What do you do after you realize that existence is meaningless, death is inevitable...

what do you do after you realize that existence is meaningless, death is inevitable, and nothing we do really matters in the long run?

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I realized that many many years ago.

Thats why i dont bother with anything

grow up

make porn

Have fun


Do it for the little things that you enjoy and make you happy. If you're successful enough, you can have a kid that might not inherit your nihilistic depression and actually enjoy life.

Keep on going but care less about everything, drunk more, and have more meaningless sex.

Stop being a bitch, and learn how to not be a kill joy

masturbate, post more


>existence is meaningless
>death is inevitable
also true
>nothing we do really matters in the long run
this is where you're wrong. We may not have a large effect on even our area of the universe, but you don't decide what matters, the universe does and your neighbor, your coworker, your family they are the rest of the universe.

So when you give a dollar to a homeless person, that matters. When you teach someone something new, that matters. When you act altruistically, it matters. Your actions may not echo in eternity with some huge effect, but they matter to the only beings that matter, other people.

no it doesnt fucking matter in the long run. The homeless dude will die. everyone will fucking die


Impregnate as many women as I can.
That way I inflict my pain-and my genes-on a whole new generation of optimistic children just waiting to be disillusioned.


it matters to the homeless dude

Until he dies.

Nothing we do matters. The Earth will eventually disappear. Even if we make it off the planet, the Universe will eventually experience heat death.

And then it will all have been for naught. No one will remember anything that ever happened for all eternity.

I think that's the point OP was trying to get across.

OP's never had a blow job


>nothing means anything
>except what I deceive myself into thinking matter
>because I am weak
>and can't face the fact that I live in the a world where everything is utterly meaningless

Earth won't be gone for billions of years, and the universe for billions more after that. Plenty of time to evolve into machines and time travel or travel between universes. Just keep keep nuttin' in the meantime.

It matters right then and there, but eventually he will die aswell and then it was all for nothing. Everything you do and will ever do is pointless. It literally doesnt make any sense

so then kill yourself faggot

That bicolor of cut Dick looks noix big like a horse,

not him but why dont you fucking kill yourself ultimately it does not fucking matter right?

Enjoy life anyway.

i agree with that statement

right but you can't act like you have a galactic perspective; you can only have the perspective of a human and from a human perspective, lessening the suffering of other beings in the same position as you is noble even if, as you correctly point out, it's ultimately futile.

Listen to jordan petersons talks on nihilism and youll immediately see why that belief structure is nothing but flawed

I realized this about 4-6 months or so and to be honest it fucking sucks having this outlook on the universe but its true, btu i dont get down about it like others i just accept it and move on. becuase if nothing truly matters and death is inevitable fuck it there most likley isint a god and ive been dead for the past 13~ billion years and will be dead in relatively a nanosecond in the grand scheme and ill have the rest of time to be dead so ill take this short time ive been given and enjoy it as it is

Make the most of what you have and do whatever makes you happy in your short allotment of time that you have to participate in the universe

fun shit

Treat your body like an amusement park and just enjoy the ride.

I find the comments funny that say shit like go get laid or have kids. There are 7 billion people on the earth. It's gotten to the point where basic technologies that accompany human evolution have become dangerous to the environment because there are so many of us. It doesn't help that the ones procreating the most are deadbeats and lets not ignore the fact that each generation of drug and alcohol abuse combined with environmental instability is causes our genes to become more and more mutated. Over time the chances of having birth defects will go up and up. I guess genetic engineering may solve that one though.

your download.jpg file is full of shit user

That attitude is a serious cop out. Since you feel like nothing matters and its all for naught, you are absolved of lifes responsibilities. Its an excuse to coast by and not put in any effort. Everything does matter. Some argue that every decision you make will have a lasting impact on the universe. Like a ripple across a sheet of steel extending beyond through the vastness of the cosmos.

how many people there are isn't the problem, it's each of our collective lifestyles. We'd be fine if we just did sustenance farming, but since we like to live farther from our jobs, have things delivered to our house, use plastics etc that's what's fucking up the world.

Yeah but they don't matter either.

60% of the population has an STD. Think how happy the kids of the future will be to start out with them from birth.

The All is mental.

Yeah but what matters to him doesn't actually matter.

I had this moment in college, very distinctly. I always struggled with it, but that night painting in studio I was overcome with just an all encompassing feeling of something being.. wrong.

I went to the park and thought. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that I really had no trauma or severe sadness that could drive me to take my life and even were there some, my self preservation instinct was nearly impossible to overcome and fear of non-existence. My plan since then to move forward was simply to lie to myself as convincingly as possible of some purpose. Things such as body building, 'love', career success, being a general badass. Ultimately these are nonsense and useless but I would simply repeat these goals within my head and disallow myself any further thought beyond this simple earthly reasons.


Nothing matters which means EVERYTHING IS FREE GAME

pessimistic fucks letting pre-requisite meaning make you depressed, nigga fuck DAT

This guy gets it Also its counter productive to constantly think about existence being pointless. It may be true, but who gives a fuck, it shouldnt stop you from living your life (your only life i may add). Just ignore it and focus on your goals and being happy (or you could just kys if you cant)

Go out with a bang, OP. And let us know which day.

bother with this (You), faggot!

That doesn't make any sense either.

it does to him

can you honestly say if someone did something nice for you, you actually wouldn't care? if it matters to you, it matters to them too.

You're thinking to hard.

Paint and throw the painting away!


or steal from relatives!

Draw loli porn for thousands of dollars a month!

What? Yeah I might" care" but that doesn't matter and neither do I.

Yeah i might aswell because it wont matter if i do. But i have instincts keeping me alive

i take comfort in the thought. that doesn't make hardship less hard tho.

Make a delicious grilled cheese sandwich


>what you care about doesn't matter in a universal sense
this is true
>what you care about doesn't matter period
this is false, of course it fucking matters. it matters to YOU.

you're not the only being undergoing "existence" and for every being doing so, your actions matter to them, and their actions matter to you. just because you wanna be edgy and nihilistic doesn't completely negate the fact that your actions have effects which DO matter to a degree, ESPECIALLY to others.

I don't really give a fuck

It means if I succeed in life it doesn't matter, if I fail at life it doesn't matter, if I die it doesn't matter, I really just couldn't give less of a fuck about anything

If you realized that for real you would already know that the answer is IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER. Can't even do nihilism right holy shit kys.

I disagree, driving a car and making deliveries isn't going to be a problem until too many people are doing it. Same with electricity, you can use coal or nuclear but the real need for nuclear came from too many people needing power for coal to supply for. Air pollution is the result of trying to supply products to a population that is too large and supplying jobs to a population that is too large. It goes on and on. If people had self control the world wouldn't be fucked up and it wouldn't matter if there was a point because people wouldn't be depressed from the state of the world and mankind in general. How many more people would be happy and married raising responsible kids if we didn't have a massive obesity problem, drug problem, STD problem, Abortion problem, ect.

This is a Hard Quest~! and I am glad you asked.
watch Bojack Horseman
Number one Marry and reproduce.
Try to acquire happiness
#2 Nothing has actually changed in the world "since" the (red pill)
Shit is still the same ONLY your perspective.
Right now this is where you belong Accept that.
Time doesn't exist the past and the future only exist because second by second time is being destroyed.
#3 Spiritual Awarness this helps with the pain just requires you to have faith (acceptance with no rational or logical basis)

You can faith anything into your brain it can be waifus jesus giant robots doesn't matter since it is based upon illogical reasoning.
And then logical reasoning means much less.

TLDR: Human consciousness is constantly unwravelling itself. With Next levels bringing despair confusion depression as each level makes the past levels worth less and less.
making you feel the worth of humanity gets less and less.


what the fuck is this new (you) ''meme'' shit. its something new right?

Oh I'm not being edgy and nihilistic. Simply stating a fact. Sorry that the nature of reality is too disturbing to your simple mind. And I'm really sorry that not being queer and fake and full of shit is edgy to you. But don't worry, you share that delusion with the majority of people.

The necessity for meaning is a concept derived from the human mind. Everything that exists just "is." Placing meaning on things is a capability of consciousness. The fact that life is void of meaning is not a negative thing. Attribute your own meaning to your life and enjoy the ability to perceive while you still have the chance. Nobody can be sure what happens to consciousness when our fleshy vessel dies, so enjoy it while you can.

i generally agree with you. except i think what matters is not what you do but what you get. for example your experiences. but fuck ypu anyway you sound like a cunt.

oh and i was not the person you were talking to all the time

If the "grand scheme" at the eternity-and-infinity scale doesn't have an inherent value structure, then there's no reason to privilege analysis and judgment at that scale over any other scale.

Therefore, there is no logical necessity to try to stretch the time horizon of your value system out that far. Shrink your time horizon back down to something workable, and just work with it.

If nothing matters as you approach infinity, then infinity doesn't matter. Demeaning the values of those who operate more realistically on "long run" grounds is pseudo-intellectual faggotry.

Death does not deny you meaning, you silly little boy. The existential crisis is something everyone goes through. What happens is you have to take responsibility for the fact that in the modern era you have to create meaning for yourself. There's no deception. The only rational response to a void is fill it with the content of your life, works, and consequences. "Meaningless" is just an excuse to opt out of the very real, very present, and potentially limitless existence you find yourself in.

Read "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus.

let me put it another way: imagine I set you on fire. Now, we can say the universe, as a whole, isn't on fire. We can even say virtually 100% of the universe is not on fire. We can say that for nearly 100% of the universe, things won't be on fire. The universe doesn't care about fire. But you sure as hell do. You'd appreciate it if I didn't set you on fire. Just because you can consider a perspective beyond yourself doesn't mean you should forget your self-perspective.

thanks? I guess? sometimes I gotta be forceful to force people to come to terms with their own cognitive dissonance

Wait 30 min then jack off again

The only logical thing to do is to keep the knowledge for yourself and do your best to help improve the quality of life for those around you.


>thanks? I guess? sometimes I gotta be forceful to force people to come to terms with their own cognitive dissonance

no you are just talking some m e a n i n g l e s s bullshit on in ternet board for frustrated gay people (mostly)

I like your
>a e s t h e t i c

I just fucking suck at life.
Who's the girl?

>frustrated gay people
Listen I'm not gay. I just think dicks look cool that's all.

fuck off

i know you're not him. go suck a dick.

Never said I was him. And no. But I'll have a look if it's being offered.

i never implied you are him. i just said i know you are not. and fuck off with that gay shit faggot.

Meaning is over-rated. If everything had meaning, doesn't that mean everyone has a course pre-determined? A destination we all drive towards mindlessly, without a choice. With meaning, you're essentially controlled. You become a machine.

Create your own meaning, you do you. It's half the fun of being human. Exploring what truly makes you happy and finding out what fufills you. And make sure you have a swell ol' time doing it.

Okay but only if you show me your penis. No homo.

why so emo

Because everything sucks.

cocaine. I do cocaine. or other stimulants. or other drugs. might as well enjoy the ride?

dont cry baby boy

lesson learned. never talk to faggots.

Hey don't be mad at me because you're ashamed of your penis. I'll show you mine if you show me yours! I bet it's real pretty.

someone likes benises

jerk off obviously


u lost a bet than. now fuck off.

you start threads on Sup Forums and stop giving a fuck

Nah they just look neat. It's a fascinating feat of engineering physically and functionally. I admire and appreciate a good looking dick in the same way I would a skyscraper or a supersonic jet or the Grand Canyon. It's just another one of life's great wonders and they mean so much to people.

How fucking new are you?

Do fun things and get away with it
Molest kids
Rape and murder a prostitute
Stab a stranger at a bus stop out of town
Drive over the speed limit
Eat in front of homeless people
Go out and live like you always wanted
Be yourself

>be a degenerate
>be yourself

This guy gets it.

Go to jail, it's fun.

Nobody said get caught faggot
Obviously if you don't care about life you just kill yourself before you get caught
Do as much as you can and don't get caught

If you assume that you came from the void and you will return to the void. The end of your life is the end of the universe. Objectively yes life on earth will indeed go on and you may leave a brief echo on other sentient beings that will not expire at the sams time as you.

If dying is like before we were born then you are currently living the entire existance of your universe. Because of this all your actions are without equal in importance. Every second you are dying. Each cup of coffe is remaining total -1. Each kiss, each blowjob and each pleasant breeze on a clear blue summer dsy sre yours to experience a limited number of times.

Your personal reality will shut down one day, Do you really want look back at it regretting your attitude and life choices? Everything fades like a note plucked on a guitar but when you layer our life with beautiful noted plucked hard and fast they sing through your soul with the pulse of the universe. The human experience I believed it has been called.

If it doesn't appeal anymore why not change the channel? An hero...
I'm loving the shit out of life!

Also yellowstone super volcano.