Enjoy being in the closet while you can, Drumpf bigots, because you're about to get OUTED!

I am now a #HillaryPillory

This seals it. I'm a #MeatLog4HillDawg now

That's it, I'm #CruzMissile now.

Thats a #Clintoris

Post revenge porn in response

I am now a #JebPleb

I would like to point out this is a crime and to report this libcuck faggot is the right thing to do

We live in a world that censors itself so much that saying you will reveal someone else's opinion is a threat...I wonder if libshits and anti-Trump shills will be proud of being bigots if we outed them. #justathought

hm good point friend

i am now a #cruzmissle

>appalled at so many seemingly intelligent people...

Has it occurred to this bitch she's a dumb fuck?

Looks like it's time to #WhipOutMyJohnson.

Hi OP, can you use the correct terminology (e.g., "BTFO") while shitposting, so my filters pick it up? Thanks for your help.

>I know so many I could identify them by face and name

So she knows like 3 of them?

u have bested me i now #Soujourn4Bern


I am now #krazy4kasich.


Link her facebook, OP.

>le there's something wrong with being a bigot meme

that's it, i'm now in the #O'MalleyAlley

>slander and libel


All Drump supporters should have to wear something to identify them in public. Maybe a star? :^)

The modern world, where not being leftist is reason enough to out someone on the internet. Not breaking any law, doing something very shitty or something similar. Just for having different political beliefs.

Leftist hate bullying, but they bully and threaten to bully people constantly. Hilarious.

>it is now dangerous to openly support a mainstream Presidential candidate
>any right-wing political views have to be kept hidden for fear of losing your job, friends, or life
>meanwhile left-wing views are totally acceptable and are literally taught and promoted in schools; you face no backlash whatsoever for expressing even the most radical of left-wing views in public or on mainstream media
I want off this ride.

No one really listens to you OP. Your post makes no sense. Most of us wear trump hats and shirts.
Your scare tactic isn't working.

>Mfw Sup Forums is right again

Maybe Libeler is not a Jewish name?

wow really makes you think huh...
wtf i hate trump now
i'm now #RidingDickForKasich

>Maybe a star? :^)
We wear bright red hats, faggot.

I hope that faggot does reveal them. Nothing would be sweeter than having a reason to ruin his life for an actual criminal act.

If I'm a bigot for supporting my country and countrymen first before any others in the world, then so-fucking-be-it.
Your inane insults mean nothing to me. They've been so overused for so long, they have no sting and no meaning anymore.

I wonder how liberals would feel if conservatives controlled the government, media and there was a social pressure to conform to right wing opinion.. and someone said "I know you're liberal, I could out you if I wanted to".

It'd be a threat of holocausting by a literal nazi, right?

But when they do it, it's fine.

It's a joke, you fucking retard. I obviously don't agree with her.

I wonder what liberals will do when shame is no longer a usable social tool? Oh right, post impotently about it on the internet.

using threats against people behind their backs because she doesn't like the candidate they support.

facejew /alissa.liebler


I #LickForClit now

>hmm why do people get upset when I call them dumb for voting Republican
>I know. It's just because they're stupid.

So what does she think it will achieve? The possibility is that some Trump supporter is outed, other one comes to defend him and the everyone else finally have the courage to say #IAmTrumpToo


>I know the witches in my town, I know so many, I could identify them by face and name them... I wonder how proud they'd be about being heathens if I outed them?

The fact that her name is a homophone for a person who prints defaming statements about a person means that it doesn't even matter if it's Jewish.

I just noticed that.

WTF I hate bigots now.
I'm now a #Shill4Hill

There is nobody shilling for hillary by the way. It is a republican funded lie to smear her campaign

5 cents has been deposited into your account

DESU out her as a trump supporter.

Slap a bumper sticker on her car and snap a pic for "proof."

Document results.

Oy vey we get paid in shekels goy

More like CLIT SON

>brad jones supports hildog

It is honestly so fucking strange. Then again, the only thing that keeps getting him into trouble is his choice in pussy.

> openly support Trump
> I bet they're scared of getting "outed", haha

Common core education, ladies and gentlemen.

>"It's frightening to me that intelligent people exist"

Yeah, I'm the leader of Students for Trump at my university, but clearly I'm scared of being "outed", even though we have public events all the time.

Then just type BTFO and all your second grade jokes are filtered out.
It's not even funny. You must be a female comedian.

>Trump is a fear monger :^)

Trump supporters are bigots?

Well shit, I'm a #HillBilly now

K... unfortunately for them, I don't have a kikebook or any social media presence whatsoever.

btw, you think we can find her Sup Forums?

>you think we can find her Sup Forums?

Do you have down syndrome?

By "joke" I meant I'm facetiously taking the opposing stance to highlight how ridiculous the post in question is. It's a really common thing to do and frankly I'm surprised it triggers you so much. I can't imagine being so angered by something so harmless that you'd actually go out of your way to filter it. Lighten up, my man. Take a breath.

>OP gets offended

>Tries to get Sup Forums to attack this girl because OP is to big of a pussy to stand up for what he believes

Stupid cuck.

>mfw people keep calling Trump fascist

I was raised left but more and more I'm seeing the bullshit of that side of the spectrum.. Trump is as much a fascists as Clinton is a totalitarian.

Fucking leftist scare tactics, they expect people to not bother to look up the definition of a word and just accept their fear mongering.

>Nobody intelligent is going to vote for Trump!

The fucking arrogance! Every time!

These actually made me chuckle

Ride never ends, friendo. Even Socrates was killed for asking questions.