Which US state is best?

Which US state is best?

No such thing

i like oregon


I agree wholeheartedly, friend. I fancy the weather over there and in Washington state very much.



Tennessee, in the non-ghetto parts.

They are conservative, friendly as fuck, mountains, ATVs and bears everywhere.

I want to move there.

more like COMMIEfornia

kawaii and ohio american weebs

Ohio has the same weather as England though.

No income tax as well is a plus. Here in CT we even have a property tax on fucking vehicles

Actually, US states do exist. The country is divided into fifty of them.

Thanks but Ohio actually isn't that great.

OBJECTIVELY Massachusetts

Tennessee is quite nice overall in my experience.

Can someone explain to me what the people of Vermont are like? They've got some nice gun laws for New England.


It's actually Maine, for reasons you need to discover on your own. But don't tell foreigners or they'll spoil it fast.


Texas. Best variety of living, climate, and general freedom.


I agree. The natural beauty, the friendly people, and beautiful cities and towns all make Maine ideal. Not to mention that Maine will never, ever, have a drought.




>tfw my grandfather actually lives in here
i can't wait to move this year


maine is worth it just for the restaurant Duck Fat in Portland

It's pronounced 'Hawaii'.

We welcome you with open arms!

I've been to a bunch of them. California is beautiful but too expensive. Oregon has awful weather. Texas is too hot. Florida is too humid. Kentucky is nice near Louisville but the rest is a shithole. I'd say overall Arizona. Great gun/tax laws and if you don't like the heat the north and the east are nice and cold.

>this shitskin's grandfather lives in Mass
Proof as to why states above MA are better.

is that way------------>

lmao my grandfather was born and raised in there, he is probably whiter than all the wannabe-quebec fags that live north of MA

thanks bro

fuck back off to Shitswater, ME

States is orange are disqualified for insufficient freedom.

shan't give a proper reply

Why would you want to live in such a cold place

t. Vermonter

I like Vermont but California is unironically God's country and has the best of everything America can offer in terms of services and nature.

>people of Vermont are like
Canadian hillbillies
It sucks, and the people are awful. You wouldn't like it.

Hot weather is worse than cold weather.

Yes, but Minnesota and North Dakota are really cold..........like really really cold my dude

That's true, but I stick by what I said if it's a humid heat. Summers here in Vermont are far more brutal than the supposedly harsh winters.

>New Hampshire

Yeah when the air is sticky, nasty, and hard to breath in that's fucking terrible.

Maine is kind of fucked if you live in any of the smaller towns scattered around it. They're usually full of dumb hicks that are high as fuck on meth, and don't get me started on all the Somalians around here.

>South Dakota

compared to
>New York

You can keep your freedom, thanks

>tfw more free than Texas

All shit

>muh freedom from taxes is the only freedom that matters
If it weren't for this, I'd be all onboard with libertarianism.


Out of the way faggots

tfw top 15
suck it texas

Arizona tbqh

>bragging about any of those states


The anglo states, the rest are poor non white shitholes

Just checked the website.
>Tennessee is #6, (that's the number right after 5)
I think it should be honorary gold for this map.

They're all Anglo states.
Inb4 memes
Memes are dumb.

>tfw tennesseean
i humbly accept this

>blue - would live in
>green - would like to visit regularly
>red - would like to visit at least once
>orange - everything else

I agree! So will you guys please run the new rail system through Iowa? I don't wanna be left out again.
But how do we have less freedom than Mass?

Hot weather you have to drink water, cold you bundle up and limit mobility. Im more comfortable here in texas than i was in Colorado.

>no canadians in my state

States in orange have an incarceration rate over 500 per 100,000 adults.

Iowa is over by 30

You do not want to live in New England.

Cut out Memphis from the very edge of Tennessee and you'll see a huge difference.

B-but we have high gun ownership, low gun violence rates, and fairly open gun laws!

>more nature than civilization
>fairly liberal but generally passive people
>bad weather
literally canada

the only other part of the US more like Canada is Maine, quite literally an american extension of new brunswick

>literally canada

Objectively it is Nevada or Vermont/New Hampshire

Washington Oregon are nice but suffer from "white wine" syndrome where there are loads of soccer mum tier rules and oversensitive people