>Be 18 years old, female, in my senior year of high school.
>forced to take a "Women's History" class because of credit requirements.
>This annoying transgender is in said class. >She often shows up late, and tears holes in her pants during lessons to look more edgy.
>She wears glasses even though her vision is fine.
>She wears baggy clothes, dresses like a stereotypical movie drug-dealer, and is obsessed with camouflage.
>She never wears bras because "breasts remind her that she isn't a man." And gets offended when people tell her it isn't appropriate.
>When someone doesn't call her a "he" she will scream loudly at them like a lunatic, even to the teacher once.
I could go on about this bitch, but the list would be tedious. Needless to say I found her incredibly annoying, but I tolerated her rude, entitled bullshit up until a few days ago.
>One day, she asks another student if she could borrow someones green pen, the student obliges.
>She proceeds to use the green ink as eyeliner, and starts drawing on her eyelids.
>I am somewhat concered for her saftey, and directly tell her that she could get toxins in her eyes and that what she was doing could be dangerous.
>She barks at me "Wow stop interrupting the class you are so inconsiderate and they are my eyes not yours!!!"
>I snap, and tell her to forgive me for being concered about the stupid things you put on your body every day, and that at least I bother to show up to class every day.
>Get sent to the office for this, even when this cunt has said much worse to my face in the presence of other teachers, and she gets away with it without any warning.
How she hasn't gotten expelled is beyond me. Forgive the blog post, I needed some way to vent. Anyone else have similar stories?
>pic unrelated.
Schools and their management of special snowflakes
Slash her tires
Should've said
>Sorry, I forgot you've already screwed up your body already
I don't even know if she can drive, let alone what car or vehicle she uses to get to and from school. I would simply love the idea of slashing her tires though. But I doubt I could get away with it without being caught, and I don't want to be expelled in my last year of high school when I'm going to college next year.
Check you privilege you white cis shitlord.
But I'm a grill so that automatically makes me unprivileged or some similar nonsense.
You need to warn people that it's a shitty blog post at the beginning.
Kept waiting for the punchline. Never came.
Fuck you
I'll do better next time.
This. At least post tits.
Havent you heard? The tides are changing and sjws and liberals no longer consider women opressed enough to protect with their social policing.
Have you tried gassing the Jews?
> i dont know
Great job at trying hard op you lazy SOB
Follow it and then later on slash its transpotation
Oh, I've heard. They don't even seem to give a fuck about gays anymore either.
Do you have a gas chamber in your school? Gas him.
> We need gas chambers in schools.
Well done so far, you shouldn't go violently on this person in my opinion, some people are so fucked up that they will disgrace themselves.
Sup Forums isn't a fucking blog
Do your homework and shut up OP
I wouldn't be surprised if her tranny act ended up being a phase,she's always acted like a SJW but she went a whole other level three months ago when she ran around the campus yelling "Hey guys I intensify as a male now!" She is batshit insane.
Get some jocks to be all buddy-buddy with it and treat it like a guy for a while. And by treat it like a guy, I mean give that fucker the whole nine yards.
Jokes on you I finished my homework two hours ago.
wait a bit, dwell on it to get a plan for some fun payback, if physical wait to get "cleared" of susp if you care aobut not getting caught.
>jesus what you kids have to deal with today...
teacher prolly don't dear to discipline it, so you will always have to go to that office, by how I take the sit....
well we didn't have any trannies...
it would prolly not mind getting a bag of dicks either
>got it
>get address
>find a local pig farmer
>get tons of pigshit ..
if you are a city boy you do not know how foul this smells
>chicken also reeeeeeeks
>dump it on lawn
I mean like a fucking truckload of pure pig feces
dump pigshit in it's car
or if moped or something gay, take a shit on the seat
You accept he's a deranged autist but you still call him by his pretend gender on an anonymous imageboard?
He'll be dead from suicide in 10 years, don't sweat it too much or you may end up repeating the 6th grade.
>blog posting on pol
>raising your voice at a non-physical high school kid instead of just ignoring them and letting them do whatever
>speaking to anybody in high school other than your friends and hot guys
>posting on pol in highschool
so many things wrong with this post
She has a vagina but she wants a dick, user.
>wants a dick
Inside of her?
tits or gtfo
Maybe, she did once announce to some students before class that she was too sweaty to go to class, so instead she would get naked in the bathroom for 20 minutes and wait until she cools down. I'm not even joking. What the actual fuck?
Well what kinda faggy school do you go to where adult students get in trouble for suggesting people attend class more.
Post tits tho family
I don't come on here to hear female gossip bullshit... i get enough of that everyday. Nobody cares that there was a weird person in your class, don't post again with this shit you fucking gossiping bitch.
>Women's History
>High school
Since when in the fuck is this part of the curriculum? I know schools have gotten worse but surely it isn't that bad, right?
I wouldn't necessarily call this gossip, I hate that shit too. It isn't like anyone will know who I am talking about specifically.
It is an actually history credit class in my school.
So she is an attention whore.
Go bak 2 tamblr
Sure, fellow bird enthusiast!
my god, thats why women should not leave the kitchen. i've read all that for nothing and had to spend time typing this
That's a funny deer, haha.
Yeah, it is.
ty stacy
Don't worry, in ten years time she will be an accountant.
Young people are always fucked up, its traditional.