew would be the first recorded person to have ever been 'hazzled', there is no documented fix.


Holy might. I think I haven't seen such a normie meme in 2 years

Figuring out the existence of this place would be quite a feat for someone in my nephews position, my only concern is if it might turn the poor little fellow into a trap. Or do they just congregate here, already fully formed?

Sure there is, becoming "Cool", right?

Another concern would be possible leak of this information into his school or something like that, causing this blessed place some trouble or making it harder to reach.....hmmm


Ultimately, given you look at it from the right perspective, Sup Forums is a pretty healthy place, for anyone, right?

Don't introduce him to Sup Forums though, he will think you are a faggot


I think we need an new hero

You'll just end up making him a huge weeb edgelord


Was gona just casually show him the home directory of boards plus the private setting for the browser..

>the other day if found some search history displaying pretty uninformed search phrases for porn, poor guy, i remember being this green, it sucked.


kek! youre right, maybe its a bit much...

arent they aldready edgelords when they get here?


Well, gottta go faggots, feel free to contribute to the funny pictures everyone!

How old?

underage b&

Sup Forums would fuck his shit up even more, you're a terrible uncle. and I'm also an uncle. You have an unwritten responsibility to be understanding and "wise" about shit they're dealing with because it's almost like your little brother but it's your brother/sisters kid.

hazzled with the ole razzle-dazzle my schnazzle?

you of all people should know we don't need any faggots or nephews of faggots running around here frazzling their schnizzle-schnazzles. We got enough as it is, alright?

So tell him to just tazzle his slazzle in the hopes that some cunnazle finally slizzy-slazzles his wazzle, ya feel me?


chan would fuck his shit even more

Op, Sup Forums will give your nephew a [last 2 digits of this post]% chance of an hero.

95% chance

At first I thought I was only a weirdo but oh boy. Never realized I'm irredeemable.

While that kid may already be socially retarded, introduction to Sup Forums will make him socially disabled.

bump with more edgy shit pls

Yeah, this was my conclusion, opted for just having a conversation, he´s showing me some cool shit he watches on youtube, he´ll be fine.

I shizzle, my nizzle -_-

good thing i decided to confer with my /bros here first!

The redpills cut deep my man

>Sup Forums
you want to make his problem worse?

how does his penis taste like?
don't lie

what sort of edge u looking for?

Thats pretty forward of you young man, cant see how that is any of your business


Teach him to be cool

some benis edge or other nude random shit

If you actually believe that coming here makes one cool, you have got way worse problems than your nephew has.

You should give him the advice to find a cool BJJ gym or put him on some kickboxing classes

>implying Sup Forums is cool
>implying Sup Forums is secret
>implying hazzling is a thing

mmm, gona try

Will pic related to?

you need to go back

always useful

HEY! im not a native english speaker OK!?!?
+ it totally is man!

Im off to try out some schlerien optics