Worst Country

What is the worst country in the world?
I don't mean meme answers like the US or Albania.
I mean what is the most destitute, crime-ridden, disgusting, saddest nation state that currently exists?
The country that would absolutely be the lowest on your list of countries to which you would move.


Somalia doesn't even count as having a government at this point. The British embassy there is literally just a bunch of heavily guarded shipping containers. Not a single positive thing about the place outside of the breakaway regions. If you're on the coast you get fucked by pirates and if you're not you get fucked by the warlords.

Probably a tie between Somalia and Haiti

Probably some landlocked shithole in Sub Saharan Africa like the Central African Republic. Nigeria and Botswana are actually very nice compared to CAR.

Sounds like a libertarian paradise.

somalia is like a pirate port at this point
it is like tortuga from pirates of the caribeena, except less fun and with niggers

>he wasn't even fucking exaggerating

Venezuela. There are much worse countries, but somehow the Africans for example seem to always be happy.

is this the grim reaper?

Any of those central African countries full of resources that have been constantly in a state of war since their inception.

But I guess any country can be shitty if you're poor as shit. The HDI only measures your probabilities of being miserable if you were born there.

>except less fun and with niggers
kek made me laugh hard

To an extent. People living in poor, but ok countries like Ghana and Gabon are. Those in places like the DRC are not.

>google Central African Republic
>pic related


What is the worst country in the world OUTSIDE of Africa?



It's like Mexico. Foreign media always saying it's in constant state of war and there's no government and blah blah but I'm like...

I don't live in a well-off area but I ain't poor as fuck. Everybody around me seems cheerful and nice, even in their misery.

Yeah, probably Haiti.
I mean, Haiti's in the running including Africa.

Going to have to say Afghanistan.



possibly north korea, because of
>multi-generational labour camps
>famine + the funds of which are mostly just funneled into the pockets of kim & co.
>quite literally the orwellian nightmare

different kinds of shit, but both are very shitty shit

certain regions of afghanistan are relatively livable and safe, haiti not so much

According with the HDI estimate of 2016:
1. Haiti
2. Solomon Islands
3. Papua New Guinea
4. Syria
5. Pakistan

Only think about North Korea is it's impossible to get even a remotely unbiased understanding of what it's like.
You'll hear it's an absolute shithole from Western sources, but it's a slice of heaven if you ask North Korean sources.
I mean, it's obviously not a slice of heaven, but it's difficult to tell if it's really as bad as it's made out to be.

>what is the most destitute, crime-ridden, disgusting, saddest nation state that currently exists

The one I live in.

Is that so? I always thought one of the big problems with Afghanistan is that every country it borders has their own shit going on so you aren't safe no matter where you go. If that isn't the case, I'll definitely take Haiti.

Afghanistan and Yemen are both worse than Haiti when it comes to HDI (although to be fair, so is Ethiopia when Addis Ababa is much better than any part of Haiti)

fun fact: the natives of Papua New Guinea used to give themselves a prion disease called Kuru from all the ritual cannibalism (it eats your brain until you die btw)

>You'll hear it's an absolute shithole from Western sources, but it's a slice of heaven if you ask North Korean sources.

The truth is always somewhere in between.

Libertarian means small government not anarchy

>I always thought one of the big problems with Afghanistan is that every country it borders has their own shit going on so you aren't safe no matter where you go.
well, its hilly and mountainous geography helps keep villages out in the middle of nowhere, with no value to any warlords/terrorist factions to capture, from being bothered by outside sources and they just live the same traditional lives the way they have for over a thousand years

one of the main reasons why it's so hard to capture and occupy is because the terrain offers outstanding resilience to the residence and a complete pain i nthe ass to everyone else

Shut the fuck up. Russia is the closest developing country to being developed.

Also note how when you hear about refugees going back, it's NEVER the ones from Somalia, and it's always the Somalians that lack basic understanding of societal concepts.

>You'll hear it's an absolute shithole from Western sources, but it's a slice of heaven if you ask North Korean sources
north korean government, yes
north korean escapees not so much
when people escaping korea talk of the draconian, dictatorial, and suffering existence of north korea, when the same authoritarian regimes says the contrary, it's just common sense to hear out the disenfranchised & people without power

South Sudan

>South Sudan is acknowledged to have some of the worst health indicators in the world.[186][187][188] The under-five infant mortality rate is 135.3 per 1,000, whilst maternal mortality is the highest in the world at 2,053.9 per 100,000 live births.[188] In 2004, there were only three surgeons serving southern Sudan, with three proper hospitals, and in some areas there was just one doctor for every 500,000 people.[186]

Ethiopia doesn't seem that shitty, surprisingly. There are native Ethiopian archaeologists who do a lot of interesting work in Northeast Africa.

Yeah, but at least they aren't Muslims.

damn that's like paleolithic level maternal mortality

>tfw a residential neighborhood in Somalia seems 10 times more comfy than your neighborhood

Is that in Somaliland or Puntland? Doesn't count if so because they both have their own governments completely separate from the rest of the country.

That's Hargeisa, technically is not part of Somalia.

An-cap paradise then.

>in ancap society, the best regions to live are the ones with centralized government and authority

>Ancaps are wrong
Well, no shit.

Just how bad is Papua New Guinea?

Any Ausbro can confirm?

I guess its making the most with what you have, or focusing on things besides material goods and constantly feeling like you have to show off.

The country I hear the most bullshit about by far is Cuba
I never know what to believe because the because leftist cancer in the US are intent on believing everything that the Cuban government says, especially about its healthcare system but actual Cubans that have lived there before and left say it's an unbearable shithole. Then again if you wanted to leave Cuba in the first place you are probably biased against the government anyway.

An Aussie that was working there said that PNG security guards carried bow and arrow. They also lack a system to transfer ownership of land which makes foreign investment very difficult.

I imagine it's like a considerably shittier Brazil.
There are developed, civilized places that are at least semi-livable, but there's a ton of backwoods forest tribal places where people are literal cannibals living in huts.
The difference is Brazil has a lot more developed, livable areas than Papua New Guinea.


From experience, Cuba gives this vibe of tropical East Germany, while Mexico would be Western Germany. They want to be completely self-reliable so they lack things we all take for granted, like toothpaste.

It's not as bad as the others simply because while the others are running a failed society, Papua New Guinea never had one to begin with. Something ridiculous like 70%+ of the population wouldn't have their lives changed if they lived 300 years ago or now. The interior is pretty much unmapped and most tribes don't have direct, or even indirect contact with the outside world.

My girlfriend's grandpa left Cuba just after the Revolution. His family was wealthy and had a lot to lose. He doesn't like Batista or Castro. He misses his home, but knows it wouldn't be like it was when he left.
Cuba has gotten a little better since Raul took Fidel's place, but I don't think it will ever get back to how it once was. Once the reds took control, they started hemorrhaging wealthy, smart, and generally more "useful people"
You can tell by demographic changes alone. The wealthy Spaniards like Desi Arnaz or the Cuban I mentioned earlier either left or died, and now when one thinks of a Cuban, all that comes to mind is poor Afro-Cubans or Mestizos.
>Tl;dr Cuba was cool, but now it's like a Commie Dominican Republic, and probably won't be as good as it once was.

Interesting, I just realized Indonesia borders PNG and even though we have a fair share of posters from that country, nobody ever mentions Papua

I don't even mind beheadings, rapes, and robberies. Garbage strewn about like this makes me mental. I'd spend the rest of my short life sorting compostable and non compostable items, metals, plastics, and medical wastes before dying of AIDS, tetanus, or some other wretched disease. I don't even know how Americans live with it let alone Indians and Chinese.

Batista was horrible. All the US had to do is back the democratic elements of Cuba which formed a big part of the revolution. It wasn't cool for the majority of people before the revolution

It's a really enigmatic place, I'll give them that. PNG also has some of the highest rates of HIV and violent crime in the world.

I saw a PNG poster on here once (1 time)
He was talking about Easter or something

Only 1% of the Indonesian population is in Papua and in terms of population with internet access it's easily a tenth of a percentage.

Africa was a mistake.

I didn't say it was cool during Batista; he only ruled for something like 10 years of Cuba's existence, and wasn't even the last leader before Cuba.
In fact, my girlfriend's grandfather specified that he "didn't like Castro, but hated Batista"
However from what I can tell, Batista didn't chase his family out of the country, but Castro did.

for some reason indonesia isn't so close to PNG in terms of political ties, we're more into our ASEAN neighbors. But the good thing is Jokowi has done a great job paying attention to the Papuans of Indonesia, a new border post has just been built.

The American problem is they only look for the opinion of rich semi white people

If that were the issue we wouldn't have bombed you for Bosnia.