the gf edition (rate the gf)
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Girls love my big becky.
why cant it just be the end of the semester already
I hate you.
No, really, I fucking hate you.
You're the morbidly obese white trash I see in the background of any Trump rally.
You're the gross rapist who society defends while they applaud the murder of black men and the terrorizing of PoC communities by the police.
You're the common psycho who is responsible for bullying millions of LGBTQ+ individuals into suicide and despair.
You're the dejected nerd without a life who spends all his time spreading propaganda about Muslims, feminists, minorities and anyone who doesn't share the same rung in society you managed to screw up.
Seriously, if any of my black friends or brown friends or female friends were able to magically transform themselves to look like you, they would probably advance so far in a month than you have in your entire fucking life.
I was looking forward to seeing you all whine after Trump was jailed for Russian collusion, like the entitled manbabies you are. Seriously, I had the misfortune of babysitting two white toddlers once, when the President wasn't a racist rapist walking example of white privilege, and I couldn't help but relish that they wouldn't grow up in a world where they could be another Trump, but that hope is gone.
You can topple every statue of MLK and replace it with Putin. I don't care anymore. This country is dead to me. Because of people like you who should die in a fucking fire.
>braaap edition
all sodomites should JUST DO IT
I never actually finished DS1
beat neato, got to the library, just dropped it
>not a single good post
>i dont finish any of the videogames i talk about
yes we know
well you got though the best parts already
whats stopping you from playing it again
brap posters should be shot
how can they even compete
all the end bosses are dps race with fat armor
Ive done fresh restarts plenty of times and I know the journey to lardass and sonichu so well its not even fun anymore
I feel like this meme didn't live as long as it should have.
never played dark souls and i dont intend to
why not
i refuse
why is that so
South Dakota
i dont have to justify myself to you
i see
College Dropout > Late registration
not kanye west > kanye west
my adviser isn't responding to my emails so i can't even register
fuck this gay earth
lol no
imagine an EP of just the first 1/2 of graduation
nande omae wa koko desu ka
oops hehe that's korean XD
I don't listen to music made by blacks
*converts to Islam*
>I dont listen to blues/jazz
good choice
if you dont let niggers in your house, why would you let them in your brain?
how cool would it be if there were actual gods that granted blessings
nothing wrong with that
>most converts in the US are KANGZ in prison
Really makes you think
>I listen to blues/jazz
Why can the mind imagine such wonderful fantasies, sketch and build worlds that mimic our own so wonderfully, create individuals with such purpose and drive that we never see daily
Yet live in such dull, blase reality?
Is the creation of stories themselves escapism from the dreary world of redundancy and ruts?
Perhaps then, it isn't so unnatural to want to leave it all behind, to escape from the entrapment of society, to become wild men with wild passions and pursuits, to experience the freedom, adventure, and thrill of seeking the unobtainable?
I have myself affirmed that human nature is amorphous, although I now grow to doubt that notion, merely out of the curious case of the cyclic story of heroism; that ancient story of quest, repeated from Gilgamesh to Modern day
Why then, can mankind not be permitted to be truly happy, to seek to touch and craft the stories of yore, to make them reality?
Is the march of progress a march of enslavement?
>Im not part of Nation of Islam
how are they even allowed to fight eachother kek
I'm just doing it for the jihotties.
i listen to neofolk mostly
who would have more fedora pictures
fedora wearers, or fedora fans?
>Is the march of progress a march of enslavement?
see: Industrial Society and its Future
This old art is so great.
updated redditcore video games list
5. overwatch
4. ocarina of time
3. bioshock
2. skyrim
1. dark souls
i have a neckbeard too
you forgot Playerunknown's Battlegrounds
I sexually identify as darth sidious, and I won't be happy until the entire galaxy is under my control I won't be truly happy until I seek, touch, and craft the stories of yore, to make them reality
Why do nobody troll people in proximity chat in PUBG? Me and my mates are the only one doing it it seems. Never do I hear someone taunting us or whatever.
The wandering man, the drifter, so long outcasted from society, may now be so rare it will only exist in fiction
jih jih ~~~
I personally prefer the illustrations in the manuals and the like. I like the watercolor look of it, it kind looks worse now
Opinions on this man?
Does he have a chin or is his face just one very long neck like George Fisher?
>jihadis in charge of shit genetics
fuck donald drumpf
blumpf btfo
oh ya. That was great too.
>updated redditcore video games list
hol up lemme fix 'at
5. fallout 4
4. smash bros
2. overwatch
1. skyrim
bring the banter and salty tears to trumptards
why the fuck do you stretch the 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9 looks horrible
cant be smash bros, the autism involved is more fitting of Sup Forums
>durrrrk souls prepare to die xD isn't redditcore but skyrim is
guys just realised it's .cum like .com
haha it was originally a mistake because i meant to type /cum/ but i typed .cum instead but i think it's better like this haha what am i like x
good list
I listened to some Kendrick songs off the new album. I can't remember the last time I've liked songs with such stupid pseud lyrics
I thought hospital-kun was going home today?
think he goes home on friday /cum/bun
skyrim is really bland and the easiest game to play
ds at least has some difficulty to keep out the casuals
instead of fedora posting make some arguements
Do you know how to get a 4:3 aspect ratio using visual boy advance?
If you do please tell me.
say hello to the 46th president of the united states
>me? I prefer jazz like Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, the list goes on
when you have a post you're not supposed to reply
thats not how it goes, you yutz
replace mingus with louis armstrong
Opaнжeвыe cвoйcтвa являютcя пocлeдними нa 2-й cтopoнe дocки. Moнoпoлия пpoфeccиoнaльных игpoкoв Moнoпoлии cчитaeт их лyчшими нa бopтy. Coглacнo aнaлизy, aпeльcины зaнимaют 2-e мecтo из 10 пo чacтoтe пoceщeния (50% -ный шaнc пoпacть зa пoeздкy пo вceмy бopтy!) И 1-й пo пpoцeнтy выплaт.
is this the average /cum/ poster?
>England, United Kingdom
>england, UK
obviously from /brit/
>instead of fedora posting make some arguements
I wonder what are westerners up to when it comes to relationships. I know you guys are doing bf-gf stuff here but are you guys gonna marry in the future?
it's like the western society is so promiscous.
neighbor brought me chocolate cake
I'm downloading Starless again...
Right now I'm really feeling like shit because I know I will waste 50 hours of my life in the next days watching vietnamese sexual drawings in a computer screen
>bf-gf stuff