Is she going to lose?

is she going to lose?

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Polling indicates she is holding a small lead, but I think the Republican base isn't all behind Trump yet.

The Democrats rely heavily on the young vote and young people don't like her as much. If she depresses the young vote she could lose.

Yep she will win and theres nothing you xenophobic transphobic homophobic racist bigots can do about it face it you guys are on the wrong side of history

Trump has a very good chance to win. I hope you Americans vote for Trump.

I never thought Trump could win the electoral college, but I've started to believe lately. I don't like Trump or Clinton, but It's pretty much 50-50 at this point
>Virginia governer givng 200,000 criminals voting rights show desperation on his part. It went red every election from 1976-2004, and only went for Obama because abnormal black turnout
>Nevada is 80% corporations and 20% legal hispanics, and it went for Obama because of Obama in Vegas.
>Romney only lost Florida by 1%
>The entire rusetbelt is in play because of NAFTA
>He is only dowen by 2 in NH
Maine's second congressional district is in play
Iowa is pretty homogeneous and likes Trumps business plan
Colorado is tough, but it's pretty even and certainly is in play.

2 bad candidates. Both are shit. Too bad we couldn't get a serious election like Rubio vs Biden.

she will if shit keeps blowing up
fresh OC as well


desu senpai it's her race to lose.

Trump is up in the polls but the dem nomination isn't over yet. Conservatives are rallying around Trump, Dems still split on Hillary. Her numbers will likely improve, and she still has a bit of a lead over Trump.

Really it's the same in all the elections in this century so far. The liberals have a slight lead due to demographics changes. Deal with it.

>Hillary gambling on the idea Bernie supporters will give up and join her
kek, these retarded SJW liberals who vote for Shillary are in for a rude awakening. Enjoy president Trump you cucks. We tried to save you

Yes, she will.

She's lost control of business democrats and independents already. Trump will lead in the general starting around August and the Libertarian Party will sap the dems of their younger, Sanders-heavy base.

Final tally: Trump 47, Clinton 37, Johnson 11, Other 5

Bernie beats trump?


That's analogy is wrong. Bernie wouldn't beat Trump in a general election.

Bernie beating Trump
>some kind of confirmation is requiered

he would in general election according to polls
but it doesn't matter because shillary will beat him and trump will beat her

Trump is not a establishment candidate and I think he will be very good for the US economy.


Unfortunately it will never arrive because he can't beat Hillary.
Polls are the best proof there is.

>Lost control of buisness democrats
lol wut? She's extremely corporatist

He routinely out polls him. Sanders has huge pull with independents and liberal democrats. Even some republicans

All polls suggest that he would. Also common sense. Bernie is the most anti-establishment candidate that there is.
Trump may not be a politician but he's still as establishment as they come.

Actually i think i agee with this image.

Trump would not win vs Bernie.

Can someone please tell me how he could?

Not bait, im truly interested.

A lot of (18 year old) Bernie supporters say that they probably wouldn't vote if Hillary won the nomination (idiots), while a few others say they would vote for Hillary while looking like they want to kill themselves. Hillary winning might cause a lot of Sanders supporters to give up entirely (don't count on it though), or even kamikaze their votes into Trump (someone in my school actually said this).

Because Sicily>Nappoli

prove me wrong


Polls are pointless right now. Many us presidents candidates has been far behind in polls and won later on.

Because if Trump goes against Hillary, he puts NH,PA,Michigan,NH in play. It it's Trump Vs Sanders Trump can't win those.

>Ruboto vs. Biden