What is the coolest/best thing you've accomplished hacking? Not asking for tips, it's not that kind of thread...

What is the coolest/best thing you've accomplished hacking? Not asking for tips, it's not that kind of thread, just want to know the end result

Closest thing to hacking was using shodan to find peoples routers given by their ISP.
log into web portal. (for some reason they had router access to the internet)
Admin is the default username/password
Or admin/password
Disable wifi.
Change router password
Reset log
Did it to a few routers before I started to get scared since I was not using a VPN

used to call people overseas
>this was the 80s

>later got into my school's network in the late eighties
>didn't change anything because I already had straight As no need to cheat

Shut xbox live down for a week just for lulz.

I once hacked a Gibson and found a secret plan in a garbage file to capsize oil tankers if a ransom wasn't paid. That was a crazy day.

I took A Cisco networking class in school.
Full of nerds.
I was the only average IQ guy in there.
Super Nerd who taught himself how the internet worked.
16 year old kid would routinely correct the teacher (who also taught at the community College).
One day while we had a substitute teacher, the super nerd showed another nerd how to send messages to computers via cmd prompt.
Nerd missed a step and instead of sending a message to him, he sent a message to every single computer on the network.
All at the exact same time you just hear bings coming out of every speaker.
Teacher from across the hall immediately went to the most obvious location... The Cisco networking class.
It had to have been the funniest thing I ever witnessed

was the password to the mainframe "god"?

It was. I also crashed 1507 systems in one day and single handedly caused a 7 point drop in the NYSE, but that was 7 years before the Gibson.

I've never hacked but I managed to script a bot that copy and pastes vigorously

ITT Evil 1337.

Lemme Guess, "net send" command? That not a hack more of an annoyance than anything...

I hacked a Gibson once and infected it with the da vinci virus
Thats no walk in the park, any self respecting hacker knows about it

whoah are you by any chance zerocool? You are a legeng, I though you was black man

Nice dubs.
Did you sleep in a Holiday Inn express?

I never asked.
Luckily he was white and nerdy so nothing happened to him.
It should've been a weeks suspension.
His face when the whole class looked at him.

1. Used a vuln to hijack myspace accounts
2. Hacked a ticketing website(for concerts) for free tix
3. Hacked a hospital from the parking lot and logged into Xray and MRIs

Those are the best.

Blackmailed some married arab slut who wanted to hack a guy that was blackmailing her with her nudes. I stole her nudes off his phone then destroyed it. The funniest part about it all is she paid me to do it.

Nice any screenshots?

Zero cool? I haven't heard that name in years.
I go by crash override now.

Nope, this was so long ago and I didn't really do it to brag.

> Be me
> Playing Enter The Matrix
> Game is bad but damn it's fun at the time
> Hype train in full effect
> Beat game
> Go to main menu
> Hack mode
> Aww yiss
> Hack that shit
> Unlock versus mode
> Whoop my friends' ass as a cop car
Fuck with me

How long since you last heard from Saltine, and PHCrew?

Intercept POST messages and change the values, looking for clientside only or limited server validation. U'd be surprised how many sites are vulnerable to this. Very fun and easy way to inject code. Also injected SQL once, got to drop their database lol.
Never proxied, never a problem either.

Paid a customer's cellphone bill, it was $650.

one time i saw my friend type his password on facebook, so i HACKED his facebook and asked his cousin if she wanted to kiss

I hacked into early iteraton of Arpa-net and found list of CIA personnel contacts with my c-64 and 300 baud modem. Good times. It really wasnt that challenging but looking back amazed what I did with that Commodore 64.

And no--Gore did not invent the Internet. When I dialed in over copper phone lines its was via DARPA and the system made for packet switching to survive nuclear war/non linear. Sorry Earth Day douche

Found a local disclosure exploit on a banks website where I live, tried to warn about it trough a local hacker blog's anonymously. Fucker took credit of the discover and immediately it's appear on all the news.

Shit was cash

I found a Struts vuln on Equifax's portal page.

I fixed the wifi router by turning it off and on again

And i had thought anonymous left /b


Not a hack per se BUT successfully set up a fake female FB account and got a stalker ex (a Doctor of Women's Studies no less) to tell the fake female profile (me) all of the bad things she was saying to others behind my back - that I was violent to women - BUT when I asked via the fake account 'how' I was violent - the stalker said 'oh no, he doesn't hit women, it's more so he hurts feelings'

With this I took her to our Supreme Court, in the lead up to such she had numerous mental breakdowns, and then she was busted.

Yes I know now to avoid these tumblr feminists like the plague now, but at the tie I met her through a friend.

Dated her for three months, then dumped her after she got pregnant to some other guy (of course she aborted it and then wanted me to fuck that haunted house pussy.

She's stalked me for close to 5 years lol.

Stupid bitch lol.