Bored artist. Comment something and I'll do a quick sketch. No pictures, only descriptions...

Bored artist. Comment something and I'll do a quick sketch. No pictures, only descriptions. Not spending more than five minutes on any one drawing.
If I like your idea enough I might put full effort.
And when I say anything, I mean anything. Do your worst, /b.

Sketch of your dick & balls

Cucumber rickkkkkkkkk!!!

draw a granny spreading her asshole

Please draw this man

Draw my self esteem


ok ive had this dream ive asked 3 other draw fags to draw it and payed 1 for a commission so far none of it have been close to what i saw in my dream so i'm going to explain this with much detail and i hope you can sketch this dream

its a girl about the age of 9 in a factory sort of setting (you dont have to draw that part) she is incredibly paranoid she has a rather large forehead a large head in general her eyes are gigantic 80% of her face very thin brown hair

draw this sexy beast



A skier skiing out of a bush and down a slope but it's actually an old man's erect penis

Can you draw a man or child transforming into a tree?

So I got blackout drunk last night, and when I woke up this morning I found a cup of some frozen beverage in the freezer. I thought it was gatorade for a while, thinking I'm recharging my batteries drinking it, until I started getting fucked up and realized it was a margarita.

Draw mfw

op sucks


gatorade is just salt water.

you wouldn't be 'recharging your batteries' anyway. it's just snake-oil thats sold to pseudo-jocks.

hi Danica

Next pic he draws going to be my new steam profile pic

Draw millenia from grandia 2. Barely any fan art of her.

Vitamin water fag detected

op is a faggot


op died

nvm just been informed, op's dead. RIP.

rip. delivered once

Could you draw Alice fingerin herself in this way? please?

no, just plain old water.

I don't need a big corporation to dye it and promise me athletic ability if I drink it.

Holy shit guys, OP here. DIdn't expect the thread to get any attention and yet it blew up. I'm gonna be restarting this thread tomorrow, so keep an eye out. Too shot rn and just smoked two bowls plus about 7 shots that I'm waiting to kick in so I can't do shit rn but I'll be back mates I promise love ya /b