Brand new to the series. Should I start from the beginning or does the order even matter?

Brand new to the series. Should I start from the beginning or does the order even matter?

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start at the most recent and watch backwards

I'd watch them in order, there are some minor plot points that get referenced in later episodes that might confuse you, nothing incredibly important though


Beginning. There is plot to it and you may not understand some stuff if you watch randomly, since they reference a lot of past stuff in later eps

its garbage. dont even waste your time tbh.

I'm not a fanatic or anything but it has some continuity, so my suggestion is starting from the get go. Also gets to see how the show evolves; animation, writing, humor etc

Like said

That's your opinion user

Finally, someone else who likes Xander Rungadung gungung


o be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Tbh start with Doc and Mharti haha, if you haven't. it pretty much breaks down the formula for r&m anyways ;o

Why not both?

What is Dac and Martha?

Before season 3 it doesn't really matter. It's a good show. Haters are tye kind of people that have abandoned tv and hate all tv or they watch shows that normal normies watch or they're just trolling. Watch a few. If you like the style watch it if not dont But don't troll saying it's great or it's shit. Some people watch soap operas some people watch comedy some people watch action anime with energy blasts and laser eyes. Don't give a fuck about others opinions it'll just ruin what little joy in life you have.

How can I test my IQ? Is there a legit way to do it online?

Don't be a nigger and you pass the IQ test

Friendly reminder that you can like both

I watch and enjoy Rick and Morty. No, I do not think it makes me smarter. It's a cartoon, not a goddamn textbook. When people say that watching Rick and Morty made them smarter, or even a genius, they are either lying, looking for attention, or literal retards.

I just wrote this copypasta. Share it so people stop misrepresenting the fans of Rick and Morty.

Also, I watched all of Rick and Morty at There are no popups or ads, and all of the content is in HD with a really nice user interface.

Wait what if this whole time bird person was that guy

>how to IQ test tho please


Speech mannerisms matching perfectly

Friendly reminder that Evil Morty is Rick C-137's original Morty.

Nigga name one time Birdperson stuttered.

fucking faggot

This depends did you watch the show or didn't you

no u

I watched it. Right now I'm rewatching it. Birdperson has never stuttered, Morty has.

By the way, Evil Morty doesn't stutter.

Why has it become a meme to even compare these two shows? It's like comparing plums to pomegranate..

Rick and morty isn't really supposed to be some deep, philosophical show, at least that's not what I get from it.

Its raunchy, fun, unique sense of cartoon humor with self-deprecative hints and insightful moments regarding the human condition. All mixed with sci-fi adventures

Its fun,its entertainment, expression. And like any art it takes you w/in yourself and while showing the darkness hiding there, and also the light.

I'm not holding it up on some magnificent pedestal by which nothing can come close to

Its just a good show, its good at what it does.
No artist shits 24k gold all the time, seeing the evolution of art is reward in its on

>its a good show

Xavier is the best fucking show ever

I like XRA and I agree. That dumb fucking meme brought a bunch of faggot normies into our fanbase

The rough beginning work by Roiland that led to r&m. Arguably more raunchy than the show itself, and far surpassing it in pointlessness

Still, very funny and worth a few minutes of your time

nope, you have to go to a professional
actually before i got my current job my employers made me do an IQ, psychological, English, Spanish, medical among others, the whole process took 2 months, kek


2 for me replying, one for the dubs

May have to check it out then, I've only seen a few eps

rick and morty slowly starting to decompose due to these retards on, so watching it is like cancer.

Source? There needs to be more Xavier r34 material

Watch from the beginning enjoy it for what it is and stay away from all communities and discussions about including this one.

Because of the popularity of the show it has attracted an army of autists trying to uncover some underlined message behind it all, there isn't one. It's just a dumb cartoon with somewhat dark and crass humour that's it.

in there most recent episode they referenced REDDIT in a joke...i said fuck this cringey faggot beta male cuck show that was the last fucking straw for me.

If I'm being honest i think I was in the thread where it started

Wasn't even a debate between the shows iirc, at least at first. Just some guy that dissed r&m was asked what show he thought was good/better and said XRA and all this ensued haha, wild.

That's if it was the start of the feud anyways



>okayyy guys
>w-were gonna do a joke now
>heres w-w-why its funny
>n-nothing matters (for the 50th) time
>ok now laugh
ya rick and morty is such a good show

Powers are for the weak. I have no powers. I mean, unless you count the power to blow minds with my weapons-grade philosophical insights.

ooh frittata!

I know this is a meme and therefore at least somewhat facetious, but
>juvenile nihilism
actual nihilism is about as far from juvenile as you can get. Most people don't even become mature or wise enough to realize that there really, literally, is no purpose to anything. The teenaged "why bother, nothing even matters" sentiment isn't nihilism. Nihilism is much more significant and complex than that.

Start on S03E2 and never watch prior episodes until they cancel the show. The disappointment will be great.

There have been hella life lessons in cartoons since they were created p much.

If you're looking to learn you can find knowledge gems anyywhere

naruto has the best life lessons

It exists.

fuck you

It's possible.

star from beginning.