Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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>there creating more things to make people healthier

Are we healthier?

both of your countries are unhealthy

And yours is being raped.

How many vaccines until we're a state?

living with filthy parasitic refugees
>lectures about health


The superbugs are coming

>69 vaccines

good goy

>69 vaccines
that's bullshit, by the way.

Just got my kid his vaccines, and they give you a little book that you stamp for vaccines.

Polio, hepatitis, and MMR are the only required vaccines.


>69 vaccines
>with 200 to come
Literally what?
In Canada it's like 10 shots for new kids.
I have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.

Unless they mean what it's vaccinated AGAINST. Then I don't see the problem. 270 diseases you're immune to is much better than 2.

How do you know?

Some vaccines end up having life-long side effects that are more serious than the disease they were intended against. HPV is a very good example of this.

can't vaccinate against bacterial antibiotic resistance


>Citation needed

I'm kinda conflicted on vaccinations.

I'm pretty sure SOME of them are good, like the one against polio. But at least in Finland, the government pays for them, and the medical industry just keeps making more and more and offering them to the government in order to leech more money. Even if they aren't necessary.

And no politician will do or say anything against it, because saying ANYTHING bad about vaccines is a political suicide.

Fuck all your vax/anti-vax bullshit, can we talk about the rack on that milf?

eh since bactery evolve to be immune to many crap whe throw at it there is a good chance your childrens children will not have do endure a small sting that helps them... they will just get sick. Congrats.

The drugs are used to make the population docile. Few people know this or at least aren't willing to face up to reality.

virgin detected

Who gives a fuck what they put in nigglets

Little girl probably needs more because she looks like a mudblood

Thirsty yeah, but virgin? Nah, your mom saw to fixing that |^)

Anti-vaxxers are fucking retards. Their entire ideology has been disproven time and time again but they continue to shove their sausage fingers in their ears and yell "NU-UH" and expose their children (and communities) to illnesses that have already been almost eradicated so they can feel smart and "speshiuhl" because "they kids is betta than them otha suga-eating vaccinated kids."

Fucking hippie faggots need to be exterminated alongside vegetarians and nu-male hipsters.


Translation: Public healthcare offered vaccinations against HPV to all girls under the age of 18. Roughly 25% got mild permanent side effects. 0.2% got absolutely fucked for life and are permanently bedridden.

All that just because they wanted to avoid a couple of cold sores.

Yeah, we don't have immune systems for any reason whatsoever. Crazy how everyone was dead before morons like you pushed for forced vax now the world is healthy and intelligent.


>This fucking idiot doesn't realize that the vast majority of people before vaccination died of infectious diseases
>This ignoramus doesn't realize that both life expectancy and death rates have improved dramatically since then
>This faggot wants to go back in time

So go live in the forest and rub sticks together you dumb hippie ass-bandit.

> couple of cold sores

Or, you know, cancer. Your medical research is garbage there anyway.