How are you doing user?

How are you doing user?
Feeling down?
Need a hug?
Want to vent ?
Let's talk.

I'm not fenn, just put the board up until (if) he gets on.

Been feeling down as of late, just thinking of life and the friends I have. When I get down, I get really mushy and appreciative of my friends. I'm very grateful for a certain friend I've known for ~8 years, and I don't really know how to show him how much I appreciate his friendship. I tried just straight up telling him but he ignored it. Not sure what to do, makes me feel like he doesn't care as much about me.

I literary cannot wait for the apocalypse.

Aw :( I'm sorry to hear that.

They probably reacted the way they did because they felt like you came on a little strong. I'm not justifying ignoring you, I just think this may be why he did that.
It seems hard to believe a friend of 8 years dislikes you. Some guys might not know how to react to this kind of emotion, or some women might have thought you were trying to hit on them.

My advice is try reminding them how you feel in a less direct way, like a gift, taking them somewhere fun, or helping with something they need help with.

Sorry it didn't go over as well as you wanted to though.

I don't know your situation but if I had to guess I'd tell that you have the same problem as me. Namely, instead of talking to people about what makes you happy and asking how they are etc, you try to show your gratefulness with deeds and unfortunately intentions behind these deeds are clear only to you. Try to talk to them more but avoid depression-inducing topics and sharing your problems.

Thanks friend, I see what you mean. I like your advice too, maybe I outta buy him something nice. Thank you :)
*hug back*

Sure :)

Just make sure it's related to something at hand, like a new headset for his computer if he needs one, or maybe offer to take him to some party on halloween.

or else you may risk coming on kinda strong.

Help me find a point.

Chinks piss me off so goddamn much.

Just speak fucking English!!

Looking at comfy threads makes me sad because I see what I want my life to be like but I feel 99.9% sure it'll never be that way.

Would you like this point named in cartesian or polor coordinates?

I'd like not to feel empty and dead inside.

Does your name begin with A?

It can be someday. You just have to make it so.

All the material stuff can be achieved through hard work. Make money however you can, take risks, work at achieving what you want done. One additional thing: You have anyone in mind you like? Tell her how you feel. You can have that comfiness user. I know you can.


That sucks user.
Are you seeing a therapist?
Do you have anyone you can talk to?
*hug* It'll be okay user. I promise.

bitch it might

I used to go to a therapist and I've been thinking about going there again. It feels like a waste of time, though (for the doctor). And I have some friends to talk to, I'm not lonely or anything like that but I guess it makes this whole thing even worse. Almost every conversation I have turns into sharing problems and talking about sad stuff. And I think I unconsciously don't want to change that, it's safe and comfortable in some twisted way. I lack the will and courage required to be able to feel happy. Nothing gives me pleasure and I repel every person that spend some more time with me.

Well bitch tell me what it is

Sorta? I'm ashamed because she's a th0t. She likes me, but she was talking to some guy or something and didn't tell me until just fucking now.

In all seriousness, maybe she doesn't know you like her so she's "talking" to another guy? Maybe it's just a friends with benefits deal she'd stop if you told her how you feel?

It sucks if that's not the case though. There's always other people.

Sometimes, all you need is a special someone to achieve true comfiness.

Well, we had vague plans to go to the fair this weekend, and saw each other when I was out with my friends and we took a nice picture together.

She said we looked cute. I said, "Be nice if we could take more," and she said, "Yeah it would."

So I asked her if she would go to the fair with me today and she said, "Well I told you I'm talking to someone. But it's not serious yet."

Legit she never told me shit. No McThankies.

That sounds unpleasant :(

My first advice is go back to your therapist. He/she can help. Are you on any medication? If not, you should ask your therapist about it, it could help a lot.


I want you to point a gun to my head and pull the trigger, I don't need your hugs you fucking pansy, I need to die.

It won't help. It will numb me down though. And then I could be completely fucking oblivious.

Oooo that's rough. I'd look elsewhere if i were you. You can't find someone else just right for you user.

I certainly did.

I'm at a party high af
I feel like I'll fall asleep

Goodnight. I hope you had fun.

no matter what happens it'll be okay user.
I promise.
*hugs tightly*

wanting a hug doesn't make you a pansy.
Nobody needs to die user. Want to talk about it? It's okay user. it'll be okay.

If I were you I'd get out of a party before falling asleep. Hope you had fun though. G'night.

I want drugs

I'm in a successful LDR. AMA

hugs not drugs

It won't be okay. It's gonna be exactly the same shit every day, until I finally die.

I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight.

How LD?

Sleep well user. It'll get better. I promise.

I hope you feel happier someday.
You deserve to.

y not both

The woman I love decided that she no longer loves me.

Still love her though and always will.

Not really sad on the prospect of not getting together with anybody else, really. Just sad of never being with her again.

listen m8 stick to booze and/or weed and don't do unhealthy amounts and its all good here.

XKCD is pretentious as fuck.

I broke up with my soulmate not because I didn't love him anymore but because it wasn't working out. Distance might wake him up. It might not. I'm not sure where this is going because he says he loves me back. That it's a shame that it is happening. What do I do? I think I gave up.

That sucks :(

I'm sorry you're in such a bad situation.
You're a strong man for being able to get through this.

Only girl I ever liked went out with me.
I really enjoy her company, and she enjoys being with me.
I want to care for her, but she doesn't care about anything going on with me.

I called it off and we still keep in touch, I'm just holding on for when she's ready to care for me back... she won't.

im doing well in terms of school and work but have been feeling empty alot lately since I dont have any friends to talk to. everyday I feel apathetic towards everything and nothing interests me anymore.

in all honesty? yeah. one of my best friends just lost 3 of her friends and is pretty emotionally fucked rn. it's stressing me out, and i'm worried for her rn. help me, stranger

Chillen an hour before my shift in the night air in SF and listening to the chatter is so relaxing, makes me feel better about not being able to socialize

Don't really have any good friends.

Haven't met a girl who is interested in me in years. Even then I wasn't super into her. Finding someone who likes me (and I can tolerate) seems impossible.

Thinking about just giving up trying.

I'm really sorry to hear that. Is there any way you two could get back together to try and work things out? If you really love him, tell him how you feel. Do everything in your power to make it work out.
Aw :( Maybe you could talk to her about that? You should make it clear that you like her and care for her. Maybe she feels you're coming on too strongly? This sounds like a communication which is somewhat simple to resolve, as long as you talk to her.
That sucks.
You should talk to a therapist, you could get hep. Maybe it's just a rough patch. Whatever it is, a therapist can help. You just need to reach out.
Hey user. I'm so sorry to hear that. she must be devastated. Is she seeing a therapist? If not she should, it's a lot to go through. The best thing you can do is just be there for her. Stay by her side, and be there no matter what. Make sure she knows she can always come to you if she needs to talk, if she just wants to vent, or just needs a shoulder to cry on. Be her rock user. when the world is crashing down, sometimes all some people need is something to hold on to.

I need my girlfriend to live with me. I feel so lonely at night I need to drink sometimes just to get over it. Sometimes I anonymously talk to girls online to just feel some sort of fake connection. I need to get my own place and spend eternity with her soon...

hey whatever floats your boat. I hope you have a good time on the job. Not many do, but those who do are lucky bastards.
It isn't impossible user. Just keep looking, you'll find the one. I know you will.

Been a rough few weeks. Well, a rough few years really but recent weeks have been really not going my way.

Thanks OP. You're alright.

Any sage advice?

do you have a gf currently or just wish you did.
Whatever the answer is, keep following your dream user, and you'll get there.

sorry responses are slow guys, internet is bad and I'm multitasking atm

Breaking up with my soulmate user here. We are working on it in a way and I already told him numerous times before coming to this. We agreed to work on ourselves and friendship before love and whatnot. I don't know if it's going anywhere really. It's not like he doesn't know already.

I have a gf, but we're living apart. we're both in university and living with our parents. I don't get to see her often. I'm drunk tonight and just feel so lonely. idk what to do other than drink until I pass out for the night

I wish he wanted me like you did haaa

I am thinking of a beautiful girl, both from the inside and outside, that I have been in love since three years.
The type of girl that "verzaubert" me (in German means cast a magic spell).
The type of girl you fight for.
The type of girl you would swim across the ocean for.
The type of girl you can't get out of your head.
The type of girl you imagined dancing with until the sun would rise.
The type girl you wanted to wake up in your strong arms.
However she never was in love with me.
I "friendzoned" all the girls in the years of when I was in love with her, because I wanted her and no one else. At least we met up and started talking, however now even she seems to have lost "interest" and stops talking to me. This is one of the most hurtful feelings in my life, it seems like my world is crashing into me, it is the end before it even began. She was perfect, I would have done anything for her. Now i've tried to stop missing her, it is impossible. Hey "L" you know I love you so...

Yeah, she is. And I'll try to be, to the best of my ability. Thanks, Sup Forumsro, it's a fucked situation for her, and me, I was close to them too, but not nearly as close to them as she was. Thanks.

That's gotta be rough. Want to talk? vent? want a hug? I'm here for you if you want to talk.

regardless, you're getting one anyways

Are you in college? if so join clubs, join a sports team, try to be in stuff you're interested in. The inherent nature of these things is you'll meet someone with similar interests.

if you're not in college, meet people in public places like parks, shops, etc. try dating apps, I know it's cliche but it never hurts. Places like a library work well if you are (or are into) nerds. Also try using friends to meet other people, through like a social web of sorts.

Aw :( that can't be fun. Just keep working at it user, I know you can make things work. And if things just weren't meant to be that's okay. Sometimes life works that way. You can't let it get you down, Just focus on what you want and work at it.

Everything has been going wrong over the last year and nothing I do seems to make a difference.

Can I give you a tip? put down the bottle, and just talk to your gf. Drinking won't get you a house with her, but if you two work together to budget your combined money, you can afford a house. You two can be together, live together, and spend the rest of your lives together. You can do it user.

Tbh the shitty thing is I only know exactly what to do because girlfriend of mine had some horrible shit happen to her once, and i'm still doing everything i can to help now. It'll get better though. Just being there for her will mean more to her than you'll ever know.
That sounds like tons of fun.
I can't imagine what you're going through user. that must really suck. I hope you meet someone even more perfect for you than her. You can and you will.

Thanks for being this kind. Cheers me up to read that.

Hope everything is well for you!

I can't even bring myself to look at another girl romantically user. Please don't ask me why. I just can't.
Every time I'm out there being on a date with another girl, I imagine it's with her and I wish it was her. It's so unfair on the other girls but I can't help it.
I wish there was a medicine that can cure me of love. I really wish so user

christ, im sorry man. what happened? if you're being nice enough to start this thread, you should have someone there for you too, op.

not really but I'll just lie and say yes lmao.
I'm not really kind, I just like to help out sometimes.

Meant for

For some reason i instantly get depressed when cold weather hits and it's happening again. I've been bassically stable for so long that it pisses me off I'm being a depressed faggot. I especially hate it not even waiting till the snowfall or being caused by anything. I just feel like shit

Sounds like seasonal affective disorder

being depressed doesn't make you a fag, and you shouldn't be mad bc of it. sorry that happens to you, tho

Get some hot cocoa, wrap yourself with as many blankets as you can find and watch your favourite movie.
Even better if you can have a girl over for company to hare the warmth under the sheets


Look it up. Recognize signs. Get help


Yeah. People always say they have seasonal depression and i have no doubt it's real and there's a possibility i have it but i feel alot of people just say and and don't really have it. I don't wanna self diagnose i guess is a way to put it

That's gotta suck. I hope you get this all figured out soon user. *hug*

So keeping this as brief as possible: I've known her a longass time, ended up not talking much at all for a few years, late summer last year we started talking, turns out she ended up with an abusive bf for over 2 years, he basically did shit like telling her "I don't even know why I bother, you're just gonna kill yourself anyways" he ends up doing some stuff even when she said no, she attempts suicide, fortunately fails, I start talking to her again about early sept. last year, learned what happened gradually, then a few months later we got together. She still has flashbacks to what happened, and gets freaked out at even the word "rape", and has nightly mental breakdowns.

I can't post on /adv/
It says connection error every time I try and post

Yeah. Part of what hit me that I'm depressed and not just in a shit mood is that For some reason I subconscioudly start rewatching futurama every time i start to get depressed. Like a comfort thing. That or animaniacs

oh. my. god.
Favorite tv show(firefly personally)+blankets+hot drinks+qt gf is the best thing ever.

We all have our quirks user. I hope you continue to feel as comforted as you can. We're all here rooting for you. Have a good one user

I'm glad she failed, I don't think suicide is the answer to most situations, or any situation. I hope she's getting well man, do what you told me, be her rock, help her when shit gets rough. Oh, and, rape, surprisingly, is illegal, she can take him to court, if she wants. Has she taken him to court?

After my dad died when I was 13, and my mom turned to drinking, the most positive role models in my life were my high school band instructors. They were my heroes. I had always excelled musically and 14 years, three schools, and one drug addiction/recovery later, I have decided to pursue my dream of becoming a music teacher. After submitting my fingerprints for a background check I received a letter in the mail from the New Jersey Department of Education. It says:

"Pursuant to the above-cited statutes, you are permanently disqualified from employment, service as a school board member or trustee of a charter school with any educational institution under the supervision of the Department of Education or with a contracted service provider under contract with said school or educational facility."

I got arrested for pot possession when I was 20 and 25. I'm four weeks into what would be my "senior" year as a transfer student and can't shake the feeling of "what's the point?"

Shits real shitty right now.

Sorry i'm not as good at all this as Fenn is.
All I know Is he isn't online tonight and I didn't want to leave you guys hanging.

Thanks for being willing to still talk.

That's the dream user. I hope you get to realize your best thing soon enough user. I'm sorry for what happened with your friend. I just hope both you and your friend find all your mental strength to get through this

You're doing a great job user. Making the effort is like 80% of the job. I'm glad we have you

Ok, whats an LDR?

I have no friends anymore. I dont know what happened. They never invite me to hangout anymore. The one girl who likes me and that i also like has a boyfriend and likes him better. She says i make her sad because she likes me more than him but they have history. I got a new phone and posted my number to social media where i have 95 followers. Most of them i talk to regularly at school. Not a single text from anyone that they put my number in their phone. The people whos number i do have never text or call. Im alone in this world and im going to die alone. Im so sick of being alone.

Long distance relationship

fuckin loser. an hero you faggot

Make the effort to get to know new people user. Friendship is a weird thing. The base of it can be formed on the silliest of foundations. Always be open to making a new friend.
I think it would be best to move on from the girl you like since she's just stringing you along right now

There's not much in the way of evidence, not to mention she's scared shitless of him. I'd be there for her if she wanted to, but it isn't happening anytime soon. Probably never.
That's rough user. Sorry it isn't working out. Just keep working at it, You'll get it worked out soon. I know you will.

It's okay user. You don't have to be alone. Just keep at it, and you can turn things for the better if you really try. I know you can. You got this user, I believe in you.

Thanks a ton man, it means a lot to me to hear that.

I appreciate it, I really do.

Trust me, i plan on it

I had to break up with my girlfriend last night. It was really sudden for her and I still care about her but we hardly ever get to see each other and I knew things were fading. But I can't stop feeling like a horrible person for leaving her like that. She's a very lonely person and I know I meant the world to her. The guilt is killing me and now I keep getting the urge to drink even though I know it would be bad for me. To make it worse she said she wants me to be happy and that I need to put myself first, which sounds nice but I almost wish she thought I was as awful as I see myself right now.

I can make friends its just that the ones ive known for years treat me like a stranger sometimes. Ive become little more than an aquantence

I was the best man at a good friend's wedding, i punched him in the face the day i met him. Friendships are weird/spontanious just keep trying to socialize (in person is always better)

People change user. It happens a lot. Change is incessant. I guess those people don't care about you as much as you did about them.
If you want to be close with them maybe try making plans yourselves with them. Invite them over for a house party, maybe call everyone once a while and ask how they're doing

Nice trips user.

don't. It won't solve anything.
people care about you. Suicide won't solve anything.

everything will be okay user. I promise.

I can't imagine how tough this must be for both you and her. You really should talk to her. Maybe you two can work it out. IMO there's a better way to do this. I think you should try to make it work out. Give it effort, and if it doesn't work again, have a conversation with her about how you feel, and what you should do.

Quite frankly user, i think you're making a mistake. Don't get to see eachother much? change that. Work to make your relationship successful. You can do this user. You can make it work.


Replying toI told her I want to care for her if she wants to care for me during the breakup. I've known her for 14 years since I was 8, and all the other girls I've banged never made me feel satisfied, because all I want is her. I try to keep her off my mind, but it doesn't work.

all my friends don't talk to me at all. it's been 6 weeks since any of them have texted me and if i send them anything i just get left on read.

I'd like to share this beautiful poem I've come across.

If only I had known.
That's deep.

I wish I never fell in love with someone who didn't love me. It's the most painful thing to go through