SPAIN NO! Rally against rapefugees

More than a thousand of Spanish patriots turned out today to show their support for the Hogar Social Madrid (HSM) organization’s call to march against the nonwhite invasion and in favor of putting Spanish people first.

The huge crowd—which snaked through the city for blocks—marched under banners calling for an end to the invasion and chanted “Refugees no, Spanish yes,” among other slogans.

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I thought you guys didn't have any rapefugees because your economy was terrible?

Ayy lmao, the moors don't want moors in their country !

Give independence to Galiza, Catalunha and Basque now you fuckers !

I like that.
When will Charles Martell and El Cid return?


You can only fight for your heritage if you still remember it.
Why else do you think the strongest anti-multiculturalism opposition is found in places that have hardly been touched by it?

We let in (at least) 1030 rapefugees in 2015.
Our primer minister accept 17680.
586 will come before june.

oh shut up, porktugal

Terrible bait and trolling attempt Duarte Azevedo, you swine.

Check them beutiful flags, do not forget to fill your surroundings with Spanish flags to raise people's torned apart morale.

don't be a bad moor or you'll meet your 72 virgins sooner than expected

what's your excuse for pic related ?

>Non white invasion

The ultimate cucks

Why do you even come to this board if you just shill disinfo and get BTFO the whole time?

You're a big country, I think you should take more. brb, calling Angela.

Denmark has even more muslim population than Spain and they are not precisely moors. Check mate.

>get BTFO
where did I get BTFO? you can clearly see where the march ends can you not? you can easily see that that's nowhere near 1000 and looks closer to 500-600. and even if it was 1000 people it would still be pathetic for a city the size of Madrid

>cuks have more muslims than us
>Check mate

wut ? I guess the Quran doesn't have any chapters on logic ah ?

Have you seen the spiked fences in Melilla?

low level bait.

so wut ? It's normal for dindus to fight each other

Always the same portuguese that shames Spain for no reason whatsoever.

He's inferior, and he knows it.

not an argument

You're moors and you know it. Anyone that has visited Andalusia knows that it's filled with muslims and gypsies.


>dat cheating

Ladronzuelo portugues estate quieto

Reconquista when??

Basque pride world wide

funfact: true basques aren't human

>implying it matters

we all know that that treaty was completely ignored only a few years later. And even if it was enforced it would be literally impossible to tell where the boundaries were when you're in a foreign land in the middle of a massive forest and surrounded by animals that want to kill u.

I can't read arabic but I believe you were calling me a thief, not sure why though since we literally started the age of discovery and you (and the rest of Europe) just came in after we made all of the important technological and geographic discoveries.

>inb4 muh americas

aye. Shut up nigga. I am ultra nationalist, but I am a catalan ultra nationalist. Spaniards are the worst of all the peninsula. Even Portugese people like this retard is more human than you OP

lmao catalan cuck is mad cuz he can't fight for shit

I was trying to save you fags but whatever, enjoy being part of the castillian caliphate.

>I am a catalan
da fuck is dat? LOL

>I was trying to save

Well I was trying to save you the same way you were trying to save me.

Well good. It's always good to see Europe waking up.

Although those fucking Spaniards could really learn to use a fucking pressure washer. Those buildings are filthy.

mano, são aqueles gajos la a leste que não sabem lutar direito e estão por causa disso sob o controlo de um mouro castelhano

for you

not sure if you're mad or not

I would be okay with fighting for your independence dude, Castile needs to give independence to Galiza, Astúrias, Basque and Catalunha. I would be willing to help out the galicians but i'm not sure about you guys, only if you're trying to set up something based there.

Spain first!

Do you guys have a nationalist party in the works?


I'm not mad bruh

And yeah main reasons for independence are:
1. Spain is always disrespectful towards our culture and language
2. They take our money away and don't invest in needed projects (like infrastructures to conect Catalunya and France or expand Barcelonas port)
3. To start over again and as you said make something based here. I personally thing that a smaller country is easier to control and make things right

Yeah, but it's too weak right now. Keep in mind that our most important right-wing party (current govt.) is even leftist if we're talking about rapefugees issue.

that Basque is looking a bit small bro

look at pic, it shows all of the independence movements atm

In Spain there is saying that goes "Las dos Españas", which means "The two Spains".

Basically because since a couple hundreds of years ago in Spain there are two stron movements. The left wing and the religious conservative right wing. Which actually is one of the reasons we had a civil war last century. So we do have a nationalist party which is currently governing and it's the same we always had.

The problem is that in order to get votes, they are not really against Rapefugees nor illegal inmigrants.

Spanish national here. I go to college in America, every year I go back to visit Spain I see it get worse. I come from a small town in Sierra De Guadarrama called Collado Memediano. It used go be a quaint, culturally rich village. Its small population is already overtaken by Arabs. Its nothing but a ghetto for Muslims. They tore down the cross in front of the Catholic Church in our town that had been there for over 100 years. We thought we had gone too far when our loose immigration policy let in an influx of Romanians and Bulgarians, but that was nothing compared to what the Arabs did. They wander the streets in gangs, they stare at my mother and sister like hungry animals. Its no longer a Spanish town.

Sure, dude. The present government is nationalist... Not cuckservative at all... If you know someone is a independentist from Spain, just ignore him

I hate most spainrats but this is just bullshit, it's probably some copypasta

So let me get this want to break away and become independent in order to make a little crappy country with a miniscule GDP the size of a county?

Wow you people must have a touch of the "tar brush" somewhere

Can clearly see people behind your line cuck shill


No bro its funky fresh OC. I'm going home next month and I want to make a video documenting how homogeneously Arabized Collado Mediano has become, including images of the physical damage they do to the churches. We removed kebab before, if we manage to uncuck ourselves in time we might be able to do it again.

>Burger wants less countries so he has to study less for his exams

Ignore burger posts guys, they have no idea what national and cultural identity means.

So please redpill me and explain me that why the ruling party is not conservative?

They are against abortion and gays and in favor of less workers rights and more companys rights. Fuck they even honoured "La Division Azul" which were the Spaniards who fought with the nazis against the Russians and last month in some edgy village they showed images of Franco and Himmler.

The thing is they are fucking cucks for stopping ilegal inmigration and giving police more power. But for all the other aspects they are conservative and nationalist. Just because you are even more right wing doen't mean the others are not right wing.

shut the fuck up if you don't have proof ( yet)

come back when you have the evidence

By the way holy shit do all Portuguese get this buttmad in Spanish threads or is it just this fag?

> little crappy country with a miniscule GDP

I won't even waste my time.

You make me proud, grandpa

wut do you mean buttmad ? I was mad cuz you were shilling without any proof

That's nothing

Shilling for what? For the obvious truth that Spanish towns are being eaten by Moors? Why do i even need evidence to just casually discuss my hometown on an anonymous internet forum?

Yeah Spanish towns are being eaten by Pakistanis and Moroccans, but current situation is not as bad as you wrote above.

Spain is being overtaken by Arabs, but they aren't refugees. Zapatero, the previous (socialist) prime minister did so much damage with his loose immigration policy that they just casually came in in droves during his terms. By the time he left, so much damage had already been done.

Probably because Collado has such a small population. As of 2011 it was only like 6500. Smaller towns are easily overrun into ghettos for Arabs.

Europe is sinking from it's own immigration policy.
That's sad, very sad.
European civilization had by the past a glorious story, now everything is gone.

Yes Zapatero started it, but current government isn't doing a shit, because following the global trend "being against illegal inmigrations equals being nazi" and as our politicians worry more about their salary than their people they just don't stop this madness. Still not as bad as Germany and Sweden, because nobody wants to come to Spain when they can get more free stuff in other places

Yes Zapatero started it, but current government (conservative right wing) isn't doing a shit, because following the global trend "being against illegal inmigrations equals being nazi" and as our politicians worry more about their salary than their people they just don't stop this madness. Still not as bad as Germany and Sweden, because nobody wants to come to Spain when they can get more free stuff in other places

It's sad that people wanting their officials to take care of Spaniards first are considered ultra-right wing.

Immigration is hard to undo once its done. They have shops and communities everywhere now. At this point the only way to stop them is to massively go full-nationalist.

>It's sad that people wanting their officials to take care of Spaniards first are considered ultra-right wing.
Because of Nazismus, we must accept all the shit from the world.
Because if we refuse :
>Muh NAZI !!!

Oh look, a filthy Seppo supporting separatists as usual

its just about money really.
your leader don't care nor like 3rd worlders anymore than you do, but they're chape labour and their good for that ponzi scheme you call economy.

Fuck the haters. Rooting for you Peninsulares!

Wow, a smart algerian. Nice to see you !
In deed that's pretty clear that our economy is a ponzi-scheme based.

But immigration is also useful for political reason, in France it's used as "clientelism", they flirt with some community to get the voice and be elected.
It's also a good way to be elected and/or to vote shitty law, by arguing "muh the oponoment are against immigration, muh nazi !"

And last but not least, as the migrants are perfectly manipulated like dolls by politicians, it change a democracy into an authoritarian country.
The current laxness in France is well organised by the politicians, they let people destroy, burn, and even kill, because if they act and tight up the security, they'll argue "muh authoritarian country, we're a democracy !"

Yes it's certainly getting out of hand. I lived in Spain 15 years ago and it was nothing like this. Went up to Paris for a week too and you guys had quite a few 'immigrants' even back then but I always felt safe and glad I got to see at least part of Europe before this insanity.

I wish I was there. I noticed by newspapers too late.

Nope, basques are entities that resemble humans (roughly), have super strength (most are able to throw a medium sized car up to 3 stories high with a single punch from bellow) and reproduce by spores or mitosis, nobody is sure.

>Es un xarneg

You are nothing than a jew. Go with your mossos to Israel and suck some jewish dick.
Also, you have like 75000 pakistani shits there. Enjoy your next bataclan, Carles.

Why are they flying the civil flag instead of the national flag?

Because they don't want to be seen as nazis. It's our particular taqiyya hehe
Leftists are raging

Why is spain the most alpha country over there? Does any1 have a picture of how many battles spain fought against muslim invaders?

Scottish communist here just waiting for the catalonians to declare the 3rd Spanish Republic so I can reform the partido obrero de unificacion Marxista

We hate them because we have been fighting like 1000 years or even more. In the rest of europe don't even know them, they are starting realizing how bad are muslims, but we always knew it:
my country it's like the kingdom of jerusalem; we are a crusader country founded by catholic fanatics: this kills our beloved marxists. Pic related, moor exterminator.

>the scatalan Sup Forums poster is back
>the über mad moortuguese
Stay mad and underdeveloped, colonies.


you're pathetic

I hope franco 2.0 makes you line up against the wall

nazbol my comrade, full communism but for Europeans only. I ain't no race traitor liberal faggot

I have wondered why Spain does not seem to have a Front National of their own

Was Franco that bad?

They do its Francos old party Falange but they lost a lot of support


Whatever you say, Guido


i'd laugh if they brought in the brown people refugees and then spain slaughtered them and kicked them out for a second time in history, haha

Because anything right-wing or nationalist is seen as "bad".
We need a new image for patriotism, since whenever people think on nationalists they think of Franco, which was one of the worst rules of this country.

This is exactly why we have a muslim mayor.
>Labour fill districts with shitskins
>get a shitskin to run for MP
>shitskins auto-vote for the man that looks like them
They just want to be in power forever

No. Ireland. Stop while we can.

Except for Galloway, the muzzies want him as king.

Do you think Spain will get upset if some of their children have honor - killed?

didn't he create something called "Milagro Económico Español"?

I thought he at least was good with the economy

People are awake, or rather, we're in a lucid dream we don't dare to break, because deep down we know once we wake up the world will be aflame and the only thing to save it from the fires of destruction is an even bigger pyre razing everything to dust for it to have nothing to feed on.

So we just pretend to be sleep, happily in leftist idiocy and feelsgood, but we all know the moro is the enemy, and he must be slain.

>I am a catalan

You should see our left-wing and center politicians. They are DESPERATE for refugees to come, every single arab men that chooses Germany over Spain is a lost opportunity for virtue signaling. One politician actually wanted to fleet a ship to bring refugees here from Lesbos, directly. Most of them are against the Turkey deal because they feel it's inhumane and against Europe's "values". Protests like this are justified. And we have plenty of immigrants already, the organization that made this protest started because they wanted to give food to spanish homeless people.